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1、1,一冠词的概述冠词是一种虚词,放在名词前面,帮助说明名词的含义它可以说是名词的一种标志,不能离开名词而单独存在冠词是高考每年毕考的内容考点主要分布在完型填空和语法填空,短文改错题中,2,定冠词,不定冠词 a/an,零冠词/,the,1.a用在辅音音素开头的单词前,an 用在以元音音素开头的单词前,2.判断一个词是元音还是辅音开头是根据其读音的而不是字母,分类,冠词有哪些?,3,1 _ hour 2._ useful animal3._one-eyed dog4._ European girl5._ honest boy6._ ugly man7._ 800-word-long composi

2、tion8._ jeep,an,a,a,a,an,an,an,a,/au/,/ju:/,/w/,/ju/,归纳:元音音标开头的用an,辅音音标开头的用a.,4,1.A man is looking for you.,泛指某人或某事物,2.A person has a mouth,a nose,two ears and two eyes.,表示一个,意为one.,3.Please give me a second chance.,4.He is a most clever boy.,5.We have meals three times a day.,6.This plan turns out

3、to be a success.,又,再,非常,每一,抽象具体化,5,用在某些固定词组中。have a swimswimtake a bath 洗澡have a fever发烧have a rest 休息once upon a time从前,6,不定冠词a,an,不定冠词a 和an,a 和辅音an后元泛指一类或一个,表数语气比one弱。序数词前表又再,most前意非常。抽象物质动变名,化为具体用法灵。,7,定冠词the的用法口诀:1)世界独一二次见,序数形容高级前;2)富人伤员按天算,方位乐器名词前;3)群岛河山江湖海,沙漠海峡与海湾;4)阶级党派国家名,普专复合姓氏前;5)组织团体和机关,朝

4、代会议及报刊;6)双知年代击中脸,特指事物及习惯。,8,定冠词的用法,The sun and the moon are in the sky,while the earth is not in the sky.,归纳:,世界上独一无二的事物前,9,定冠词的用法,He is the tallest boy in Class 2.Who plays the piano best?,归纳:,形容词最高级前 副词最高级前the可用,可不用,一般省略不用,10,定冠词的用法,The wounded is in pain now.,the+某些形容词或过去分词表示一类人thepoor/rich/sick/

5、deaf/blind/wounded/old/dead/dying/young/living.,11,定冠词的用法,He is paid by the hour.He is paid by time.Cloth is sold by length./by the meter.This is sold by weight./by the kilogram.,归纳:,用于表示数量的名词前,12,定冠词的用法,Zhejiang lies in the southeast of China.,归纳:,方位名词前the east,south,north,westthe right,left,front,

6、13,定冠词的用法,I can play the piano and the violin.,归纳:,用于西洋乐器前,中国乐器前不用冠词play erhu,14,用于江河、海洋、海峡、山脉、群岛、等的名词之前,如:the West Lake,the yellow river,。,15,The peoples Republic of China.The USAThe communist Party(中国共产党),16,定冠词的用法,The Great Wall The Tang DynastyTHe Yellow RiverThe Pacific OceanThe West Lake,归纳:,用

7、于普通名词构成的专有名词前,17,定冠词的用法,The Smiths are at table now.,归纳:,the+姓氏复数表示一家人或夫妇,18,The Youth League共青团The Red Cross红十字会 The Tang Dynasty唐朝 The China Daily中国日报,19,定冠词的用法,Open the window to let some fresh air in.,表示交谈双方都知道的人或事物,He hit me on the head.,in the 1990s,用于世纪的某个年代前,身体部位前,20,定冠词的用法,The man in blue i

8、s my brother.,特指某人或某事物,The other day,on the whole,in the distance,21,定冠词的用法,Which is the larger country,Canada or America?,归纳:,用于比较级前表示两者中较.的,22,定冠词的用法,The more you give,the more you will get.,归纳:,the+比较级.,the+比较级.表示越.,就越,23,零冠词的用法,下列情况不用冠,名词之前代词限;复数名词表泛指,球类学科和三餐;专有名词不可数,星期月份季节前;交通手段和节日,习语称谓和头衔。,24,

9、可数名词前有物主代词、指示代词、名词所有格等限制时,不加冠词。a/the my book.(错)a/the this book.(错)The Marys son(错),25,零冠词不用冠词的情况,Boys like basketball.,归纳:复数名词前不用冠词,26,零冠词不用冠词的情况,I hope we can be united to play basketball well.Have supperI like Maths and English class.,27,零冠词不用冠词的情况,My father went to his doctor for advice.,归纳:不可数名

10、词前不用冠词,Beijing is in China and China is in Asia.,专有名词前不用冠词,28,零冠词不用冠词的情况,We have lessons from Monday to saturday,星期月份季节前不用冠词,He was born in February.,There are four seasons in a year:spring,summer,autumn,winter.,29,冠词特殊用法,by _bike=on _ bike.=ride _ bike,by+交通工具,/,a,a,We will be happy on New Years Da

11、y.,归纳:节假日前不用冠词,30,零冠词不用冠词的情况,Mr Li was made chairman of the meeting.Hu Jintao,president of China,will.,归纳:头衔,呼语,职务用作同位语和补足语时前不用冠词,31,2.In 1854 Pastor was made _ head of _ department of science at the university of Lille.A.the;the B.a;aC./;a D./;the,D,32,3.-Who came out_ first in the London Marathon?

12、-Michael.Hes always _ first to reach the line.A.the;the B./;/C.the;/D./;the,D,33,4.I know you dont like _ music very much.But what do you think of _ music in the film we saw yesterday A.the;the B./;/C.the;/D./;the,D,34,5.Of the two sisters,Betty is _ one,and she is also the one who loves to be quiet.A.a younger B.a youngestC.the younger D.the youngest 2006全国高考,C,


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