新人教版七年级上英语Unit 8 When is your birthday.Section B(1a 2c)ppt课件(市公开课).ppt

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《新人教版七年级上英语Unit 8 When is your birthday.Section B(1a 2c)ppt课件(市公开课).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新人教版七年级上英语Unit 8 When is your birthday.Section B(1a 2c)ppt课件(市公开课).ppt(24页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Unit8 When is your birthday?,Section B(2a-3b),湖北省襄阳市襄州区张湾办事处中心学校 田杨,1.生日聚会 _ 2.在一月份 _3.在二月三日 _4.在今天下午三点钟 _,birthday party,in January,on February third,at three this afternoon,Review,5.三月二日_ 6.四月五日 _,March second,April fifth,汉译英,7.学校旅行 _ 8.英语聚会 _ 9.这学期 _ 10.在下午_ 11.下个月 _12.举行一次艺术节 _,school trip,Engli

2、sh party,汉译英,in the afternoon,have an art festival,next month,this term,Review,13.举行一次图书减价销售 _ 14.在学校图书馆里 _15.祝玩得高兴!_16.一些有趣快乐的事情_,have a book sale,some interesting and fun things,Have a good time!,in the school library,Pairwork,When is Childrens Day?,Its on June 1st.,When is Womens Day?,Its on Marc

3、h 8th.,Ask and answer questions about the Days.,When is the New Year?,Its on January 1st.,soccer game school trip School Day book sale English Day art festival Sports Day party,2a,Check()the activities youhave at your school.,Dear students,We have some interesting and fun things for you this term.On

4、 September 21st,we have a school trip in the afternoon.October is a great month.On the 12th and the 15th,we have two ball games,soccer and volleyball.School Day is on October 22nd.Your parents can come to our school.Next month,we have an art festival.Its on November 3rd.We have an English party on N

5、ovember 30th.And on December 3rd,Is this a busy term?,2b,we have a book sale in the school library.This is a really busy term!Have a good time!,Is this a busy term?,September 21st,October 12th,October 15th,October 22nd,November 3rd,November 30th,December 3rd,school trip,soccer game,volleyball game,S

6、chool day,art festival,English party,book sale,1.Sallys birthday party意为“萨莉的生日聚会”,“名词+s”是名词的所有格形式,表示人与物的所有或所属关系,意为“的”。如:Lindas room 琳达的房间 the girls birthday 那个女孩的生日,归纳名词所有格的构成规则:(1)单数名词和不以-s结尾的复数名词,在词尾加“s”。如:Alices eraser 爱丽丝的橡皮 Childrens Day 儿童节 Mens room 男士洗手间,Language Points,(2)以s或es结尾的复数名词,在词尾加“

7、”。如:the teachers reading room 教室阅览室(3)表示几者共同拥有时,只须在最后一个名词后加“s”;若表示各自所有,则必须在各个名词后加“s”。如:This is Tom and Lucys room.这是汤姆和露西共有的房间。These are Toms and Lucys rooms.这些是汤姆和露西各自的房间。,(4)表示无生命事物的名词所有格需要借助介词of来表示。如:a photo of my family 我家的全家福 the windows of the house 房子的窗户,2.Next month,we have an art festival.下

8、个月,我们举行艺术节。1)month用作名词,意为“月;月份”,其复数形式为months,不可写为monthes。There are twelve months in a year.一年有十二个月。,2)have 表示“举行;举办”,后面跟表示活动的名词,指举办某种活动。如:have a class meeting 开班会 have a music festival 举办音乐节 have tennis games 举办网球赛 have a book sale 举行减价售书活动,3.Have a good time!在课文中一个表示祝福的句子,意为“祝你玩得高兴!”。have a good ti

9、me也是一个固定词组,意为“玩得高兴;过得愉快”,相当于have fun.Eric has a good time there every day.=Eric has fun there every day.埃里克在那里每天过得都很愉快。,Retell the passage.,Dear students,We have some interesting and fun things for you this term.,soccer game,October 15th,October 12th,volleyball game,October 22nd,School Day,November

10、3rd,art festival,English party,November 30th,book sale,December 3rd,school trip,On September 21st,Dear Alan,Do you _ sports?Do you have a _?Please come to _ next week.We have a basketball _.It is on _ 2nd.See you there!Guo Peng,3a,Complete the note with the words in the box.,my school game September

11、 like basketball,September,basketball,game,like,my school,应是一动词,应是一表事物的名词,应是表地点的词,篮球比赛,应是一表月份的词,3b,Write your own note to a friend.Invite him/her to an activity in your school.Use the questions to help you.,What is your friends name?What does your friend like to do?What activity do you have in your

12、school?When is the activity?,写作指导:这是一则邀请某人参加某项活动的便条,其内容须包含括号内提出的四个问题,即:参加人的名字及爱好、活动名称及该活动举行地点与时间。写作过程中可能用到的句型如下:,1.Do you like(have)?你喜欢(有)吗?2.Please come to next week/this Friday.请下周/这周五来(某地).3.We have a(an).Its on.我们举行(活动).它在(日期).4.On,we have a(an)in.在(日期),我们在(某地)举行(活动).5.See you there!/Have a goo

13、d time!那儿见!/祝你玩得高兴。,Dear_,One possible version:,一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词1.Today is Lindas birthday.She wants to have a birthday _(聚会)at home.2.They have two _(节日)this month.3.Lets go on a _(旅行)to the park.That sounds great!4.Alice is very _(忙碌)now,so she cant go with us.5.When do we have an English _(测试),Bob?

14、This afternoon.,party,festivals,trip,busy,test,【全册教案、课件、素材、试题、教学计划等欢迎到163文库下载全套资料!】,请到百度搜索“163文库”,到网站下载!或直接访问:,【163文库】:1,上传资料赚钱;2,便宜下载精品资料的好地方!,二、根据汉语提示完成句子1.这些是简和琳达的T恤衫。These are _ and _ T-shirts.2.艺术节在九月九日举行。The _ _ is on September 9th.3.你们学校举行足球比赛吗?Do you have a _ _ at your school?4.祝你们愉快!_ a good _!5.今天是我的第十二个生日。Today is my _ _.,Janes Lindas,art festival,soccer game,Have time,twelfth birthday,Homework:,1.Remember all the new words and expressions.2.Review Section B 2b.Try to retell the passage.,


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