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1、NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH,BOOK 3,A puma at large,Lesson 1,Background knowledge:,Puma(美洲狮),is also called cougar or mountain lion.A puma is a wild animal that is a member of the cat family.Pumas have brownish-grey fur and live in mountain regions of North and South America.,Puma(mountain lion),Puma(mountai

2、n lion)(美洲狮),Jaguar(美洲虎、美洲豹)is a large animal of the cat family with black spots on its back.,New words and expressions:Spot v.发现,认出;(to see or notice a person or something,especially suddenly.)n.点,斑点;地点,场所 a beauty spot美人痣;solar spot 太阳黑子;spots of rain 雨点eg:1.Ive just spotted a mistake on the form/

3、booking form(产品预订单).2.The grandpapa finally spotted little Tom,his grandson in the crowd.短语:1.be spotted with sth.满是 的斑点eg:The little girls skirt was spotted with oil.衣服上满是油点2.put sb.on the spot 使某人尴尬,使某人为难(on the spot:立即,当场,在场,在危险中)eg:The reporters questions put her on the spot.记者的问题使她很下不来台。成语:A le

4、opard will not change its spot.江山易改,本性难移词汇扩展:spot check 抽查,抽样检查;spotlight 聚光灯(in the spotlight:成为众人瞩目的中心),Evidence:证据;根据;佐证(is something that you see,experience,read,or are told that causes you to believe that something is true or has really happened.)eg.an important piece of evidencein evidence:显而易

5、见地evident adj.明显的词汇扩展:witness 证人 judge self-evident adj.不言而喻的,不证自明的the Declaration of Independence(独立宣言)(It was drawn up by Thomas Jefferson in 1776 and one of the most important documents ever published.Here is the first sentence which shook the ruling classes of Europe.)法官 jury 陪审团court of law 法庭“

6、We hold these truths to be self-evident,that all men are created equal,that they are endowed(赋予,使天生拥有)by their creator with certain unalienable(指权利不能让与的,不可剥夺的)rights,that among these are life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness.“我们认为下面这些真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等,造物者赋予他们若干不可剥夺的权利,其中包括生命权、自由权和追求幸福的权利。,The Decl

7、aration of Independence,Thomas Jefferson,the Statue of Liberty,accumulate v.积累;积聚(to gradually get or collect more and more of sth.over a period of time.)eg.1.By investing wisely,he accumulated a fortune.2.Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not clean regularly.3.Snow accumulated on the grou

8、nd.地上积了一层雪。4.We should try various channels to raise and accumulate social security funds.我们应该多渠道筹集和积累社会保障基金。oblige v.使感到必须(to make it necessary for someone to do sth.,by law or morality)(standards of morality and justice in society:社会道德和正义的标准)eg.1.Circumstances(情况,形势)oblige me to do that.2.Very obl

9、ige with your presence(出席,到场).敬请光临 短语:be/feel obliged to do sth.有义务去做某事 eg.(1)Men feel obliged to take the responsibility for their families.be obliged to sb.感谢某人(2)We are much obliged to you for your help.,hunt v.n.追猎,寻找(to chase wild animals or birds in order to catch or kill them for food,sport,o

10、r to make money.)习惯用语:1.hunt for 寻找 go hunting for eg.Hes hunting for a new job.2.hunt sb down 缉捕某人 hunt sth down 搜寻某物 eg.1.The police will surely hunt him down.2.My dog hunted down a rabbit and killed it in the woods.bargain hunter 淘便宜货的人;到处寻找便宜货的人(A bargain hunter is someone who is looking for goo

11、ds that are value for money,usually because they are on sale at a lower price than normal)head hunter 猎头,blackberry n.黑莓(a small soft black or dark purple fruit that grows on a bush)human being n.人,人类(a person rather than an animal or a machine.)mankind n.人类;男性,男子(womankind 女性,女子)eg.the evolution(演变

12、,进化)of mankind 人类的进化the human race n.人类(总称)humanity n.人性;人类;人文学科,corner v.使走投无路;使陷入困境;(车)拐弯(to get a person or an animal into a place or situation from which they cannot escape.)短语:at the corner of the street 在街道的拐角 in the corner of the room 在房间的角落里on the corner of the desk 在桌子的一角 around the corner

13、在拐角处;即将到来(=is coming)eg.The new year is around the corner.be in a tight corner 陷入窘境;陷入困境put/drive/force sb.into a corner 使某人陷入困境;把某人逼得走投无路Eg.Now that escaped prisoner is cornered in a lane by the police.现在那个逃犯被警察逼在一个巷子里走投无路了。,trail n.一串,一系列(A trail is a series of marks or other signs of movement or

14、other activities left by someone or something.)短语:a trail of blood 一道血迹;a trail of litter 一路垃圾Eg.1).The truck left a trail of dust.2).The telephone call interrupted my trail of thought.那个电话打断了我的思路。扩展:a chain of 一连串,一系列;a series of 一连串,一系列 eg.a chain of mountains/a mountain chain 山脉 a chain of superm

15、arkets/a supermarkets chain 连锁超市a chain of events/ideasa series of good harvest 连年的丰收,print n.印痕 词汇扩展:foot print 脚印;finger print 指纹 palm print 掌纹water mark 水印steel seal 钢印cling(clung,clung)v.粘;附着于;依附于;坚持 eg.1)The smell of smoke clung to his clothes for a long time.2)The shy child clings to his mothe

16、r.短语:cling to rules/principles/beliefs 坚持 eg.1).Old people tend to cling to old ideas.老年人常常墨守成规。2).She clung to the hope that he was still alive.2,convince v.使信服(to make sb.or yourself believe that sth.is true.)用法 短语:convince sb.of sth.convince sb.to do.Sth.convince sb.that/be convinced thatEg.1).Wh

17、at she said convinced me that she was telling the truth.2).Only by reasoning can we convince people completely.只有以理服人,才能使人心悦诚服。,somehow adv.不知怎么搞的,不知什么原因(for a reason that you do not know certain.)Eg.Somehow or other,the baby burst into tears.不知怎么搞的,那个娃娃突然哭了起来。扩展:somewhat adv.稍微,有点儿(后面常接 adj.)Eg.1).

18、He is somewhat sad.2).Although his relationship with his mother had improved somewhat,he was still depressed.尽管和母亲的关系有所改观,他仍然十分消沉disturb v.令人不安,打扰,使烦恼Eg.1.The letter shocked and disturbed the father.2.It disturbed Mary to realize that she was alone in the big house.disturbing adj.令人不安的 句型:It is dist

19、urbing to think that,TEXT:A puma at large,At large:1).(贬义)(指危险的人或动物)逍遥自在的Eg.Two of the escaped prisoners are still at large.2).(中性)自由自在的,不受约束的Eg.The teacher absent,the students are at large.3).整个,全部Eg.There has been unrest(n.动荡,骚乱)in the country at large.国内到处都有骚乱。Q:Where must the puma have come from

20、?,判断句:是解释说明某事物是什么或不是什么的句子。(下定义)Eg.1.He is a warm hearted person.2.Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.3.A sponge will absorb water.句型:be found 产于,分布 Eg.1.Penguins are found in Antarctic.2.Pandas are large,bear-like animals which are found in China.句子仿写:1.Koalas are small,bear-like animals which

21、 live in Australia.2.WTO is a colossal,international organization which deals with all kinds of trades among nations.世界贸易组织是处理国家间各种贸易事务的一个庞大的国际性组织。,同位语从句:从句与中心词间是等同和等值的关系。从句对前面的名词作进一步说明。一般由that引导,有时也可以由wh-疑问词引导。That在从句中不作任何成份。,可以连接同位语从句的名词有:belief,fact,idea,news,story,report,hope,order,problem,quest

22、ion,opinion,suggestion 等等。eg.I was shocked when I heard the news that his father died last week.An idea came to him that he might write to her to ask for more information about the matter.News has just come into the studio that over 90%of our population are watching the Spring Festival Entertainment

23、 Show.,定语从句和同位语从句的区别:1.定语从句与其先行词是修饰与被修饰的关系,同位语从句和其中心词是等同的关系。2.定语从句的引导词 that/which 是句子的成分,作主语或者宾语,同位语从句的引导词that 是连词作用。South of 在.以南(to the south of)take sth.seriously 认真对待take sth.slightly 草率地对待;不把放在心上take sth.into account 仔细考虑take sth.for granted 认为是当然的eg.Education is so important that we should tak

24、e it seriously.句子仿写:When news came into the National Museum that an ancient tomb has been spotted 100 km south of Xian,it was taken seriously.,表示原因的连词:because,for,since,as,1.because:a).常表未知的原因,语气最强;也可表示已知的事实,从句的位置灵活;b).还可以与only,just,chiefly 等词连用,或与否定词not连用;c).还可以用于强调句中。Eg.1).Just because his diet wa

25、s so strict,he had to reward himself occasionally.2).Im going to the party not because I want to,but because I have to.3).It was because I wanted to see my aunt that I went to town yesterday.,表示原因的连词,2.as:语气最弱,表示原因更加明显,从句的位置常放在主句之前。Eg.As there are so many people about,the dogs have to be kept in a s

26、pecial enclosure.3.for:并列连词,引导并列分句,位置放在主句后面,对前面的主句加以补充说明。(如课文的句子)4.since:常表示对方已知的事实,相当于汉语中的“既然”,语气较because 弱,从句位置常放主句前面。Eg.Since your children have grown up,you neednt work as hard any longer.,However 语篇标识词 引导作者的意图,目的make/give a description of sth./sb.对进行描述eg.She gave a description of the accident.c

27、laim to do/claimed to have done 宣称做(过)某事eg.Till now,no organization claimed to have been responsible for this accident.be similar to sb.in character 性格上与某人相似look like(+n.)看起来像(问外貌)/be like(问性格、问外貌)take after sb.(相貌、性格等)像某人,随某人;追捕;仿效,以为榜样eg.He takes after his father in being weak-minded.resemble vt.相

28、似,类似 eg.He resembles his father in character.,unless:相当于ifnot,表示否定的条件,可相互替换。Eg.you will fail in the driving test unless you have more practice.=If you dont have more practice,you will fail in the driving test.然而,这只是两者有时在逻辑意义上一致,有时并不能互换。严格地说,unless意为except,on condition that 或only ifnot,比ifnot语气要重。课文中

29、的句子可以换为:Pumas never attack a human being except when they are cornered.句子仿写:1)The teacher told him that he would pass the examination unless he study hard.2)Doctors confirm that a baby seldom cries unless he is hungry.on a.trip to 在去的途中eg.1.on a fishing trip to.2.on the honey-moon trip to Tibet.3.on

30、 business to 在去的出差途中,prove.V.(常做系动词)“证明是,结果是,原来是”用法:Prove+adj.Prove+n.Prove+to beeg.His advice did prove sound.他的建议的确是正确的。The new typist proved to be useless.I imagined it would prove a very easy task.同义词组:turn out to be 结果是,证明是,原来是Eg.It is not uncommon that a sunny morning will turn out to be a clo

31、udy day at this time of the year.一个晴朗的早晨变成阴天,每年这个时候都并不少见,谚语:1、Only when you experience the pain of pain,can you enjoy the happiness勇往直前!of happiness.吃得苦中苦,方为人上人!2、Go with what you are!,Lesson one 课后习题,1 D A 只是一个具体的特定的事例,阅读理解题的时候要把握中心大意 B large cat 关键性用词 2.B3 C4.make-make sb.do,be made to do 主动语态中不定式

32、to的符号应该省略 被动语态中不定式to的符号必须补充完整5 D把say改成claim-People claimed to have seen the puma.6B与原句中的when意思要一致,when引导的时间状语从句表示一结构形式和as soon as 相一致的如果用主动:On observing her,it immediately ran away.On seeing me,he waved to me.,7 D 原句中unles-ifnot/except on the condition thatwhen=ifexcept可以和名词/名词性从句进行搭配,也可以是when/if 引导的从句形式。8 D must be 只是对客观现实的推测,时态不一致 情态动词表达推测的语意概念时,对于过去事实推测一定要用于情态动词have以及过去分词形式进行搭配。9 C no more than=only within=not more than10 B.in a corner 表示处于困境、尴尬的境地 in a trap 表示落于陷阱中 at an angle 表示弯曲的、不直的11 fishes for pleasure 钓鱼为了游玩 12、A.on his own=alone C选项是秘密的,D选项是不为总人所知的。不符合语义。,Thanks for watching!,谢谢!,


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