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1、Howoldishe精 品 文 档 How old is he 首先复习第五单元学过的句型: 根据图片回答下列问题:用简略和完整形式都可以。 Whats this in English ? Is it a pencil ? Is it a pen ? Whats that in English ? Is it a pencil ? Is it a ruler? Whats this in English ? Is it a banana ? 进入第六单元的学习: How old is he ? 他几岁了? 注: Who is this ?这是谁? 我们也可以用 This is Han Meim

2、ei.这是韩梅梅。 “that”提问。 How old is she ?她几岁了? She is eleven.她十一岁了。 Who is that ? That is Han Meimei. Who is this boy ? 这个男孩是谁? This is Li Lei. 这是李雷。 How old is he ? 他几岁了? He is eleven, too. 他也是十一岁。 在第五单元我们已学过了以what开头的特殊疑问句。在本单元里又出现了以who开头的特殊疑问句。what什么.who谁.这两个都称为疑问代词。问事情用what问人表示谁时用who后面的句型词序是一样的。 我们可以这

3、样提问:Who is he ? He is Li Lei .Who is she ? she is Han Meimei. Is he a student ? Yes, he is.或No,he isnt. 一般疑问句 Is she a teacher ? Yes she is.或No, she isnt. 在第五单元中我们学过了特殊疑问句和一般疑问句型以及它们的回答形式。下面我们要学的句型是选择疑问句: 以上资料由网络上收集整理而来 Whats that in English ? Is it an egg ? 精 品 文 档 例:Is she a student or a teacher ?

4、 she is a student. 她是一个学生呢还是一个老师呢? 她是一名学生。 注:1. 选择疑问句的构成是:由or连接两个一般疑问句。“or”在这里是连词。 如:Are you a student ? Are you a teacher.这是两个一般疑问句。如果用or连接起来就成为一个句子,那么可以省略相同部分。就构成了上面所给例句的形式。 选择疑问句有两个特点。 朗读时or前面的用升调,最后用降调,称为:先升后降。 Is it your cat or bird ? 这是你的猫还是你的鸟? 回答时不能用yes或No回答,要做直接回答。 Is your friend a boy or a

5、 girl ? A girl. 你的朋友是男孩儿还是女孩儿?是孩儿。 注:2. 人称代词的用法: I(我) you (你或你们),she(她) he(他) itwe (我们) they (他们) 以上这些都称为人称代词。人称代词分两种:主格形式宾格形式。 主格形式:I, you, she , he, it, we, you, they. 人称代词 宾格形式:me, you , her, him, it, us, you, them 人称代词的主格形式只能在句中做主语成份。 如:He is nt at school today. 他今天没上学或他今天没在学校。 人称代词的宾格形式在句中可以做宾语

6、或表语成份。 如:Please give him a hand .请帮他一把。 (宾语) Who is it ? Its me .(表语) 谁呀?是我。 注:3. 人称代词的you你,你们,单数与复数一样,主格与宾格的形式一样,还有it也是主格,宾格一致。 试比较:Are you a student ? Yes, I am. 你是学生吗?我是学生。 Are you students ? Yes, We are. 你是学生吗?是的,我们是学生。 因此,单、复数一目了然,表示你时,名词前面有一个冠词a表示复数时,名词前的冠词去掉,把名词变成复数形式。 It is seven oclock now.

7、 现在七点钟了。it在此句中是主语。 Please give it to the teacher. 请把它交给老师。it在此句中是宾语。 注:4. 人称代词中的:She(她) he (他) it (它)是第三人称单数形式。当它们在句中作主语时一定要注意与动词一致。也就是说动词要用is。 如:She is my friend. He is an American boy . It is her book. 注:5. 本单元中除了出现人称代词的主格宾格形式之外,还出现了物主代词的用法,为下一步学习打下了基础。物主代词也分两种形式: 形容词性的:my(我的) your(你的) her(她的) his

8、(他的) its(它的) 物主代词 名词性的:mine(我的) yours(你的) hers(她的) his(他的) its(它的) 以上资料由网络上收集整理而来 精 品 文 档 our(我们的) your(你们的) their(他们的 ) ours(我们的) yours(你们的) theirs(他们的) 如果从中文角度看没有区别,但在英文句子中的用法大不相同。这里只讲形容词性的物主代词用法。它相当一个形容词,修饰后面的名词,请参考下列各句回答形式: 1.What is your name ? My name is Li Lei. 你叫什么名字? 我叫学雷 2.What is his name

9、? His name is Wang Hai. 他叫什么名字。 他叫王海 3.What is her name ? Her name is Han Meimei. 4.What is the birds name ? Its name is Polly. 这只鸟的名字叫什么? 它的名字叫Polly. 注意:在中文翻译时,可以不将“的”翻译出来,但在英语句子中,此处必须用形容词性的物主代词。 注:6. 下面讲一下打电话常用语:请看下面一组对话。 SAM:Hello!6098724 MIKE:Hello,Bill ? SAM:No, this is Sam. MIKE:Hi, Sam. This

10、is Mike. How are you ? SAM:Fine, thanks, Mike. MIKE:Is Bill in, Sam ? SAM:Sorry, hes not at home. MIKE:OK Thank you . Goodbye! SAM:Bye! Sam:喂!我这里是6098724 Mike:喂!是Bill吗? Sam:不,我是Sam. Mike:你好Sam,我是Mike你好吗? Mike:我很好,谢谢你Mike. Sam:Bill在家吗? Mike:很抱歉,他不在. Sam:那好吧。谢谢,再见! Mike:再见! 请看划线部分。 1)在打电话的开始一般用Hello!这

11、个词,后面的电话号码也可以不说。 2)在表达我是某某人时应该用This is。或者:This is speaking.而不说: I am. 3.如果询问某某人是否在家时应该说:Isin ?或者说:May I speak to ? 4.表示某人不在家里时可以说is not at home.或者说:is out (出去了) 注意:sb is in表示在家。 sb is at home也表示某人在家。但用in时不加home,用at以上资料由网络上收集整理而来 精 品 文 档 时,一定加home这个词。 由上面这组对话我们可以看出,中、英文在表达上有很大差距,在今后的英语学习中不能完全一对一的翻译,重

12、要的是学会英文的地道表达法。 :请做下面的练习题: A:用正确人称代词和物主代词填空: 1.This is a boy. name is Liu Hai. is twelve is in Class Three Grade One . 2.That is a girl. name is Han Meimei. is eleven. is in Class Grade One , too. 3.Whos that ? Oh, is Miss Gao. is a teacher. 4.This is (他的)Picture.(照片) 5.That is (你的)apples. 6.She is (

13、我的)student. 7.This is (她的)cat. (它的)name is Mimi. 8.Miss Gao is (他们的)teacher. B:选择正确答案: 1.Whats this English? C.or D. 2.A.This is book. B.It is book C. Thats a book. D. Its book. 3. A. You are in what class? B. What class are you in ? C. What class are you at ? D. In what class are you ? 4.

14、“How old are you ?”“ ” A. You are 14. B. He is 14. C. I am 14. D. She is 14. 5.He is . A. in class 4 grade 2 B. in Class Two C. in grade one D. Class Four Grade Two 6.“Whats two and three?” “ ” A. Four B. Three C. Five D. Seven 7.“Is this a pen ?” “ .” A. This is a pen . B. Thats a pen . C. Yes, thi

15、s is . D. No, it isnt . 8. A. This is English bike . B. Thats an English bike . C. It is a English bike . D. Its English bike. 9.“Who is this ?”“ ” A. This is a car . B. It is a box. C. This is Mr Wang. D. It is Miss Li. 10.“Whats his name?”“ ” A. My name is Li Ming. B. His name Li Ming. C. Li Ming

16、his name . D. I dont know. 11.A.I think she is not at home today. 以上资料由网络上收集整理而来 精 品 文 档 B. I dont think she is at home today. C. I think she is not in home today. D. I dont think she is in home today. 12.“Is your friend a boy or a girl ?”“ ” A. Yes, she is a boy. B. He is a boy. C. No, she is not a

17、 boy. D. She is not a girl. 13.Is Liu Ming ? A. boy or girl B. a boy and a girl C. boys and girls D. a boy or a girl 14.Hello! A:My name Kate. B:Kate my name C:This is Kate. D:Im the Kate . 15. Nice to meet you. A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Fine, thank. C. How are you ? D. Good morning . 16.“How are you”“ ” A. How are you ? B. How do you do ! C. Good, very nice D. Fine, thank you. 以上资料由网络上收集整理而来


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