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1、毕业论文Between Pleasure and Reality: Fantasy/Phantasy in Bruce Lees Kung Fu Movies享乐与现实之间:李小龙功夫电影中的幻想AbstractThis thesis aims to deal with Bruce Lees kung fu movies with regard to the fantasy/phantasy expressed in it. In this thesis, the conventionally emphasized movie scenarios will be less discussed,

2、 instead, attention will be paid to the essential element of this type of movie, that is, Bruce Lees kung fu, Jeet Kune Do. I would examine how Bruce Lees kung fu movies, his performing art (JKD), and his cinematic image are connected to the psychoanalytic concept of fantasy/phantasy.In the first ch

3、apter, I would start by drawing on the theoretic concept of fantasy/phantasy elaborated by two antithetic schools, one represented by Jean Laplanche and J.B. Pontalis, and the other by Susan Isaacs and Hanna Segal. I will demonstrate what each sects theoretical contention has to contribute to our un

4、derstanding of kung fu as a type of fantasy/phantasy. My argument in this part is that kung fu, the performing art acted out by Bruce Lee, stands for another embedded fantasy/phantasy within the cinematic fantasy/phantasy. In the second chapter, I will go on to introduce Bruce Lees personal philosop

5、hical annotation on his artistic creation, JKD. His annotation or we could call it doctrine provides enlightening perspective for us to better understand the content of fantasy/phantasy revealed through these bodily movements. It turns out that its hidden content is closely related to the formation

6、of the ego, the ego of the artist (Bruce Lee) and the ego of the spectators. Therefore the theory of the vision developed in Kaja Silvermans The Threshold of the Visible World would be very helpful for our purpose of clarifying how proprioception and the mechanism of gaze are interwoven. My argument

7、 here is that in creating and performing JKD movements, that is, when immersed in his JKD fantasy/phantasy, Bruce Lee (as he claimed) has attained/ felt a triumphal proprioceptive ego which is free from culture markings. However, I would also say that this triumphal proprioceptive ego remains constr

8、ained under the spectators gaze which is the ultimately factor that determines the contour of his image. The gaze pins him up as another ideal image which is not free from cultural markings but distorts stereotypical cultural markings. Both JKD the performing art and spectatorial gaze indicate two d

9、ifferent fantastic/phantastic wishes. In the third chapter, I would continue with the issue of ego formation and try to connect the relationship among idealization, identification and fantasy/phantasy that is experienced by Lees audience. Again, Kaja Silvermans The Threshold of the Visible World wil

10、l be the main theoretical source I resort to. My argument on this part is that Lees audience identify both heteropathicly and idiopathicly: heteropath because succumbed to the bodily ideality of Lee, idiopathic because the accessibility to learning JKD. Therefore I would say that JKD is more than an

11、 expression of fantasy/phantasy but also an effort to attain that fantasy/phantasy. It is, as Hanna Segal has expounded, an artistic work that connects to the objective reality. However, such an effort remains futile for it still restrains the one who identifies through it (idiopathic identification

12、) distant from the world of symbolic. At the end of this chapter, therefore, I would present Stephen Chows comedies whose funny language (jokes) replaces JKD for audience to cling to and thereby get closer to the world of objects.Key Words: fantasy (phantasy), Bruce Lee, Jeet Kune Do, ego, image, ga

13、ze, idealization, identification摘要本篇論文處理的主題是武打明星李小龍的功夫片當中的幻想議題。文章討論的重點選擇著於重功夫片最重要的元素,也就是李小龍的功夫-截拳道。我將會探討李小龍的功夫電影、他所創造的表演藝術,以及他在電影中的理想形象,是如何地和心理分析中幻想此一概念相互交織的關係。首先在第一章中,我將會援引心理分析法國學派-尚拉普朗虛(Jean Laplanche)以及尚-柏騰彭大歷斯(J.B. Pontalis)為代表-以及英倫學派-蘇珊艾薩克斯(Susan Isaacs)以及漢娜西格爾(Hanna Segal)-對於幻想此一概念的理論發展,以幫助理解功

14、夫何以作為一種幻想的表現。因此我在本章當中的主要論點為,在電影幻想之下存在著另一種形式的幻想,也就是李小龍所創造出來的功夫幻想。在第二章中,我將接著介紹李小龍個人對於他的創作,也就是截拳道,所提出來的哲學性注釋,或者可以說是截拳道教義。透過他對於截拳道的詮釋,我們能更進一步窺視功夫幻想的可能內涵為何。經由觀察發現,隱藏在功夫幻想中的內容是與自我(創作者的自我以及觀眾的自我)形成的過程緊密相關。因此,卡佳絲爾薇曼(Kaja Silverman)在The Threshold of the Visible World 一書當中所提出的視覺理論,可以幫助我們釐清此處關於身體內在固有感受以及凝視作用如何


16、我主張截拳道不僅僅表達了幻想,更代表一種為了達成幻想願望所做的試探或努力。正如漢娜西格爾對於藝術創作的闡釋,截拳道同樣搭起了與客觀現實之間的連結。然而這樣的試探,似乎無法將主體引進真正的對象關係的世界裡。所以在本章的末尾,我將呈現周星馳的喜劇電影,並探討電影中的詼諧對話如何取代了功夫元素,讓觀眾藉之進入客觀現實世界。關鍵詞:幻想、李小龍、截拳道、影像、凝視、自我、理想化、認同AcknowledgementUndoubtedly, the completion of this thesis will not be possible without the guidance of my advis

17、er, Dr. Yi Peng. Thanks to his tremendous patience with me and his expertise in the field of psychoanalysis which enlightens me greatly. During the three years of schooling, I have taken several courses provided by Dr. Yi and each of the courses consolidated my interest and knowledge in this theoret

18、ical field. These detailed discussions and lectures helped cultivated my logic thinking ability which certainly is essential when composing my thesis. All in all, what I want to say here is that I think the process of Dr. Yis advising has taken place long before the day that I started writing the th

19、esis. His influence on me has always been there since the very day I enter this department and will continue to exist imperceptibly in the future whenever I think logically. Therefore I must again attribute my greatest thanks to Dr. Yi for his help with the thesis and his influence on me as a person

20、. During the three years, there are several other professors that inspire me profoundly: Prof. Lin (Spencer), Daniel Fred, Amy, Joe, Stewart and Prof. Hsiung all taught me a lot and its a great pleasure to attend their courses. In addition, Prof. Zhaung from NCTU has also given me valuable suggestio

21、ns on my thesis. I would also like to thank a very good friend, Rebecca Chen. During the three years, we have taken many courses together and she has been a very supportive classmate that I have. Rebecca is always willing to share her points of views and always cares for my progress on the thesis. W

22、ithout Rebeccas help, the application form for the oral examination would be delayed and without Rebeccas emotional support, the whole writing process would be unbearable. Another special friend is also very supportive during this period, that is, Steve Chen. He has helped me with various problems p

23、ertaining to computer operations (computer is a great help but also causes troubles too). In addition, he tolerates my unstable temper whenever I encounter difficulties in writing. He is always showing an encouraging attitude toward me and tells me to stick to it. Im so lucky to have this companion.

24、Finally, a special thank should be given to my parents. Although the time is much longer than he expected, my father has never pressed any pressure on me. Indeed, he may sometimes question whether I can finish the thesis (“能不能畢業啊你?”), but I know he is just showing his care for me. As to my mom, she

25、often encourages me with “bribery.” A new cell-phone is the prize for the completion of the thesis. I have to say both thanks and sorry to them because I have been their economical burden for such a long time. Hopefully, with the completion of the thesis, I can contribute back to them.ContentAbstrac

26、tiAcknowledgementviList of FiguresviiiIntroduction1Chapter One: Fantasy and Phantasy12Chapter Two: The Tao and Image of Bruce Lee37Chapter Three: Adaptation55Conclusion: Its always in Between.79Works Cited82List of FiguresFig 1. Bruce Lees personal sketches of his kung fu choreography.5Fig. 2. Syste

27、matic guidebooks on JKD.9Fig. 3. Adaptations of Bruce Lees yellow bodysuit.10IntroductionIn 1970s, the martial-arts genre “The force and popularity of kung fu films in the US during 1973-75 would lead to a genre we might call martial arts” (Morris 175). , pioneered by THE undying star Bruce Lee, aro

28、se, arousing a tremendous kung fu craze in the movie industry. Hollywood, being the main center of film production, also started importing these poorly dubbed films and later co-opted them, and as the box office showed, they were a great success (Desser, “The Kung Fu Craze” 20). Martial-arts genre h

29、as then continued enjoying its popularity till nowadays, though with variations to its contours (Desser, “The Martial Arts Film in 1990s” 78) David Desser categorizes for us 5 variational types of martial-arts films: the “arena” subgenre, the “law-enforcement” subgenre, the “juvenile adventure fanta

30、sy”, the “video/cartoon fantasy”, and the “sci-fi” subgenre. (“The Martial Arts Film in 1990s” 78). It is unquestionable that one cannot discuss martial-arts films without invoking its inspirer, its Muse-Bruce Lee. Acknowledging his (its) cultural and social significance, many scholars have spent tr

31、emendous effort in exploring Bruce Lees kung fu movie. With a survey of related essays, we can discover that what these scholars concern most is the connection to ethnical/racial and class politics. For example, Vijay Prashad sees in Bruce Lees kung fu world the possibility of poly-culturalism (inst

32、ead of multiculturalism Prashad quoting the concept from the philosopher, Slavoj iek, distinguishes multiculturalism as “racism with a distance” (54). ) (54) which “accepts the differences in cultural practice”. Siu Leung Li, though seems more skeptical toward the “optimistic twist” of Bruce Lees fi

33、lms, still centers his concern to the issue of nationalism (536). However, few looks directly at the realm of Bruce Lees philosophical annotation of kung fu and of kung fu per se. Joel Stein, the columnist of Time, has once mockingly commented on Bruce Lees three released movies in America: “one of

34、which was unwatchably bad, the other two of which were watchably bad”-the plot of kung fu movies is simply monotonous, uninteresting and predictable (119). Such banality may indeed constitute as one factor that caters to its audiences David Desser claims the martial-arts genre appeals mostly to yout

35、h audience or sub-cultural groups, such as “white working-class” and “black urban and rurual audiences” (“The Kung Fu Craze” 38). (Desser, “The Kung Fu Craze” 38) wish of beating up the villains, the oppressors, but, on the other hand, just as Stein has explicitly implied that the real fascinating e

36、lement in Bruce Lees movie is, undeniably, his kung fu. Therefore, this paper aims to study forthright the characteristics/nature of Bruce Lees kung fu in relation to audience reception and viewer adaptation. In other words, Bruce Lees kung fu, or as he has named it, Jeet Kune Do Abbreviated as JKD

37、in this thesis. , including its didactic philosophy, its aesthetics, and its performance, will be the subject matter of this thesis and investigation will be pursued to answer why and how the legend of Bruce Lee and his kung fu never dies, which I assume concerns the theory of spectatorship and of v

38、ision. In this paper, there will be three chapters dealing with the subject of Bruce Lees kung fu: “Phantasy & Fantasy”, “The Tao and Image of Bruce Lee”, and “Adaptation.” In the first chapter I will talk about Bruce Lees kung fu as a fantasy/phantasy. Film is known to be “a particular site of the

39、representation of fantasy” (Cowie 149), and the martial-arts film is no exception, especially Bruce Lees kung fu movie. Therefore, to begin with, I would like to demonstrate how in addition to the movies Bruce Lees kung fu choreography (THE essential element in martial-arts film) is itself another f

40、antasy/ phantasy Both terms are used in this thesis because the combination of both theories helps to give a better conceptualization of fantasy/ phantasy. , or an embodiment of a fantasy/phantasy, or a type of fantastic/ phantastic art. Elizabeth Cowie has put it correctly, that “the opposition rea

41、l/ not real is wholly inappropriate to a consideration of fantasy” (149). Likewise, Gerald Eager in his “The Fantastic in Art” presents us the two distinct frames of reference by A. H. Barr and Kenneth Clark in their discussion of fantastic art-Barrs centering on “the irrational unreality of the ima

42、ges”, and Clarks on “the expressionistic restlessness of the forms”-and deems that each only represents a partial truth (151). Thus, in our inquiry of the characteristics of kung fu fantasy/phantasy, though its relation to objective reality is equally important, we should avoid endeavoring to come u

43、p with a moral lesson Robert Crossley in his essay, “Education and Fantasy”, has pointed out that “the art of fantasy is imperiled by rational discourse and critical questioning” (282). from kung fu fantasy/phantasy, and make a judgment accordingly. Instead, I intend to show how the fantastic/phanta

44、stic art of kung fu is always in-between real and not real, delusional pleasure and harsh reality. It is both an indulgence which the traditional Marxist may strongly oppose, and an energy which makes a difference.There always exists a triangle in every art of fantasy: “the making of the work”, “its

45、 reception”, and “the work itself” (Eager 152). When we examine Bruce Lees kung fu, his martial “arts”, each of the three dimensions should all be taken into consideration, especially the one mostly ignored, its process. In regard to this creative process, Erich Neumann has tagged it with the concep

46、t “waking sleep”, seeing in the artist “a special animation of the unconscious and an equally strong emphasis on the ego and its development” (180). And Bruce Lees notes on his JKD philosophy, his schedule of body-training program and his drawings of fighting choreography See figure 1. all bear witn

47、ess to this “interplay between creation and criticism, manifested in the painters alternation of working on the canvas and stepping back to observe the effect” (qtd. in Eager, 153). The process of making fantasy/ phantasy is in-between the tension of the conscious and the unconscious and between the

48、 past and the present. How Bruce Lees JKD is unconsciously initiated and at the same time, consciously forged, would illuminate our understanding of the functioning of kung fu fantasy/phantasy. Here, Susan Isaacs, Hanna Segal and Jean Laplanche and J. B. Pontalis in their study of phantasy/fantasy H

49、ere I arrange the two terms in a different order (“phantasy/ fantasy” instead of “fantasy/ phantasy”) in consistent with Susan Issacs preference of the term “phantasy. provide enlightening frameworks for further insight into Bruce Lees JKD. Susan Isaacs, following Melanie Klein, parallels childrens play with the formation of a phan


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