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1、Unit 6 Electricity,Module 3 Natural elements,自主预习,一、根据汉语写出英文单词1.电(n.)_2.谈话(n.)_3.回答(v.)_4.愚蠢的(adj.)_5.电池(n.)_6.炉具;厨灶(n.)_7.触摸(v.)_8.使整洁;使整齐(v.)_9.(使)连接(v.)_10.片刻;瞬间(n.)_11.规则(n.)_12.冰箱(n.)_,electricity,conversation,reply,foolish,battery,cooker,touch,tidy,connect,moment,rule,fridge,二、根据汉语写出下列词组1.一袋 _

2、2.在某种程度上 _3.连接到 _4.收拾妥;整理好 _5.洗衣机 _6.关(电灯、机器等)_7.空调 _8.发电站 _,a packet of,in a way,(be)connected to,tidy up,washing machine,switch off,air conditioner,power station,三、根据汉语补全句子,每空一词1.What do you _ _(了解)electricity,Benny?2.It _ _(在中流动)wires.3.These _ _ _ _ _ _ _(和街道底下的电缆连接).4.Who _ _(看上去傻)now,Benny?5._

3、 _ _(过了一会儿),Daisy came back.,know,about,flows,through,are,connected,to,cables,under,the,street,looks,foolish,For,a,moment,词汇精析,【1】electricity n.电We moved into a cabin with electricity but no running water.我们搬进了一间有电但是没有自来水的小木屋。【拓展】(1)electric adj.发电的,由电产生的;使用电力的,用于导电的I like that electric fan.我喜欢那台电风扇

4、。(2)electrical adj.电的;与电有关的This machine has an electrical fault.这台机器有电器故障。(3)electrician n.电工Her husband,an electrician,is out of work.她的丈夫,一名电工,失业了。,【应用】(1)He is a son of an _(electricity).(2)Now every room has an _(electricity)light.(3)My brother studies _(electricity)engineering.,electrician,elec

5、tric,electrical,【2】rule n.规则;原则This is the first rule of winning in any part of life.这就是在生命任何阶段想要成功的第一规则。【拓展】(1)obey the rule 遵守规则Everyone must obey the rule.人人都必须遵守规则。(2)break the rule 违反规则Someone has seen you break the rule.有人看见你违规了。(3)be against the rule 违反规则It is against the rule to cross the st

6、reet while the red light is on.红灯亮时横穿马路是违反规则的。,【应用】()I realize that it _ the rule,so I wont do against,C,【3】reply v.回答;答复n.回答 To this we reply in one word,only.对此,我们只打算回答一句话。I will have received reply at this time tomorrow.明天这个时候我就已经收到答复了。【拓展】reply to sb./sth.对做出回答He failed

7、 to reply to my question.他没能回答我的问题。,【辨析】answer与reply(1)answer 可自由地用作及物或不及物动词。Did he answer your letter?他回复你的信了吗?(2)reply除后接that从句或引出直接引语时是及物动词,其他情况一般用作不及物动词。She replied that she never changed her mind.她回答说她从未改变主意。She replied to my letter.她给我回了信。【应用】()Did he _ your invitation?A.reply toB.replyC.answe

8、r to,A,【4】connect v.(使)连接,连结 I connected the wires for the transformer.我给变压器接上了电线。【拓展】(1)be connected to/with 与连接;与有联系The wires in our flat are connected to cables buried under the street.我们公寓的电线与埋在街道下的电缆连接。Success is directly connected with daily action.成功与日常行为有着直接的联系。(2)be connected by 被所连接Hong Ko

9、ng and Shenzhen are connected by Luohu Bridge.香港和深圳由罗湖桥连接着。(3)connection n.连接;联系;关系He has denied any connection to the robbery.他否认与抢劫事件有任何关联。【应用】We need a wireless _(connect).,connection,【5】moment n.瞬间;片刻At this moment a car stopped at the house.就在此刻,一辆汽车停在那座房子前。【拓展】(1)for a moment一会儿He was silent f

10、or a moment,then began his answer.他沉默了一会儿,然后开始回答。(2)at the moment 现在;此刻At the moment there is no way to solve this problem.现在没有方法解决这个问题。(3)in a moment 马上;立刻I will explain in a moment.我马上解释。(4)the moment 一就I will call you the moment I arrive home.我一到家就给你打电话。,【应用】(1)()He thought _ a moment and then sp

11、 C.for(2)()He stood up _ I called his the moment B.for a moment C.the moment(3)()I will call him back _ a C.for,C,C,B,【6】foolish adj.愚蠢的What foolish mistakes you have made!你犯了多么愚蠢的错误啊!【拓展】(1)foolishly adv.愚蠢地She admitted that she had acted foolishly.她承认自己的行为很愚蠢

12、。(2)foolishness n.愚蠢,愚笨They dont accept any foolishness when it comes to spending money.在花钱方面,他们不会犯傻。(3)It is/was foolish of do sth.某人做某事是愚蠢的。It is foolish of him to buy such expensive furniture.他买这么贵的家具真傻。【应用】()He made a foolish mistake.(选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项)A.harmfulB.sillyC.dangerous,B,【7】cooker

13、 n.炉具;厨灶 Is your cooker gas or electric?你的炊具用煤气还是用电?【拓展】(1)cook v.烹调I have to go and cook the dinner.我得去做饭了。(2)cook n.厨师,厨子Make these things and you are a cook.做好这些事,你就是一位厨师了。【应用】I want to be a _(cooker)when I grow up.,cook,【8】test v.试验;测试n.试验;测验Why should I test?为什么我应该测试?We will have a test tomorro

14、w.我们明天有一个测验。【辨析】test,exam,examination与quiz(1)test指小考或考查。Theres going to be a Physics test this afternoon.今天下午将进行物理考试。(2)exam是examination的缩写,常用于口语,多为学生使用。I dont want to take any more exams.我不想再参加任何考试。,(3)examination通常只指正式的“考试”,如期末考试、入学考试等。He did very well in entrance examination.他在入学考试中成绩非常好。(4)quiz为

15、“测验”,特指事先无准备,随时进行的测验,也指一般知识测验、猜谜等。The teacher gave us a five-minute quiz.老师对我们进行了一次五分钟的小测验。,【应用】()We will have a test tomorrow.(选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项),B,【9】in a way 在某种程度上In a way,I agree with you.在某种程度上,我跟你意见一致。【辨析】(1)in a way,in some way与in some waysin a way(=in one way)在某种程度

16、上;从某种意义上来说In a way,he is right.从某种意义上来说,他是对的。in some way 在某方面;在某种程度(意义)上;以某种方式He is a clever man in some way.在某方面他很聪明。in some ways 在某些方面;在某种程度(意义)上;以某种方式In some ways,this job is quite difficult.从某些方面来说,这项工作很难。,(2)in the way,on the way与by the wayin the way 挡道Although he thought he was helping us prep

17、are dinner,he was only in the way.虽然他认为他在帮我们准备晚饭,但是他只是碍手碍脚。by the way 顺便说说,顺便提起By the way,what happened to the money?顺便问一句,那笔钱后来怎样了?on the way 在途中;接近On the way to the hospital my heart started to race.在去医院的路上,我的心跳得很快。【应用】()Our head teacher is kind to us and she is like our mother, the

18、the a way,C,【10】switch off 关(电灯、机器等)Please switch off the lights when you leave.出门时请随手关灯。【应用】Remember to _(关)off the air conditioner when you leave the room.,switch/turn,语法梳理,语法精讲,情态动词can,may,must的用法1.can的用法(1)表示能力,一般译为“能;会”,即有某种能力。She can drive,but I cant.她会开车,但我不会。(2)表示许可,常用在口语中,相当于may。Can

19、 I use your mobile phone?我可以用你的手机吗?,(3)表示推测,意为“可能”,常用于否定句和疑问句中,此时cant译为“不可能”。Can it be Mary?会是玛丽吗?No,it cant be her.She has gone to Shanghai on business.不可能是她。她去上海出差了。(4)could是can的过去式,意为“能;会”,表示过去的能力。He could play the piano when he was 5.当他5岁时,他就会弹钢琴了。(5)在表示请求许可时,can,could没有时态区别,只是could在语气上更加委婉客气。Co

20、uld I use your dictionary?我可以用你的字典吗?Yes,you can.可以。,2.may的用法(1)表示请求、许可。May I borrow your bike?我可以借你的自行车吗?(2)表示推测,谈论可能性,意为“可能;或许”,一般用于肯定句中。It may rain tomorrow.明天可能会下雨。(3)may的过去式为might,表示推测时两者无时态区别,不过might的可能性低于may。He might be sick.他可能是生病了。(4)表示希望、祈求、祝愿时,may常译为“祝愿”,通常结构为“may+主+v.”。May you have a good

21、 time!祝你玩得开心!,3.must的用法(1)must意为“必须;一定”。Must I hand in my homework today?我今天必须交作业吗?(2)must的否定形式mustnt 意为“一定不要;千万别”或“禁止;不许”。You mustnt make noise in the library.你一定不要在图书馆吵闹。,(3)对must引导的疑问句,肯定回答用must,否定回答用neednt 或dont have to。Must I return the book to him today?我今天必须把书还给他吗?Yes,you must./No,you neednt(

22、dont have to).是的,必须要还。/不,你不必。(4)must表示很有把握的推测,意为“一定会;肯定会”,只用于肯定句。He won the prize in the English competition.His English must be very good.他在英语竞赛中获奖了。他英语一定很好。,直击中考,()1.Must I hand in my homework now,Mr Smith?No,you _.(2014 北京)A.cantB.shouldnt C.wouldntD.neednt()2.Hate cannot drive out hate;only love

23、 _do that.Martin Luther King,Jr.(2014成都)AcanBmustCshould()3.Look,someone left a book.Oh,yeah.This book _be Kittys.Only she likes to read this kind of books.(2014 菏泽)A.canB.must C.may D.might,D,A,B,写作乐园,话题六节约用电【常用词组】1.switch off 关掉2.waste electricity 浪费电3.air conditioner 空调4.for example 例如5.daily lif

24、e 日常生活,【精彩句型】1.Electricity is very important in our daily life.电在我们日常生活中是非常重要的。2.It is hard to imagine what life will be like without electricity.难以想象生活中没有电会怎样。3.People use lights,radios,televisions,and telephones every day.人们每天都用到灯、收音机、电视和电话。,【短文写作】请以“How to save electricity in our daily life”为题写一篇

25、短文,谈谈该如何节约用电,60词左右。,【范文赏析】How to save electricity in our daily lifeElectricity is very important in our daily life.People use lights,radios,televisions,and telephones every day.It is hard to imagine what life will be like without them.So we mustnt waste electricity.We can do many things to save electricity.For example,when we leave the house,we must switch off the lights.Using the air conditioner less is another way to save electricity.We must tell our family members the importance of saving electricity and so on.,谢谢欣赏!,


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