interview questions answered.docx

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1、interview questions answeredInterview Question Answered Tell me about yourself -Summary of tips: 1.keep the answer short at about two minutes. 2.focus on work-related skills and accomplishments, not personal information. 3.tell the interviewer why you think your work-related skills and accomplishmen

2、ts would be an asset to the company. 4.describe your education or work history very briefly. 5.tell the interviewer about things you have done and jobs you have had related to the position you are interviewing for. 6.mention one or two personal characteristics that have helped you accomplish your go

3、als,giving short examples to illustrate. -Sample answers: I have always enjoyed working with computers, so it was an easy decision to major in computer science at California University with a plan to enter the IT field. In school, I excelled in my computer-related classes and during my college years

4、, I became particular interested in software development, especially software that would help consumers. Thats why I applied for and completed a one-year internship with Lotadoe industries. At Lotadoe, I learned how to formulate new ideas for software and how to communicate those ideas effectively t

5、o the rest of the development team. I am a very focused person and I tend to be product-oriented. At Lotadoe, I made sure that whatever projects I worked on, I saw to completion. For instance, I worked with a team that was developing a new version of a piece of popular software called Rototype. I as

6、ked to be part of every step of software development and at the end of the project, I was given the responsibility of getting technical approval. I made sure that I follow through with the right departments, keeping my team informed of the progress. This is the type of work I enjoy and thats why I a

7、pplied for a position with your company. Tell me about yourself I have worked successfully in sales for over 10 years. One of my first sales jobs was in college, where I majored in business. I worked for the college newspaper selling advertising space, and as an extrovert who likes interacting with

8、people, I was very successful in the job. What also helped me sell more than any other salesperson was my persistence. I was willing to follow up with a potential client over weeks and even months, developing with them until they were ready to make a deal with us. I am currently working as a sales r

9、ep for the Michmuney Company. I have been their top salesperson for the past two years. Last year, I sold over $3million worth of products. Now, I am ready for a new challenge. I want to work in public relations because it is an area where I can use my creativity together with my knowledge of advert

10、ising and sales. I have a proven ability to work well with people and I can develop good long- term relationships with clients. I want to work well with people and I can work for your company in particular because you work primarily with Internet-based companies, which is an area that is growing at

11、the rate of 40% a year. T his makes your company a leader in the industry and I would like to be part of that. Why did you leave your last job? -summary of tips: To minimize any problems and to show that you had positive reasons for leaving previous positions. 1mention positive reasons for leaving 2

12、never criticize supervisors, co-workers, or the company/organization. 3dont mention major problems with management. 4tell the interviewer about any neutral reasons for leaving. 5stay positive no matter how bad the situation you are leaving may be. 6use the right words so you dont sound self-serving.

13、 Instead of saying”I LEFT TO SEEK BETTER OPPORTUNITIES”say”I am looking for a situation which will use more of my skills and experience”. 7 avoid sounding like a “job hopper” 8turn this into an opportunity to tell the interviewer about your skills and abilities,if possible. 9keep your explanation sh

14、ort or the interviewer may think you are making excuses. -sample answers I have been with Lotadoe for over five years and I have enjoyed working there. I learned a lot about software development and how to work effectively with my colleagues. About two years ago, I began getting interested in other

15、aspects of design and started learning about new ways that the field is creating and developing new designs . I completed training that qualifies me to oversee other types of projects than the ones I work on now at Lotadoe. Thats why I am now looking for a company that will allow me to more fully ut

16、ilize my new skills and where I can take on new challenges. What I see in this position is also the opportunity for growth and advancement. I think that my current skills and abilities are a good match with the current needs of this company. Why are you looking for a new job? The primary reason I le

17、ft Michmuney Company was because the company went through a restructuring and my position was eliminated. Up to that point, however, I had a very good track record and received positive employee evaluations each of the three years I work there. Leaving Michmuney actually allowed me to make a career

18、change that I had been thinking about for some time and that is more aligned with my career goals. Although I have worked successfully in sales for the past several years, my education and my interests are more closely related to marketing I would like to find a position that would allow me to use m

19、y knowledge and skills to do challenging work. This position would also give me more responsibility than I had at my last company and more promotion opportunities. I think that my skills and abilities are a good match for this job. Why do you want to work here? -summary of tips: 1to show that you kn

20、ow a lot about the company and that your qualifications match the companys need. 2find out all you can about the company,including the department where you would work and the people you would work for. 3research the companys products or services and the positive things it has done for the community

21、or society. 4be familiar with the companys mission statement and core values. 5dont make the answer all about you. Focus on the positive things about the company, including its reputation in the industry. 6tell the interviewer how your qualifications meets a need in their company. 7show the intervie

22、wer that you are being selective about where you want to work and are not willing to take just any job offered to you. -sample answers This company is an industry leader and is at the forefront of exciting new developments in this field. Its mission to change the way consumers get and send informati

23、on is, I believe, where the biggest area of growth are in the industry. Based on the companys financial s and its general performance in the past year, Lotadoe is poised to take over as one of the top supplier of online service in the world. I have read about the companys many future projects that a

24、re designed to move the company forward toward achieving its mission. I want to be part of this company because I believe I can be part of that growth. In the past several years, I have led a number of innovative projects along the same lines as the current direction of this company. By doing this ,

25、 I was able to help my current company get a foothold in the market. I am confident that I can bring my proven skills in management,development,and organization. technology to succeed in your Why do you want to work here? There are several reasons why I want to work for this company. First, I was im

26、pressed with the backgrounds of the founders and their vision for this company. Their innovative thinking is, I believe, in line with the best thinking in the field right now. Your company also has one of the best reputations in the industry for innovative thinking and taking serious corporate respo

27、nsibility for making a difference in the local communities. As I learned more about the company and its growth potential, it became clear to me that I may be able to make a significant contribution to its goals. Since I have been working for the past five years as a successful marketing strategist,

28、I believe I can bring those skills and the knowledge I Have gained to help the organization reach its mission to become an industry leader. I am now looking for a new challenge where I can take my proven skills and apply them to new situations, as well as learning new techniques to continue my own d

29、evelopment. This is the company I have been looking for, a place where my background, experience, and skills can be put to use to make things happen。 What are your strengths? -summary of tips 1 to show how your strengths match the need of the job 2know your strengths in three categories: Knowledge-b

30、ased skills:these are skills developed through education and experience, such as computer skills, university degrees, languages you speak, and technical ability. Transferable skills:these are skills that you can take from one job to another, such as being able to manage people well, being good at so

31、lving complex problems, being good at planning, and being a good communicator. Personal traits:these are qualities about you are a person ,such as being dependable, being hard working, being flexible, and being outgoing. 3review with the interviewer your strengths, which are already noted in your re

32、sume and cover letter. 4give specific evidence or examples of how your strengths have helped you in the past. -sample answer1: As you can see from my resume, I have taken advantage of every opportunity to complete training to develop technical knowledge in this field. Now I am considered an expert i

33、n the technologies that my current company is working on. Last year, when the company decided to expand in this area, the management selected me to head the new project. To head this team effectively, I used my planning skills to make sure that the team was on task and on time, at all times. My mana

34、gement skills came in handy to get the most out of each person on the team. For instance, two of the team members came from competing departments. I work with both of them closely and trusted them with the most important part of the project. This way, I was able to develop trust between these team m

35、embers. This resulted in producing excellent work, while forming one of the most sought-after partnerships in the company. Because this was a new initiative, the nature of the job changed as the project developed. Another one of my strengths is that I am flexible and I am able to handle change in th

36、e company or in my job responsibilities. When I started on this project, we had four team members. By the end, we had 16. That means that I needed to go from working one-on-one with each team member to having to delegate responsibility as the project grew. This was possible because of the trust I ha

37、d built up within the team and my ability to shift gears when the project changed over time. -sample answer2: One of my biggest strengths is my communication skills. In my current job, I work with people from all over the world and many different backgrounds. I am able to understand that everyone ha

38、s different perspectives about projects and work tasks. One of our most recent hires comes from a developing country. Its very tempting when talking about the latest technological developments to dismiss or at least ignore her perspective. However, as the head of the department , it was clear to me

39、that this new employee brought a fresh perspective on why we needed to consider different options when deciding on the type of technology to adopt. Through hard work and determination, I was able to get the rest of the department to make important changes that moved us in the same direction as the p

40、roject. I was fortunate that I was able to develop these analytical skills when I was an undergratuate student at University. The program I was in used case-based teaching so that we worked on solving real-life problems under real-life conditions. I graduated at the top of my class, and now, I make

41、use of the skills I learned there everyday. Other strengths: I have a positive attitude. I am dependable and punctual. I am able to prioritize. I believe in myself and have self-confidence. I am able to handle failures and learn from my mistakes. I am a team player. I have good interpersonal skills.

42、 What are your weaknesses? -summary of tips: 1 to name weaknesses that canbe improved on and that may be an asset in the right circumstances. 2 don not try to present a strength as a weakness, such as being a workaholic or being too detail-oriented. 3keep the weakness a small one. 4show how you are

43、working to improve on your weakness. 5give specific evidence or examples of how you are working to overcome your weakness. 6some options: Tell the interviewer about a weakness you have already overcome. Tell the interviewer about a mistake you made in the past to show that you can learn from your mi

44、stakes. Tell the interviewer about a weakness that does not relate to the duties of this job. -sample answer1: A weakness that I have is that I don not like to do public speaking and I get nervous when I have to give a presentation or a speech in front of other people. I realize that I will not need

45、 to do any public speaking in this job right now, but I want to overcome this fear so that when the time comes, I will be prepared. It is important to me to identify any shortcomings that may affect my job performance or career advancement opportunities, and to do something about them. To combat my

46、fear of public speaking, I took a public speaking class at Litton college a few month ago, and after I finished the course, I joined a toastmaster club. I have been going to the club meetings regularly where I give speeches in front of other members and I get constructive criticism about my performa

47、nce. I can say that in the past five months, I have become a better and more confident speaker. I think , however, I can be even better, and that is why I have continued to attend meetings and to look for opportunities to put into practice what I have learned. I am confident that in a very short tim

48、e, I will be an even better and more effective speaker and presenter. When I started my first job, I had trouble with procrastination. Even though I never missed a deadline, I found that procrastinating put me under unnecessary stress, and this hurt my enjoyment of the job. Fortunately, I realized t

49、he problem fairly quickly and did something about it. The first thing I did was to talk to my colleagues about how they managed their time effectively. I learned that many of them used project management software, which I also began to use. This type of program allowed me to set deadlines and benchmarks for the d


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