高中英语 Unit14 Careers Section Ⅱ Interviews Nine to Five 语言点一 单词集释板块 北师大版必修5.doc

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1、Unit 14 Careers Section Interviews Nine to Five 语言点一 单词集释板块.用所给词的适当形式填空1. I hope I shall get a teaching(appoint)at the new school.1His appointment (appoint) as head of department has caused a lot of trouble.2The surrounding (surround) villages have been absorbed into the growing city.3The boss wants

2、 the job done instantly (instant)4The Minister of Education inspected (inspect) our school.5The gang committed (commit) three armed holdups on the same day.6We dont believe in the existence (exist) of ghosts.7He constantly (constant) writes articles for the local paper.8Tom has grasped (grasp) that

3、something was wrong.9When it rains the ground becomes very muddy (mud)10They overcame (overcome) the enemy after a long battle.单项填空1If you fail to keep the dentists _, youll have to pay for it.AconferenceBinterviewCappointment Dcommunication解析:句意:如果你和牙医约好了但到时不去, 你得付钱。appointment“预约;预定”。conference“会议

4、”;interview“面谈, 面试”;communication“交流”。答案:C2A lot of children at the school do not live in the town but come from the _ countryside.Asurrounded BsurroundingCsurroundings Dsurround解析:countryside是名词, 前面用形容词修饰。surrounding用作形容词, 意为“周围的”, 符合题意。答案:B3He used too many scientific terms in his speech that the

5、students couldnt _ the general meaning of the talk.Agrasp BfollowCovercome Dsense解析:grasp是及物动词, 意为“理解, 领悟”。follow“跟随”;overcome“克服”;sense“意识到”。答案:A4A violent crime was _ every 32 seconds in this area of the city last year.Acommitted BfoundCsentenced Dmade解析:句意:在去年, 这个城市的这一地区平均每32秒就发生一起暴力犯罪案件。commit表示“犯(罪)”。find“找到”;sentence“判刑”;make“做”。答案:A5We can surely _ these difficulties as long as we are closely united.Asettle BaccomplishCwipe Dovercome解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:只要我们紧密团结, 我们肯定会克服这些困难。settle“解决”;accomplish“完成, 实现”;wipe“擦, 抹, 消除”;overcome“克服, 战胜”, 故D项正确。答案:D


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