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1、汉语成语翻译技巧A Tentative Study on the Strategies Used in Translating Chinese Idioms into EnglishSubmitted by ( )Student ID number ( )Supervised by ( )A paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Arts1. DIRECTIONS FOR LEARNERS1) Analyze the data in no less than
2、 1,000 words by using one or some of the methods recommended in Step 2 and Step 3 of Stage 7 in Writing Your BA Paper Through Practical Translation Project Design. The analysis should be based on the examples from the data, or no less than 3 samples from each category of the data.2) The heading for
3、this section has been given. You may decide on your own subheadings if there are any.3) Insert your analysis of the data in paragraphs, tables, diagrams or listings in the space below.4. Data Analysis The data analysis is based on the following five translation methods translating Chinese idioms int
4、o English: ( 1 ) The replacement translation ; ( 2 ) The transference translation ; ( 3 ) The denotative meaning ; ( 4 ) The semantic blending translation ; ( 5 ) The free translation.4.1 The Replacement TranslationWe can find similar idiomatic expressions in both Chinese and English. In such cases,
5、 it is straightforward to translate Chinese idioms into the English idiom and express the same meaning. For example, the Chinese idiom example 1 to describe that it is very difficult to find a needle in a sea, “海底”is at the bottom of the sea, and “捞针”means to look for a needle. Chinese use the sea a
6、s it too vast to find a needle. The English saying look for a needle in a haystack , also gives a vivid image on how difficult it is to find the needle as well. Both languages expressions use the same object in their idioms, even one uses the background as a sea, the other one uses the background as
7、 a haystack, it is easy for both language speakers to understand that these two idioms have the same meanings. Idiom example 18 “ 入乡 ”indicates one comes to a new environment and “随俗 ” means follow a certain tradition or custom, the idiom is a very common Chinese idiom means follow the example of ot
8、her people and act as they do, especially if you are a stranger or new to a place or a situation. Luckily we can find a common English idiom which means exactly the same meaning which makes the translation vivid and handsome into a native tone. The English idiom is when in Rome ( do as Romans do ) .
9、 The idiom example 19 is the one to encourage people to practise more, and you will feel skilful and easier to do your work. “熟能生巧” can find a replacement translation in English as practice makes perfect . When we translate Chinese idioms into English, we would better to pay attention if there is an
10、y similar English expression for our translation for a better understanding and native expressive tone, instead of make your own translation. 4.2 The Transference TranslationChinese and English people describe in similar ways their feelings, activities, thoughts and ideas even though they have diffe
11、rent cultural, historical, and linguistic background. The example 20 “趁热”means while it is hot, and “打铁” means to strike the iron. The idiom refers to a blacksmith making a shoe for a horse. He has to strike the iron while it is hot enough to bend the iron into the shape of the shoe. Due to the same
12、 experience and activity in English, there is a similar saying in English saying which is strike while the iron is hot . What a perfect translation it is! Some similar expressions come from common sense like the example 22 “浇油” means to add fuel and“火上” means to the fire, so in English there is a sa
13、me idiom as the Chinese one which is to add fuel to the fire / flame . The Chinese idiom example 23“眼见”seeing in your own eyes,“为实” mean what you have seen is true and believing. So the Chinese idiom has an equivalent English idiom as seeing is believing which means if you see something, you can be
14、sure that it is true or that it real exists. If you are told by others you are not so sure if it is true or that real exists. Both examples show that even though the Chinese idioms and English idioms have roots in different backgrounds of culture, custom, tradition, religion and history, the direct
15、translation of Chinese idioms into English in some cases like these two examples are mentioned above actually may be used and understood in English sentences without explanation. That is simply because we have a natural desire to describe our own experiences, activities and thoughts on the commonly
16、known facts. The similarities can be found between idiomatic expression of different Chinese and English cultures. 4.3 The Denotative Meaning Translation Both the Chinese and English language have their own cultural characteristics. In many cases there is no equivalence of idiomatic expression betwe
17、en these two languages. If we translate the Chinese idiom word-by-word into English it might misguide readers. The translation should follow the translation norms of faithfulness and readability . Translators are obliged to neglect the elegance expression in a certain situations. The Chinese idiom e
18、xample 1 “四面”means four sides and “楚歌”means the Song of Chus Nation. The idiom can be practically translated into to be besieged on all sides . The literal translation as Songs of Chus nation in four sides will puzzle and misguide the English readers. The Song of Chus nation here indicates the enemy
19、, four sides refers all directions. This Chinese idiom came from wars of the ancient in the past which referred to the troops besieged by the enemy Chu nation who were singing the Song of Chu . So the English translation is classified as a denotative translation, in which the translation might lose
20、the Chinese cultural characteristics but it keeps the really meaning. The example 24contains two Chinese idioms with the same meaning. In the first idiom “沉鱼” fish sink and“落雁” means to the geese drop down. From the literal meaning which is vivid in Chinese shows that beauty causes fish to sink out
21、of sight and flying geese to drop down. In the second idiom “闭月”means outshines the moon and“羞花” means shame of flowers. It shows the beauty of a lady puts the flowers to shame and outshines the moon. The idioms come from the Chinese ancient literature works. When we translate both idioms into Engli
22、sh they become as simple as to be extremely beautiful . It would be great if the translation can keep faithfulness , readability and elegance , but it would only confuse and misguide the readers to keep three rules in translation, and elegance is neglected to follow the more important parts of faith
23、fulness and readability . 4.4 The Semantic Blending TranslationThe Semantic Blending Translation can be called Blending Translation and is a quite skilful method of translating Chinese idioms into English. There are different situations we can use this skilfulness in translation.4.41 The blending tr
24、anslation in one idiomTo make the Chinese sentence and article more rhythmical, Chinese idioms are often formed by four characters, the first two characters and the last characters express the similar or the same meaning. So when translating this type of Chinese idiom only one part of the idiom is t
25、ranslated. In the example 25 “为非” and “作歹”express same meaning which is do anything wrong , so the Chinese idiom “为非作歹”blend into one phrase do anything wrong instead of translate the two parts of the Chinese idiom separately but in the same meaning to have clear and neat translation in English. Ano
26、ther example as 26 “陈词”and “滥调” both mean clich , there is no need to repeat the same word in the English translation. In the example 28“粗心”and “大意” are the same meaning of careless , one careless for the English translation will be enough rather to repeat the same thing over again.4.42 The blending
27、 translation between two idioms Another Chinese cultural characteristic is to use more than two idioms in one sentence which express the same meaning. The example 32 contains two idioms in this sentence, “ 亭亭玉立 ” and “ 楚楚动人 ” both have a similar meaning to describe a attractive lady with a beautiful
28、 figure. So the sentence of “亭亭玉立, 楚楚动人的美人” is translated into a slender beauty which is clear and neat in English language. “ 楚楚动人 ” means beautiful, “美人” means the same as a beautiful lady or girl. So the translation of a slender beauty is an awesome translation. Another example as 33“自以为是” means
29、be cocksure and impervious to criticism and “夜郎自大” ludicrous conceit stemming from pure ignorance both mean self-conceited. In Chinese articles writers would like to use these two words to describe the same person in a rhetorical way. Whereas in English writing self-conceited is a good word to use,
30、there is no need to use another word with a similar meaning to repeat similar or same meaning, as English and Chinese are different in rhetoric. 4.5 The Free TranslationThere are many Chinese Idioms that have no English equivalents. Usually a Chinese Idioms is translated into different phrases and s
31、entences according to the content. Within the Free Translation it is permissible to translate the Chinese idioms into English rather than a fixed word or a phrase. Here are four examples which show how to translate the example 34 “ 何足挂齿 ” into English. When we translate an idiom we must pay attentio
32、n to the whole sentences meaning rather than just focus on the single idiom : 1) 孔融曰: “ 袁公路*中枯骨, 何足挂齿! 今日之事, 天与不取, 悔不可追。”(罗贯中:三国演义第十一回). Yuan shu is like a buried skeleton , burst out Kong Rong, not worth a second thought. You will regret declining this Heaven-sent opportunity when its too late. ( T
33、ranslated by Moss Roberts) (刘宓庆 , 2008 : 172 )“ 何足挂齿 ” is translated into not worth a second though which describes the enemys power is gone and the speaker is in a favourite situation in the Three Kingdoms time in Chinese history. 2) 操鼓掌大笑曰:“此等碌碌小人,何足挂齿!”(罗贯中:三国演义第二十一回). Caocao clapped his hands an
34、d laughed. Pretty mediocrities, he said, beneath our notice. ( Translated by Moss Roberts)(刘宓庆 , 2008 : 172 ) “ 何足挂齿 ” is translated by Moss Roberts as beneath our notice which refers Caocao was quiet pride, who was laughing at the opponent like pretty mediocrities .3) 仅是举手之劳,何足挂齿。(汉语成语英译词典)Just a h
35、and lift! Why do you mention it? (刘宓庆 , 2008 : 172 ) “ 何足挂齿 ” here even is translated into a question sentence according to the content which emphasises it is just a hand lift and it is nothing. 4) 一点薄礼表敬意,何足挂齿。(新时代汉英大辞典)This unworthy gift is only a small token my esteem for you. Please dont mention
36、 it. (刘宓庆 , 2008 : 172 ) “ 何足挂齿 ” in the dictionary is translated as please dont mention it which is more formal and polite expression.ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST FOR TUTORSPlease tick in the proper cell and write your overall comments in the box of “Tutors Comments” below. In-text comments should also be
37、offered if necessary.评价项目(Assessment Items)评价指标(Assessment Criteria)评估(Acceptable/Revise)请打勾进行评估()合格需修改语料分析 Data Analysis 1. 与研究目标相关。The analysis is related to the objective of the research.2. 以“文献综述”中引用的概念或理论为支持。The Analysis is supported by the concepts or theories quoted in the Rationale.3. 针对语料中原
38、语与译语的差异(建议从语言、体裁、修辞或文化等角度比较),或同一原语的不同译语间的差异(建议从翻译的社会背景、目标、对象或译者的翻译倾向等角度比较),具体分析语言、文化或社会因素对翻译的影响。The analysis illustrates the effects of linguistic, cultural or social variants on translation by comparing and contrasting the source language with the target language (from the linguistic, stylistic, rh
39、etorical, cultural or other perspectives), or different translation version (in terms of the social background, translation purpose, target reader, translators approach to translation, etc.).4. 分析充分详细,涵盖语料中的相关示例或相关示例代表,代表不少于3例。The analysis is adequate and detailed, based on the examples from the dat
40、a, or no less than 3 samples from each category of the data.5. 语言准确,表意清楚,逻辑连贯。The analysis is presented in clear, correct and coherent English.6. 字数不少于1,000字。The analysis contains no less than 1,000 English words.7 格式(标题、字体和行间距)符合要求。 The analysis is formatted as required.Tutors Comments:2. DIRECTION
41、S FOR LEARNERS1) Derive the results from the analysis you have made above, and then based on these results, make some suggestions on the future translating practice. The section of results and suggestions should contain no less than 1,000 English words.2) The heading for this section has been given.
42、 You may decide on your own subheadings if there are any.3) Insert the results and suggestions in the space below. 5. Results and Suggestions So what translation strategy is more appropriate for translating the Chinese idioms into English in the original sources? This research has come to the follow
43、ing results:(1) The differences between Chinese and English cultural and historic background is still a significant aspect in translating Chinese idioms and close attention and close consideration of t How to translate Chinese idioms into English properly? Is there any methods for translators, espec
44、ially for the junior translators to improve their translating skills? This paper introduces five methods to translate Chinese idioms, the five methods have a wide usage for translating skills.5.1 ResultsThe five methods of translating Chinese idioms, the free translation, the blending translation me
45、thod, the denotative meaning translation, the transference translation and the replacement translation, demands that translators have a good command of both languages and understand the both languages cultural and historical backgrounds. Excellent translation will be result from a flexible way of ma
46、king good use of all the translation methods.hese should be at the forefront of the mind of the translators. Try to break down the barrier of differences between the two languages, follow the translation methods to satisfy the translation rules of faithfulness , readability and elegance . Be flexibl
47、e while being faithful to the original meaning of the Chinese idioms. One would not be an excellent translator if only the elegance of the translation was pursued at the expense of the faithfulness . The example 24 is a very elegant romantic term in Chinese idioms, but if the elegant term is literally translated into fish sink and flying geese drop down it becomes neither readable nor elegant in English, and it doesnt express the meaning at all well. In this example the denotative translation methods would be better served to translate it as extremely beautiful . (2) The Chi