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1、Lets do some revision!,three bottles of milk,a tin of biscuits,a pair of shoes,four pairs of glasses,six pieces of chalk,a bowl of sugar,a piece of cake,two glassesof water,碗里有一些果酱。,Theres some jam in the bowl.,有很多苹果。,There are a lot of apples.,Is there any tea in the jug?(变肯定句),There arent any oran

2、ges.,There is some tea in the jug.,Are there any oranges?(变否定句),Theres some chocolate.(变?/否),Therere some cars in the street.(变?/否),Is there any chocolate?,There isnt any chocolate.,Are there any cars in the street?,There arent any cars in the street.,Theres some lemonade in the glass.(变?/否),Theres

3、some paper.(变?/否),Is there any lemonade in the glass?,There isnt any lemonade in the glass.,Is there any paper?,There isnt any paper.,Yesterday I received a letter from my good friend in Xinjiang.I was so happy,but when I opened it,I found that I could not understand a word,Do you know why?Today I w

4、ill tell you a story about the letter,lets see it.,Lesson 45,The bosss letter,Reading,Read the dialogue,and then answer the questions.,1.Where is Pamela?2.Who are talking?3.What does the boss ask Pamela to do?4.Can Pamela type the letter for her boss?Why?,She is in her office.,The boss and Bob.,The

5、boss asks her to type the letter.,No,she cant.Because the bosss handwriting is terrible.,can 表示能力;能,会 我能说英语。I can speak English.她会唱歌。She can sing.,(表示某时的条件使人可以做某事,某事有时会发生)会,可能,可以 如果明天天气好,我们就可以去钓鱼。If its fine tomorrow,we can go fishing.她可能会看见Michelle.She can meet Michelle.,表示允许;许可 你可以走了。You can go.你可

6、以进来.You can come in.,注意,情态动词,后面跟动词原形,无人称和数的变化。,I can swim.,Jimmy can climb the tree.,The children can clean the classroom.,could can的过去式,表示请求,语气更委婉,Could you help me?,Could you make the tea?,Are there any errors in the following sentences?1.He can sitting there.sit2.She can types the letter.type3.Ca

7、n you help me?没错!,4.It cans eat grass.can5.They can not work.cannot/cant6.Can She turn off the light?she,boss 老板,扩展:boss+y=bossy,专横的;蛮不讲理的,She is so bossy!,他是个专横的男孩。He is a bossy boy.,我讨厌不讲理的老板!I hate the bossy boss!,The boss:Can you come here a minute please,Bob?Bob:Yes,sir?,minute:分钟a minute:一会儿se

8、cond:秒quarter:一刻钟hour:小时day:天,week:星期month:月season:季year:年,minute 分钟,一会儿,时间单位:a minute 形容时间短同义词:moment mumnt 片刻Wait a moment/minute,please!Just a moment/minute!,The boss:Can she type this letter for me?Ask her please.Bob:Yes,sir.,ask名词/代词(宾格)ask her/ask themask sb.to do sth.要求某人做事(动词不定式),ask 问,请求,要求

9、,/:sk/(英)/sk/(美)ask sb sth 问某人Can I ask you a question?向某人问路ask sb.the way I got lost and I have to ask a policeman the way.,terrible adj.糟糕的,可怕的,可以指心情,天气,相貌,味道等 Its a terrible day!I feel terrible!Oh,my god!She looks terrible!The Japanese food is terrible!The movie is terrible!horrible hrbl adj.恐怕的,

10、毛骨悚然的,What a terrible handwriting!,Wang Xizhis handwriting is good.,lift v.拿起,搬起,举起,lift sth.举起,eg:,I can lift the box.,我能抬起这个箱子。,The elderly woman lifted her eyes from the book.,这位年长的女士从书本上抬起眼睛。,lift,n.电梯,起重机(BE),elevatoreliveit,(AE),take an elevator/take a lift 乘电梯I can give you a lift into town.(

11、?),escalator eskleit n.手扶电梯,自动扶梯,cake 蛋糕birthday cake 生日蛋糕做一个生日蛋糕make a birthday cake cheese cake 芝士蛋糕a piece of cake 一块蛋糕 你想要些蛋糕吗?Do you want any cake?No,I dont./Yes,I do.,a piece of cake=very easy 小菜一碟、像吃一块蛋糕一样简单、轻而易举、轻松的事、小事一桩、不费吹灰之力-How is your exam(考试)?-It is a piece of cake for me.How was the

12、test?(你考试考得怎么样?)Itsapieceof cake.,biscuit 泛指饼干 复数 biscuitscookie 曲奇饼干(多为甜的)复数cookies 给我一些饼干。Give me some biscuits.我不想要饼干。I dont want any biscuits.,Have a competition!,Read the words and say the meanings quickly.,letter,minute,boss,ask,handwriting,terrible,分钟,请求,要求,老板,上司,糟糕的,可怕的,书写,can 能够,lift,biscui

13、t 饼干,cake 饼,蛋糕,拿起,举起,搬起,Notes on the text,1.The bosss letter bosss 老板的(注意读音)s的名词所有格:表所有关系名+s“的”,todays newspaper 今天的报纸Natashas Mr.Right Natasha的白马王子Marys toy 玛丽的玩具Mens room 男厕Womens room 女厕,Lets look at some examples.,书写规则:(1)单数名词+s,若复数名词词尾无“s”,也+s。例:childrens day(2)若名词有复数词尾又是s,只加“”。the students tea

14、cher the workers boss,next door 隔壁,next 下一个next year 明年next week 下个星期,next to 紧挨着,eg:She is sitting next to her father.,Can she type this letter for me?介词“for”“为,给,替”。我做任何事情都是为了你。I do everything for you.,Whats the matter?怎么了?某人怎么了?Whats the matter with sb.?=Whats wrong with sb.她怎么了?Whats the matter

15、with her?你怎么搞的?Whats wrong with you?,Listening,Listen to the tape,and then fill in the blanks.,THE BOSS:Can you come here a please,Bob?BOB:Yes,sir?THE BOSS:Wheres Pamela?BOB:Shes door.Shes in her office,sir.THE BOSS:Can she this letter for me?her please.BOB:Yes,sir.Can you type this letter for the p

16、lease,Pamela?PAMELA:Yes,of course I.BOB:Here you are.PAMELA:Thank you,Bob.Bob!BOB:Yes?Whats the?PAMELA:I cant type this.I cant read it!The bosss handwriting is!,minute,next,letter,matter,type,can,boss,ask,terrible,THE BOSS:Can you come here minute please,Bob?BOB:Yes,sir?THE BOSS:Wheres Pamela?BOB:Sh

17、es next door.Shes her office,sir.THE BOSS:Can she type this letter me?Ask her please.BOB:Yes,sir.Can you type this letter the boss please,Pamela?PAMELA:Yes,course I can.BOB:Here you are.PAMELA:Thank you,Bob.Bob!BOB:Yes?Whats matter?PAMELA:I cant type this letter.I cant read it!The bosss is terrible!

18、,a,in,for,the,for,of,handwriting,Lesson 46 Can you?,Can you put that coat on?,No.I cant.I cant put that coat on,but I can put my hat on.,put the coat onput the hat on,Can you.?,Can he?,Can he see a bird?,No,he cant.He cant see a bird,but he can see an aeroplane.,see a birdsee an aeroplane,Can she?,C

19、an she read that magazine?,No,she cant.She cant read that magzine,but she can read that book.,read that magazine read that book,Can he/she?No,he/she cant.He/She cant but he/she can.,make biscuitsmake cakes,paint this roompaint this bookcase,put the vase on the shelfput the vase on the desk,jump off

20、the walljump off the box,lift the table lift the chair,Exercise Time,1.你能为我油漆这个书架吗?,3.你能做什么?我能举起这把椅子。,2.怎么回事?我穿不上我的大衣。,Can you paint this bookcase for me?,Whats the matter?I cant put on my coat.,What can you do?I can lift this chair.,4.我不会做蛋糕,但是我会做饼干。,5.他们正在游过小河。他们能游过小河。,I cant cook cakes,but I can

21、cook biscuits.,They are swimming across the river.They can swim across the river.,Fill in the blanks,1.Can you _(see)the plane in the sky?2.There _(be)some cheese on the plate.3.Can I _(open)the door now?4._(be)there any chairs in the room?5.Sam,please_(sweep)the floor.6.Sam_(put)on his coat now.7.D

22、ont_(stand)here!8.What_he_(do)now?He_(make)the tea.,将下列句子变疑变否,1.Theres some coffee in the cup.2.Theres some soap on the dressing table.3.Theres some fruit in the fruit bowl.4.Therere some apples in the fridge.5.They can go to school on foot.6.I can see some coffee in the coffee-pot.7.The boy can mak

23、e the tea.,Sentence transformation,1.I can lift the box.2.He can put the box on the shelf.3.They can go home at 6 oclock.4.She can go to school by bus.5.We can speak English.6.There are some milk in the bottle.(What),Summary:Grammar,情态动词 can,情态动词不能单独作谓语,它必须和其他动词一起构成谓语。另外,情态动词没有人称和数变化,情态动词后必须跟动词原形。eg

24、:I can swim.Jimmy can climb the tree.The children can clean the classroom.,can的句型结构肯定句 主语+can+动词原形.我会说英语。I can speak English.我会煮晚饭。I can cook dinner.,can的句型结构否定句 主语+can+not+动词原形.我不会说英语。I can not speak English.我不会煮晚饭。I can not cook dinner.,can的句型结构疑问句 can+主语+动词原形?你会说英语吗?Can you speak English?你会煮晚饭?Can you cook dinner?,我会发邮件。我会飞。她不会做作业。我们不会用电脑。1.I can send e-mails.2.I can fly.3.She can not do the homework.4.We can not use the computer.,5.你能帮我吗?6.你踢足球吗?7.他们会游泳吗?8.他会唱歌吗?5.Can you help me?6.Can you play football?7.Can they swim?8.Can he sing songs?,


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