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1、Welcome to my class!,zheng zhongSeptember,2014,Lead-in Skillsin English Teaching,导入的原则:,1.激励原则2.目标原则3.相关原则4.简洁原则,激励原则:,Designed“lead-in”can inspire students to think about and to take part in the activities actively during the class.,目标原则:,Students will know the subjects and aims of the new class th

2、rough lead-ins.A research shows that clear and accurate study aims help students concentration.It can be said that the aim is the beacon when they are still sailing in the ocean of knowledge.,相关原则:,There must be a link between the knowns and the unknowns.The link should be natural,accurate and easy

3、to be accepted.The materials chosen for lead-ins should be related to the main aims of the lesson.(games),简洁原则:,Its not good to take up too much time when teachers are leading in a new lesson.It is usually 3-5 minutes.If teachers are spending longer time on lead-ins,it will cause the unclear teachin

4、g aims and key points.(discussion),Introduction,“Lead-in”is a part of the whole teaching process.It is called cornerstone of the whole teaching process.It plays an important part in English teaching.,新课标要求广大的英语教师在英语课堂教学中:,采用新颖有序的导入方式来引起学生的有意注意,激发学生的学习热情,更好地完成英语课堂教学。,Well begun is half done.,导入是教师引导学

5、生做好学习新课知识的心理准备,认知准备,并让学生明确教学内容,学习目的,学习方式以及产生学习期待,参与需要的一种教学行为。因此非常重要,有事半功倍的作用。,Turney:Sydney Micro Skills 悉尼大学教学微技能提出,导入技能的要素为:,引起注意 Gaining attention 激起动机 Arousing motivation建构教学目标,明确学习任务 Structuring 建立联系 Making links,January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,The l

6、ast month is December.,I have two hands.I have two hands.Where are they?Where are they?Here is the right hand.Here is the left hand.Here they are.Here they are.,I have two eyes.,I have two eyes.I have two eyes.Where are they?Where are they?Here is my right eye.Here is my left eye.I can see.I can see

7、.,I have two ears.,I have two ears.I have two ears.Where are they?Where are they?Here is the right hand.Here is the left hand.I can hear.I can hear.,I have two legs.,I have two legs.I have two legs.Where are they?Where are they?Here is the right leg.Here is the left leg.I can walk.I can walk.,Amy,Am

8、y,whats that?Its a schoolbag,Tom,Tom.Whats this?Its a pencil.Whats that?Its a ball.Whats this?Its a book.Oh,oh,oh,oh,whats that?Its a cat!Its a cat!Its a cat!Ha,ha(P41),My name is Betty King.These are my parents.We are American.My father is an actor.My mother is a manager.She is the manager of a the

9、atre.Im a middle school student.Im studying in Beijing.Hei,how happy.,My name is Wang Lingling.These are my parents.We are Chinese.My mother is a nurse.She and Damings mother are working in the same hospital.My father is a bus driver.We are living in Beijing.Hei,how happy.,My name is Li Daming.These

10、 are my parents.We are Chinese.My father is a policeman.My mother is a nurse.I am a middle school student.I am living together with my parents in Beijing.Hei,how happy.,My name is Tony Smith.These are my parents.We are English.My mother is a teacher.She is an English teacher.My father is a hotel man

11、ager.Im a middle school student.I am studying in Beijing.Hei,how happy.,Mummy calls me Little Bian.Daddy calls me little son.Im my mummys little Bian.And my daddys little son.,导入的原则:,紧扣教学目标和教学要点。根据不同的教学目的,教学内容及教学特点采用多样化方式。导入要生动,形象,具有趣味性和艺术魅力。导入要具有关联性,承前启后,新旧知识之间要有紧密联系的“支点”,从复习到导入新课要连贯自然。导入时间不宜过长,以免影

12、响教学的进度和重点内容的教学,导入一般以不超过5分钟为宜。,1.Dialogue lead-in method:,Students like to show,want to be successful and like to be praised.(homework)Whose pencil is this?Its mine.May I use it?Certainly.Here you are.Thank you.You are welcome.,2.Brush stroke lead-in method:,This is simple,lively and vivid.We only dr

13、aw roughly,not with the details of the picture.The psychology studies show that mankinds sense of vision and hearing are the media in absorbing the knowledge and catching the information.Among them the sense of vision occupies 83%,while the sense of hearing occupies 11%.Therefore the vision is extre

14、mely important in mankind obtaining the knowledge.,3.Object lead-in method,Teachers lead-in a new lesson with some aids so that knowledge can be directly perceived through the vision.Showing objects is more direct and more distinct than that you describe with language.It can also easily arouse the s

15、tudents curiosity.,4.Music lead-in method:,Music is a universal language.It sounds pleasant.Also we have some chants and songs and tongue twisters.They sound pleasant,too.,Two little birds are sitting in the tree.One is Jack,the other is Joe.Flies away Jack,Flies away Joe.Comes back Jack,Comes back

16、Joe.,Spring is gay with flower and song.Summer is hot and days are long.Autumn is rich with fruit and grain.Winter is snow and a new year again.,Thirty days are November,April,June and September.All the others are thirty-one,except that February is 28.Every fourth year is a leap year,in which Februa

17、ry is 29.,Twinkle,twinkle,little star.How I wonder what you are.Up above the world so high.Like a diamond in the sky.,This is the way I dress myself,This is the way I dress myself on the Sunday morning.This is the way I make my bed,This is the way I make my bed on the Monday morning.This is the way

18、I comb my hair,This is the way I tie my shoes,Hello,hello,hello,and how are you?Im fine.Im fine.And I hope that you are,too,Hello,hello,hello,hello,I am glad to meet you.I am glad to meet you.Hello,hello,hello,hello.,Bob,Bob,Bob is an orange dog.,Pen and pencil,Pencil and pen.Pen and pencil,Say it a

19、gain.,First she gave up smoking.Then she gave up gin.Then she gave up chocolate cake.She wanted to be thin.Then she gave up breakfast.Then she gave up lunch.On lazy Sunday mornings,she even gave up brunch.No matter what she gave up,her skirts were very tight.cause she ate twelve cans of tuna fish fo

20、r dinner every night.,It was raining,raining,raining,hard.It was falling,falling,falling on the stars.Sweet rain,Raining,raining.Soft rain,Raining,raining.Warm rain,Raining,raining.Sweet,soft,warm rain,Raining,raining.Sweet,soft,warm rain,Raining,raining.Raining,raining,raining,raining.,Do you want

21、to go to the sea,do you want to go?Do you want to go to the sea?Yes,we want to go.We want to go to the sea.When you want to go to the sea,come with me,come with me.When you want to go,when you want to go to the sea,come with me,come and come with me.(P37)*,Do you want to go to the sea,sea,sea,sea,do

22、 you want to go,go,go,go?Do you want to go to the sea,sea,sea,sea?Yes,we want to go,go,go,go.We want to go to the sea,sea,sea,sea.When you want to go to the sea,come with me,come with me.When you want to go,when you want to go to the sea,sea,sea,sea,come with me,come and come with me,me,me(37)*,Hell

23、o,Lingling,what are you doing?Are you reading or writing?Im reading a novel now.Its very interesting.Its very,very interesting.Hello,Sam,what are you doing?Are you reading or writing?Im writing a letter now to my mother in London.Im a little bit homesick now.,I have finished doing my homework.I can

24、go and play now,what about you?Ive done my writing.Ive done my reading twice by now.We can go and play now.We can go and play basketball.Hei,how happy.,I have finished doing my homework.What about you?Can you go and play?Ive done my reading.Ive done my writing.We can go and play ball games.We can go

25、 and play basketball.Hooray!,What were you doing this time last week?We were having a party.We were singing and dancing.We were happy.We were happy.,I am looking forward to the football match tomorrow.I am looking forward to the match.My friends and I are going to watch our favorite team.We are goin

26、g to meet other fans and make some new friends.We are going to wear our team shirt,and we hope they win the match.They win.,Lets go shopping for food and drink,Tony.Now we havent got any meat.Lets get some chicken and some chocolate,too.How about some fruit and coffee?Apples for you and oranges for

27、me.Coffee for your mummy.She hasnt got any coffee.Lets go shopping for food and drink,Tony.(Lets go!),Paper or pepper,pepper or paper?What do you want?I want pepper,not paper,If pepper is cheaper than paper.,Betty bought a blanket.Betty bought a blanket.Betty bought a blue blanket.Betty bought a blu

28、e blanket.Betty bought a bright blue blanket.Betty bought a bright blue blanket for her baby boy.,She sells sea-shells on the sea shore.The shells she sells are sea-shells,Im sure.,Pete Lee sleeps on a clean sheet.Dick gives his sister a pink silk dress.The fat man grabbed a black cat.,5.Question le

29、ad-in method:,(most common way),6.Situational lead-in method:,7.Multi-media teaching lead-in method:,The multi-media extended education gathers the different pictures,texts,images,voice and vision to display the content of various,8.Games lead-in method:,Chain Vocabulary ExercisesWhat is behind you?

30、Guessing GameWho am I?Friends Meeting Monkey upChain Reaction,9.Vocabulary revision lead-in method:,Bingo:CrosswordNumbers,10.Story telling lead-in method:,Conclusion:,With the help of these lead-in methods,there is no doubt that effective teaching results will be achieved.And English class must be successful.,Thank you for your co-peration!,


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