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1、Unit 9,Section A 11a-2d,Which of these places would you like to visit?Rank them from 1(most)to 6(least).,1a,space museum_ history museum_art museum _ water park _zoo _ amusement park _,Listening 1,1b,Listen.Have these students ever been to these places?Check()the boxes.,Listening 2,2a,Look at the ma

2、p of the town.Listen and circle the places you hear.,Listening 2,Listen again and circle T for true or F for false.,2b,Look at the map in 2a and make conversations about the places.,2c,A:Have you ever been to the space museum?B:Yes,I have.How about you?A:No,I havent.B:Oh,its fantastic.Lets go tomorr

3、ow.A:OK.How are we going to get there?B:We can take the subway.,极好的,Speaking,1.When did Jill go to the film museum?2.What does Jill love about the film museum?3.What did Jill learn about?4.Who did Jill camp with on the weekend?5.Has Anna ever been camping?,2d,Read the conversation and answer the que

4、stions.,1.When did Jill go to the film museum?In April.2.What does Jill love about the film museum?She loves all the old movie cameras.3.What did Jill learn about?She learned about the inventions that led to color movies.,4.Who did Jill camp with on the weekend?With her friends.5.Has Anna ever been

5、camping?No,she hasnt.,Section A 23a-3c,Three students talk about the most interesting museums they have ever been to.Read the magazine article and answer the questions.,3a,1.Which three museums do the students talk about?They talk about the American Computer Museum,the International Museum of Toilet

6、s and Hangzhou National Tea Museum.,2.What do you think is the most interesting thing about each museum?the American Computer Museumthe special computer that can play chess even better than humans.the International Museum of Toiletsmany different kinds of toilets.the Hangzhou National Tea Museumthe

7、tea art performances.,2.What do you think is the most interesting thing about each museum?the American Computer Museumthe special computer that can play chess even better than humans.the International Museum of Toiletsmany different kinds of toilets.the Hangzhou National Tea Museumthe tea art perfor

8、mances.,1.What does Ken say about the American Computer Museum?Ken says that:(a)it is the most interesting museum he has ever been to,(b)it has information about different computers and who invented them,and(c)he learned that there was a special computer that plays chess better than humans.,3b,Read

9、the article again and answer the following questions.,2.What can we learn at the International Museum of Toilets?We can learn the history and development of toilets.3.Why is the Hangzhou National Tea Museum a nice place to enjoy tea?It is a nice place to enjoy tea because it is located in a relzaing

10、 and peaceful place near a lake.Watching tea art performances is also enjoyable.,Which of the underlined words in the passage have the following meanings?,progress rapid unusual peaceful improve invented,make sth.better become better uncommon quiet made quick,3c,Section A 3Grammar focus 4c,构成:have(助

11、动词)+过去分词 has(第三人称单数助动词)+过去分词,Present Perfect Tense,现在完成时,have not 常缩略为 havent。has not 常缩略为 hasnt。,现在完成时的用法,4a,Put the correct forms of the verbs in the blanks.,1.A:Do you want _(come)to the space museum?B:No,Ive already _(be)there three times.2.A:Have you _(see)the robots at the science museum?B:Yes

12、,I _(go)there last weekend.,to come,been,seen,went,3.A:Lets _(spend)the day at the zoo.B:Well,Ive already _(be)there a couple of times,but Im happy _(go)again.4.A:How about _(go)to the art museum?There are some special German paintings there right now.B:Sure.When do you want _(go)?,spend,been,to go,

13、going,to go,5.A:Have you ever _(visit)the history museum?B:No,Ive never _(be)there.,visited,been,5.A:Have you ever _(visit)the history museum?B:No,Ive never _(be)there.,visited,been,4b,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.,Most of us _(see)Mickey Mouse,Donald Duck and o

14、ther famous Disney characters in cartoons before.But have you ever _(be)to Disneyland?Disneyland _(be)an amusement park with a special theme Disney characters and movies.,have seen,been,is,There _(be)many exciting rides,lovely restaurants and fantastic gift shops there.You can also _(see)the Disney

15、characters walking around the park.And have you ever _(hear)of a Disney Cruise?This _(be)a boat ride with a Disney theme.You can _(take)a ride on the boat for several days and eat and sleep on it.,are,see,heard,is,take,On the boat,you can _(shop)and have Disney parties before you _(arrive)at the Dis

16、ney island.,shop,arrive,4c,Answer the survey questions and then ask your partner.,Section B 11a-2e,1a,Match the pictures with names.,a,b,c,d,_ the Terracotta Army_ the Great Wall_ the Birds Nest_ the Palace Museum,a,b,c,d,1b,Listen to a student interviewing a foreignstudent.Check()the questions you

17、hear.,_ Have you visited the Palace Museum?_ Have you been to the Great Wall?_ Have you been to the Birds Nest?_ Have you seen the Terracotta Army?_ Have you tried Chinese food?,Listening,1c,Listen again and take notes.,Name:_Country:_How long in China:_Places visited:_Food:_,Beijing Duck,Australia,

18、two weeks,the Palace Museum,the Great Wall,the Birds Nest,the Terracotta Army,Peter,What places have you been to?Ask your partner.,Have you visited?Have you been to?Have you seen?Have you tried?,1d,Speaking,Work in pairs.,What should you consider if you want to travel?,Discussion,places to visit,wea

19、ther,best time to go and stay there,transportation,food,people,history,What do you know or want to know about Singapore?Discuss it with your group.,2a,Made up:main island 63 small islandsArea:697.1 square kilometres.Population:3,437,300(Chinese 76.2,Malays 13.8,Indians 8.3,Others 1.7),Introduce Sing

20、apore briefly,in Southeast Asia,Putonghua and English,Indian food,western food,Fill in the blanks according to the article.,Night Safari,almost the same,Read the article.How many reasons can you find for visiting Singapore?,2b,1.Most people in Singapore only speak English.2.It is not easy to get man

21、y different kinds of good food in Singapore.,The statements below are false.Use information from the article to correct them.,2c,speak English as well as Putonghua,not去掉,3.Its better to see lions and tigers during the daytime because they will probably be awake.4.Its best to visit Singapore in the a

22、utumn.,at night,You can visit Singapore at any time of the year.,Fill in the conversation about Singapore using the information form the article.,A:I am going to Singapore next week._ you ever _ there before?B:Yes,Ive _ to Singapore many times.Its my favorite country to visit in _ Asia.A:What langua

23、ges do people _ there?B:Mostly Chinese and _.,Have,been,been,Southeast,speak,English,2d,A:What about the food?Is it good?B:Its excellent!_ you ever tried Indian food?Indian food is really good in Singapore.A:I see.Have you _ heard of the Night Safari?Someone told me to go there.B:Yes!I _ been to the

24、 Night Safari.It was really exciting to _ the animals in the dark.,Have,ever,have,see,A:And is it always _ in Singapore?B:All _ round!Its always summer there!,sunny,year,Section B 23a-Self check,3a,Make a list of facts about your hometown or a place you have been to.Think about these topics.,Size an

25、d location:_Population:_Weather:_History:_Places to visit:_Things to eat:_,句型:Have you ever tried/seen/been?If you,you will/canYou shouldOne great thing about is,3b,Write an article to advertise your hometown or a place you have been to.,Self check,1,Think about the things below and write an answer

26、for each one.,1.One thing that you have collected before:_2.One invention that you have found to be very useful:_,3.One unbelievable or unusual thing that youve seen or heard recently:_4.One way that youve used to encourage a friend in the past:_5.One peaceful and quiet place that youve been to rece

27、ntly:_,2,Complete the conversation.,A:Hey,John._ are you doing this weekend?B:Not much,Mark.I dont really have any plans yet.A:_ you ever been to the space museum?B:_,I have.I _ there last month.,What,Have,Yes,went,A:Oh,how _ it?B:It was great.I _ been there many times.A:I see.I _ never _ there.B:Well,lets go this weekend then.I dont _ going again.I think theres something new there.I _ not see it last time.A:Perfect!,was,have,have,been,mind,did,3,Complete the chart.,


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