英语本科毕业论文Vague Expressions of Quantity in English.doc
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1、Vague Expressions of Quantity in EnglishPeople have many beliefs about language; an important one is that good usage involves (among other things) clarity and precision. Hence, it is believed that in languages, ambiguities, imprecision are to be avoided. This is rather too simple a view, and likely
2、to be positively misleading as an instruction to those learning about how to use them, especially second language users of English. Most speakers of English are particularly aware of the frequency of vague language use (until it is pointed out to them) and this fact is in itself of interest. In the
3、introduction, it will set out to introduce the general knowledge of vague language, and specifically to work towards vague expressions of quantity in the next.I. Introductions1.1 Vague Language Some language is vague, and we understand it as vague and assign vague meanings to it. But what kind of ex
4、pressions and words are counted as vague language in English? 1.1.1 Definition of Vague LanguageThis paper will work with the following definition of vague language and its use.An expression or word is vague if:(1) It can be contrasted with another word or expression, which appears to render the sam
5、e proposition;(2) It is purposely and unabashedly vague;(3) Its meaning arises from the intrinsic uncertainty referred to by Peirce.Peirce (1902) is often considered as the originator of the notion of vagueness in language. And he was perhaps the first to try to formulate the notion in a rigorous wa
6、y, as follows:“ A proposition is vague where there are possible states of things concerning which it is intrinsically uncertain whether, had they been contemplated by the speaker, he would have regarded them as excluded or allowed by the proposition. By intrinsically uncertain we mean not uncertain
7、in consequence of any ignorance of the interpreter, but because the speakers habits of language were indeterminate; so that one day he would regard the proposition as excluding, another as admitting, those states of things. Yet this must be understood to have reference to what might be deduces from
8、a perfect knowledge of his state of mind; for it is precisely because these questions never did, or did not frequently, present them that his habit remained indeterminate. (1902: 748)”1.1.2 Birth of Vague Language StudyThe first savant noticed the vague phenomenon in language is Eubulides, who was a
9、 representative of Megarian School (or eristic School) in ancient Greece of 4 century B.C. He initiated the famous theory the Sorites Paradox, in which the vagueness of quantity was applied.But what regretful was that the vagueness of nature language had been neglected for more than 2300 years since
10、 Eubulides. However, it was not accidental in the consideration of the background before 19century. Ill give a brief introduction in regard to that background. There had been three Great Turns of philosophy since ancient Greece. There are the ancient Ontological Turn, the recent Epistemological Turn
11、 and the contemporary Linguistic Turn. The first two turns concerned about the reality existence and its acknowledgement, which were in the scope of Realistic. The universal attitude of philosophy at that time was completely languishing neglected. They considered language only a means of argumentati
12、on, not an independent thesis. It was not until the third Turn, arisen by G. Frege, Russell and L. Wittgenstein in 19 century, which focused on the study of language in philosophy. That was the reason why vagueness, especially vague language became the task of many distinguished linguists, such as P
13、eirce, Russell, L. Wittgenstein as well as the contemporary linguists, E. Cassirer, William P. Alston, Israel Schaeffer, and L. A. Zaden and so on.1.1.3 Place of Vagueness in Language Study and Modern LifeVague language is an interesting and complex area of study, with considerable potent ion for fu
14、rther work. Interest in vagueness in language use and meaning has arisen in a number of disciplines: literary criticism, psychology, philosophy. Much of it suggests that vagueness is present in a great deal of language use, and that therefore a complete theory of language must have vagueness as an i
15、nternal component. Alongside its interest, the study of vague language is equally important in its consequences for theory and practice in language studies. On the linguistic theory side, recent linguistic work on meaning has tended to broaden its scope to look more at pragmatic aspects of meaning;
16、and the interface between semantics and pragmatics especially has received and is continuing to receive a lot of attention.Turning now to practical consequences, an understanding of vague language use in English would appear to be valuable in any field, such as teaches, analyses, mathematics, comput
17、ers and logic. One obvious example is in English language teaching, where the competent L2 user of English much acquire an awareness of how to understand vague expressions, and how, when, and why to use them. It is often noticed by teaching that the English of advanced student, while grammatically,
18、phonologically, and lexically correct, may sound rather bookish and pedantic to include appropriate vague expressions.Having looking briefly at some of the background knowledge,well see to the general notion of vague expressions of quantities.1.2 Vague Expressions of QuantitiesVague expressions of q
19、uantities form a considerable part of vague language. Whats the actualities and significance in the study of these expressions, and how do we classify them? The following introductions will provide the answers.1.2.1 Actualities in Vague Expressions of QuantitiesThe expression of quantities we have f
20、or being vague, many of which are exceedingly common and instantly recognizable, nevertheless, there is as yet no major study of vague expressions of quantities, and no generally agreed approach to it. Such work as there has being is more theoretical than descriptive, in the sense that it uses only
21、limited numbers of invented examples to substantiate particular theoretical analyses. The followings are some famous works in which the vague expressions of quantities are included. 1 Channell, J. Precise and Vague Quantities in Academic Writing, 1990.2 Clark, D.D. “Orders of approximation to Englis
22、h dialogue”. Language andCommunication 1981, 1: 207-236.3 Dubois, B. L. “Imprecise numerical expressions in biomedical slide talks”.Language in Society 1987, 16: 527-41. 4 Guilbaud, G. “Mathematics and approximation”. Proceedings of the ThirdInternational Conference on Mathematics Education, 1977.5
23、Hurford, J. the Linguistics Theory of Numerals. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press. 1975.6 Kempson, R. and Cormack, A. “Ambiguity and quantification”. Linguistics andPhilosophy 1981, 4: 259-310.7 Kennedy, G. “Quantification and the Use of English: a case study of one aspectof the learners task”. A
24、pplied Linguistics, 1987, 8/3: 264-86.8 Lakoff, G. “A note on vagueness and ambiguity”. Linguistic Inquiry, 1970, 1:357-89.9 Quirk, R. A Grammar of Contemporary English. London: Longman, 1972.10 Sadock, J. M. “Truth and approximations”. Berkeley Linguistic SocietyPapers,1977, 3: 430-39.11 Sigurd, B.

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