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1、,Unit 10,Text Comprehension,Skill Building,Fast Reading,Detail Reading,After Reading,Before Reading,Part I Intensive Reading,Campus Cheats,Study Focus,1.Understand how campus cheats have been surging.2.Grasp the“catch somebody doing something”structure in this sentence:He once caught one student usi

2、ng his cell phone to send answers to a friends pager.3.Explain why cheating students are missing the point of education.4.Illustrate the importance of academic integrity.,Preparation,Pre-reading Preparation:A.Discuss the following questions with your partners.1.Have you or your classmates ever cheat

3、ed on tests?2.What is plagiarism?3.In what ways do students usually plagiarize?,key,Preparation,B.Read the following sentences carefully and work out the meaning of the underlined words and expressions.1.Thousands of motorists in New Jersey are stopped for traffic offence,and then are surprised to b

4、e informed their license is suspended.2.A media watchdog study of broadcast networks finds TV violence is surging.The incidents have risen 75%since 1998.,For More,key,Preparation,3.She even went so far as to accuse her immediate boss of corruption.4.International disputes should be settled on this b

5、asis,without resorting to the use or threat of force.5.Jiangsu,a province in the east of China,boasts a network of rivers and lakes.6.After criticism,a modest project takes shape.It used to be expensive.,End,Chinese,Text Study,After-Reading,Pre-Reading,Lets Put the Heat on Campus Cheats By Stephen B

6、arr,Para.1 James Taylor was astonished at the rampant cheating taking place in his history class at the University of Arizona.Students looked overeach others shoulders,devised coughing codes to communicate to friends,and flashed answers onthe backs of their hands while pretending tostretch.,pause,Ch

7、inese,Text Study,Pre-Reading,After-Reading,Para.2 He once caught one student using his cell phone to send answers to a friends pager.The code“54*2,”for instance,meant the answer to question 54 was B.Taylor kicked them out of his classroom and gave both an F.,pause,Chinese,Text Study,Pre-Reading,Afte

8、r-Reading,Para.3 At small Morningside College in Sioux City,Iowa,philosophy professor Heather Reid discovered cheating in her introductory ethics class.Two students turned in homework assignments that were almost identical.Reidreported the incident to the academic dean,leading to an investigation.On

9、e student was suspended and given an F for the course.,pause,Chinese,Text Study,Pre-Reading,After-Reading,Para.4 Incidents such as these are all too common.In recent years many colleges and universities have reported a surge in plagiarism,unauthorized collusion on assignments andcheating on tests.,p

10、ause,Chinese,Text Study,Pre-Reading,After-Reading,Para.5 In research conducted at 31 schools over the past decade,Rutgers University professor Donald McCabe has found that nearly 70 percent of students admit to cheating at some point during college,with over 15 percent reporting that they were,in Mc

11、Cabes words,“serious,repetitive cheaters.”,pause,Chinese,Text Study,After-Reading,Pre-Reading,Para.6a While this surge has been blamed on many factors,including a declining emphasis on moral values in the home and school,without question its never been easier to cheat.With the Internet,students have

12、 access to a treasure-trove of information they can pinch without proper attribution.“Theres a cowboy feelingabout the Internet that the information is out there for everybody to use as they see fit,pause,Chinese,Text Study,After-Reading,Pre-Reading,Para.6b says Michele Goldfarb,director of theOffic

13、e of Student Conduct at the University of Pennsylvania.,pause,Chinese,Text Study,Pre-Reading,After-Reading,Para.7 In a composition class,University of Texas instructor Sharan Daniel asked students to write an evaluative argument,which could include reviewing a contemporary film.One student chose a B

14、ruce Willis movie.,pause,Para.8 Daniel suspected plagiarism when the paper turned in was different in style from the students previous work.She did a search on the Internet and found the review the student had lifted in its entirety.,Text Study,pause,Chinese,Pre-Reading,After-Reading,Text Study,Para

15、.9 There are hundreds of websites,with nameslike and CollegeTermP,which offer ready-made essays on topics rangingfrom anthropology to zoology.Some sites are free,as long as you contribute a paper of your own,while others charge anything from a modestmembership fee to over$100 a paper.,pause,Chinese,

16、Pre-Reading,After-Reading,Para.10 Students also get papers directly from their peers.As the semester-end approaches,the online message boards and chat rooms on many websites fill with requests for papers from desperate students.,Text Study,pause,Chinese,Pre-Reading,After-Reading,Para.11 The website

17、of the Evil House of Cheat boasts 2,000 daily visitors.There you can pick up tips on how to cheat on exams and read comments from people described as satisfied users,like one student who said he had raised his grade-point average from D-to a B+after he paid his$9.95 annual membership fee.,Text Study

18、,pause,Chinese,Pre-Reading,After-Reading,Para.12 Many of the term-paper sites include a statement that the work is“for research only.”But those disclaimers are regarded as a joke.,Text Study,pause,Chinese,After-Reading,Pre-Reading,Text Study,Para.13 Experts say that academic cheating begins as early

19、 as middle school,and often becomes a well-honed habit by high school.A recent survey of 3100 high-achieving studentsby Whos Who Among American High School Students revealed that 80 percent of the nationsbest and brightest admitted cheating in school,up five percent from the year before.,pause,Chine

20、se,After-Reading,Pre-Reading,Text Study,Para.14a Some rationalize that its okay to cheatif the course is not in their major but is required forgraduating.Others assume its a victimlessoffense.One University of Texas student,in aposting on an Internet forum on cheating,went so far as to defend it as

21、a legitimate form of learning.“I personally dont cheat unless I learn something from it,”the student wrote.,pause,Chinese,After-Reading,Pre-Reading,Text Study,Para.14b“If that involves looking at one answer on a quiz,I think the person is more likely to remember that one answer since they had to res

22、ort to cheating to obtain it.”(676 words),Chinese,Pre-Reading,After-Reading,pause,Campus Cheats,Pre-Reading,After-Reading,Team Work,Discuss the following topics with your teammates.You may use the given topic-related words and expressions.1.Describe how serious student cheating is in China.Why are c

23、ampus cheats so popular in colleges and universities?2.What do you think we can do to stop cheating on tests?,Words and Expressions,Team Work,Useful topic-related words and expressions(P156)Phenomenon:academic fraud(欺诈)a national epidemic survey/report instances of serious cheatingon tests or examsR

24、easons:dishonest declining moral values shamelessnot ashamed of slack discipline,For More,Team Work,be obsessed with grades and marks place too much emphasis on gradesbe afraid of failing in exams competition among students too many testsexamination-oriented educationSolution:publicity quality educa

25、tion,Team Work,promote a climate of academic integrityissue harsh punishmentspunish rules and regulations strict discipline strict invigilators/proctorsreform the grading system and examination system,End,看看咱中国人把中文与英文结合得如何O(_)O哈!中国建设银行CBC(Construction Bank of China)“存不存?”中国银行BC(Bank of China)“不存。”中国

26、农业银行ABC(Agriculture Bank of China)“啊,不存”中国工商银行ICBC(Industry and Commercial Bank of China)“爱存不存”民生银行CMSB(China Minsheng Bank)“存吗?SB”招商银行CMBC“存吗?白痴!”兴业银行CIB“存一百”国家开发银行CDB(China Development Bank)“存点吧!”北京市商业银行BCCB(Beijing City Commercial Bank)“白存存不?”汇丰银行HSBC“还是不存”,Joke,Songs to learn English We share th

27、e same,Music,Pre-Reading,Today we will hear the song of Jordin Sparks“One Step At A Time”.Life is the process of one step at a time,so life is really good.,GO,GO,GO,Click here,Jordin Sparks,乔丁斯帕克斯(英文:Jordin Sparks,1989年12月22日),是一位美国歌手。在美国时间2007年5月23日,她成为了第六季的美国偶像胜出者。乔丁胜出时只有17岁,她亦是美国偶像六季以来最年轻的胜出者。稍后斯

28、帕克斯会和经纪人公司 19 Entertainment及唱片公司RCA Records签约。,Lyrics,hurry up and wait 加快速度可是仍然等待 so close,but so far away 尽管靠近却依然遥远 everything that youve always dreamed of 每一件你常常梦想的事情 close enough for you to taste 与你的期待已经如此的接近 but you just cant touch 而你却就是不能触及 you want to show the world,你想要向世界展示你自己 but no one kno

29、ws your name yet 而还没有人知道你的名字呢 wonder when and where and how youre gonna make it 你总是在好奇在什么时候在什么地方你能做到,Lyrics,you know you can if you get the chance 你自信你能做到只要你能抓住这机会 in your face as the door keeps slamming 可你脸上写着通向机会的门好像总是关着 now youre feeling more and more frustrated 现在你感觉到越来越失望和挫败 and youre getting a

30、ll kind of impatient waiting 所以现在的你那样不耐烦的等待 we live and we learn to take 我们生活着并学习着如何去one step at a time 一步一个脚印,Lyrics,theres no need to rush 真的没有必要着急 its like learning to fly 这就像学习飞翔一样 or falling in love 或是坠入爱河一样 its gonna happen and its supposed to happen that we find the reasons why 它总会发生只要我们找到它的原

31、因 on step at a time 一步一个脚印 you believe and you doubt 你确信着同时又怀疑着,Lyrics,youre confused,you got it all figured out 你很疑惑,你计算着 everything that you wished for could be yours,should be yours,would be yours 一切你希望的事情可以成为你的,应该为你的,总会成为你的 if they only knew 只要他们知道 you want to show the world,你想要向世界展示你自己 but no o

32、ne knows your name yet 而还没有人知道你的名字呢 wonder when and where and how youre gonna make it 你总是在好奇在什么时候在什么地方你能做到,Lyrics,you know you can if you get the chance 你自信你能做到只要你能抓住这机会 in your face as the door keeps slamming 可你脸上写着通向机会的门好像总是关着 now youre feeling more and more frustrated 现在你感觉到越来越失望和挫败 and youre get

33、ting all kind of impatient waiting 所以现在的你那样不耐烦的等待 we live and we learn to take 我们生活着并学习着如何去 one step at a time 一步一个脚印 End,Pre-reading Preparation:B(Key),suspended:暂停的surging:高涨,涌起went so far as to:甚至于resorting:求助于,诉诸于boasts:拥有modest:适中的,适度的,Chinese,Para.1 亚利桑那州大学的James Taylor发现其历史课上学生作弊十分猖獗,这让他惊诧不已。

34、学生们你看我的,我看你的,设计各种咳嗽暗号传送给朋友,还把答案写在手背上,在假装伸懒腰的时候迅速透露出去。,让我们谴责校园作弊 斯蒂芬 巴尔,Para.2 有一次他抓住一个学生正用手机往朋友的传呼机上发答案。比如,代号“54*2”意味着第54题的答案是B。Taylor把他们轰出教室,判他们两个都不及格。,Chinese,Para.3 爱荷华州苏城规模较小的Morningside学院哲学教授Heather Reid在她的伦理学入门课上发现有学生作假。两名学生交上来的家庭作业几乎一模一样。Reid将此事报告教务主任,于是校方作了调查。其中一名学生被勒令停学,此门课也作不及格处理。,Chinese,

35、Para.4 诸如此类的事情司空见惯。近几年来,许多大学均报告剽窃、未经许可的串通作业和考试作弊现象迅猛增长。,Chinese,Para.5 Rutgers大学的Donald McCabe教授在过去的10年中,对31所学校进行了一项研究,发现几乎70%的学生承认大学期间的某个时候有过作弊,15%以上的学生自曝是,用McCabe的话说,“严重型、反复型作弊者”。,Chinese,Para.6a 虽然作弊的迅猛增长可归咎于许多方面的因素,包括家庭和学校对道德价值观的重视程度下降,但毫无疑问,现在要作弊比以往任何时候都来得容易是原因之一。有了因特网,学生们可以进入一个信息的宝库,随心所欲地各取所需而

36、不说明出处。“关于因特网,人们存在着一种无赖心理,认为那里的信息任人利用,只要他们觉得恰当,”,Chinese,Para.6b 宾西法尼亚州大学学生操守办公室主任 Michele Goldfarb如是说。,Chinese,Para.7 得克萨斯州大学讲师Sharan Daniel在一堂作文课上曾要求学生写一篇评论性议论文,可以包括当代电影影评。有位学生选择Bruce Willis的电影。,Chinese,Para.8 文章交上来时发现与该生以往风格不同,Daniel怀疑是剽窃。她在因特网上进行了搜查,结果显示该影评属全文照搬。,Chinese,Para.9 互联网上像和CollegeTermP

37、这样的网址数以百计,可以提供从字母A(如anthropology人类学)到字母Z(如zoology动物学)涵盖各种话题的现成论文。部分网址免费,只要你提交一篇自己的文章,而其他的则收取从很少的会员费到每篇100多美元不等的费用。,Chinese,Chinese,Para.10 学生们也可以从同学处直接抄袭。随着学期临近结束,许多网上公告栏和聊天室充斥着情急学生征求论文的帖子。,Chinese,Para.11 某个名叫“作弊魔窟”的网址每天拥有2,000名访问者,这里你可以找到考试作弊诀窍,也可以看到来自某些被描写成“心满意足的用户”所作出的评论,有位学生声称付了9.95美元年费后,平均从D-提

38、高到B+。,Chinese,Para.13 专家认为大学生作弊早在初中便已开始,到了高中已成陋习。根据美国高中生名人录最近对3,100名优秀学生所进行的一项调查,美国80%最优秀、最聪明的高中生承认在校作弊,比前一年增加了5个百分点。,Chinese,Para.12 许多有关学期论文的网址都声明他们的服务仅适用于研究工作,但此类免责声明均被视为玩笑而已。,Chinese,Para.14a 有些人辩解说,如果这门课程不是主修课,而考试纯粹是为了毕业,那么作弊无可厚非。也有人认为作弊是无害过错。在一个关于作弊的网上论坛中,得克萨斯大学的一名学生甚至还在邮件中替作弊辩护,声称作弊是一种合理的学习方法

39、。“我个人从不作弊,除非我能从中学到东西,”这位学生写到,,Chinese,Para.14b“如果作弊意味着看一下小测验的答案,我认为作弊者能把答案记得更牢,因为答案是无奈之下通过作弊手段获得的。,rampant,adj.猖獗的,蔓延的e.g.Sickness was rampant in the rural areas of this country.这个国家的农村地区疾病流行。The garden weeds run rampant everywhere.园中的杂草到处蔓延。,devise,vt.设计,发明e.g.He has devised a new way for making mo

40、ney.他想出一个赚钱的新办法。The teacher devised a more practical teaching method.老师发明了一种更实用的教学方法。,stretch,v.拉伸,伸展e.g.Rubber stretches easily.橡胶的延展性很好。延伸 The road stretches uphill at a steep slope.这条路以陡峭的坡度向山上延伸。,Para.1,1.Lets Put the Heat on Campus Cheats.(Title)the heat(非正式)表示pressure,criticism“压力,批评”,故本文题目译成“

41、让我们谴责校园作弊”。,End,Para.1,2.James Taylor was astonished at the rampant cheating taking place in his history class at the University of Arizona.(Para.1)astonish与startle,shock,stun,amaze,alarm均含surprise“令人惊讶”的意思,稍有不同的是astonish 和startle是指“令人非常惊讶”,e.g.a.What astonishes me most is his complete lack of fear.

42、,For More,Para.1,令我非常惊讶的是他毫无畏惧。b.We were astonished to find the temple still in its original condition.发现寺庙完好如初,我们感到十分惊讶。c.His words had a startling effect on the children.他的话在孩子们身上产生的作用令人惊讶不已。shock:“使人震惊,骇人,令人怵目惊心”;stun:“使人发愣,目瞪口呆,不知所措”。shock和stun都有“使人休克,昏迷”的意思。,Para.1,e.g.a.I was shocked to hear t

43、he news of his sudden death.听到他猝死的噩耗,我十分震惊。b.She was standing stunned and in tears.她站在那里,目瞪口呆,泪流满面。amaze通常指“(好的事情)令人惊奇”;alarm“使人惊慌,不安”,Para.1,e.g.a.She has an amazing talent for music.她在音乐方面有着惊人的才华。b.I was amazed that he had made such rapid progress in English.他的英语进步迅速,令我惊讶。这些词的ing形式+ly 都具有“非常,极度”的意

44、思,例如:astonishingly beautiful,startlingly pale,shockinglyshort stories,a surprisingly easy exam,Para.1,需要指出的是,使用这类词汇常有三种句型:a.I was surprised/amazed,etc.at./that./to learn that.b.It is shocking/surprising,etc.to think that.c.To my surprise,amazement,astonishment,etc.,I learned that.,End,Para.1,3 Stude

45、nts looked over each others shoulders,devised coughing codes to communicate to friends,and flashed answers on the backs of their hands while pretending to stretch.(Para.1)1)句中looked.,devised.,and flashed.是并列结构。两个或两个以上用and,or,but等互相连接又属于同一层次具有相同句法功能的语言结构叫做并列结构,可作主语、谓语、宾语、主语补语、状语等。,For More,Para.1,e.g

46、.a.Id like a sandwich,an ice-cream,and a cup of coffee.我要一块三明治,一个冰淇淋,还有一杯咖啡。b.He is tall,dark,and lean.他又高又黑又瘦。c.They sat down to dinner,drinking,eating,and smoking merrily.他们坐下来吃饭,愉快地喝着,吃着,还抽起烟来。,Para.1,d.He skipped my class partly because he was ill and partly because he was lazy.他逃我的课部分原因是因为他病了,部

47、分原因是因为他懒。e.He said that he was busy today but that he would be free tomorrow.他说他今天很忙,但明天会有空。,Para.1,2)communicate的宾语是coughing codes,即communicate coughing codes to friends,注意与communicate with不同,后者指“与联系,沟通”,e.g.We communicate with each other by letter(telephone/email).我们通过书信(电话/电邮)相互联系。,Para.1,3)while

48、 pretending to stretch是状语从句的省略,连词后省略they were,又如:e.g.a.If(it is)carefully done,the experiment will be successful.如果小心,试验会成功的。b.Dont speak until(you are)spoken to.别人不跟你讲话,你就不要跟别人讲话。,Para.1,c.He will work hard wherever(he is)sent by his company.无论公司派他去哪里,他都会努力工作。d.The old lady was looking well althoug

49、h(she was)living alone.尽管老太太一个人生活,但看起来状况不错。e.While(he is)respected,he is not liked by us.我们虽然尊重他,但并不喜欢他。,Para.1,f.He will die soon unless(he is)treated at once.如不马上治疗,他很快会死的。,End,pager,n.传呼机,BP机e.g.a.I dont know your pager number.我不知道你的寻呼号码。b.The pager is cheap but only handles minimal amounts of in

50、formation.传呼机便宜但只能处置少量的信息。,Para.2,4.He once caught one student using his cell phone to send answers to a friends pager.(Para.2)catch是表示感觉的动词,所以用作宾语补语的use,由于 one student是其逻辑主语,须用-ing形式。还有更多的例句:e.g.a.I felt somebody patting me on the shoulder.我们感到有人拍我的肩膀。,For More,Para.2,b.Listen to the birds singing.


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