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1、come的用法come on 前进, 出击 The soldiers came on in the face of heavy fire. 战士们迎着烈火前进。 随后跟上 You go first.Ill come on in a minute. 你先走, 我随后就来。 开始工作 The cooling unit hasnt come on yet. 冷却装置还未工作。 登台, 出场 The new play comes on tomorrow. 这出新戏明天上演。 开始; 来到 The rain came on again while we were working in the field

2、s. 我们在田里耕作的时候, 又下起雨来了。 快点; 赶紧 Come on, children, or well be late! 快点, 孩子们, 不然我们就晚了! 加油做; 振作起来 Come on. It isnt the end of the world. 你要振作起来!天不会塌下来的。 提出讨论, 审问 The case will come on for trial tomorrow. 这个案件明天将开庭审理。 进步, 发展 How has he come on recently? 他近来进展如何? 偶然发现 As we turned the corner, we came upon

3、 a group of men who were waiting for the public house to open. 我们转过屋角时碰到一群人等着店开门。 come over 在上空上方经过 Its terribly noisy living near the airport; planes are coming over all the time. 住在机场附近吵死了, 飞机总是从上空不断通过。 过来; 从远处来 Come over! Heres a seat for you. 过来, 这儿有个座位。 顺便来访 You really must come over sometime a

4、nd have dinner with us. 你确实应该找个时间过来, 跟我们一起吃顿饭。 被理解并完全接受; 被通过 Did his speech come over? 他的演讲通过了吗? 逐渐变得 The sky came over dark as a thick cloud passed before the sun. 乌云蔽日, 天色一时昏暗起来。 突然感到 She suddenly came over dizzy and had to lie down. 她突然感到头晕, 不得不躺下来。 come across 过来; 过访 Why dont you come across to

5、our house this evening? 今晚你何不到我们家来坐坐? 被理解; 接受 He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not come across. 他讲了很久, 但没把意思讲明白。 吐露, 说出 I dont think hell ever come across with all the information. 我想他是不会吐露全部情况的。 偿还; 被迫把交出来 The robber told the woman to come across with her purse. 拦路抢劫者勒令那个女人把钱包交出来。 穿过, 越

6、过 Be careful when you come across the street. 过马路要小心。 偶然发现, 偶然遇见 I came across him in the street yesterday. 昨天我在街上无意中碰到了他。 出现在脑海中, 留下印象 A good idea came across my mind. 我忽然想到一个好主意。 come at 袭击, 威胁 Dont come at me, I did nothing that day. 别冲我来, 我那天什么也没做。 找到, 得到, 弄明白 After much discussion we came at a conclusion satisfactory to all. 经过充分讨论, 我们得出了大家都很满意的结论。


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