Unit Lets play sportsIntergrated skills导学案.docx

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1、Unit Lets play sports Intergrated skills导学案教学目标:1, 从听力材料中获取信息。 2, 用所得信息将语篇补充完整。 3, 就相关话题进行交流。 2, 听力 教学重点:1, 词汇 教学难点:听力 教学过程: 一、出示目标: 二、自主学习: 词汇 1. _ adv. 另外的;其他的 2. lot n. _ 3. _ n. 享乐,乐趣;有趣的事 _ adj. 有趣的 4. table tennis _ 1. else 指点迷津else意为“另外的;其他的”。else放在疑问代词或疑问副词的后面,也可以放在不定代词的后面。 Is there anything

2、 else in the fridge? 冰箱里还有别的什么东西吗? 练一练同义句转换 What other things do you want? _ _ do you want? 2. interesting 指点迷津interesting是形容词,意思是“有趣的,令人 感兴趣的”,常用来作定语、表语、宾语补足语等成分。句子的主语通常是“物”。 This is an interesting film. 这是一部令人感兴趣的电影。 These toys are very interesting. 这些玩具很有趣。 I find this book very interesting. 我发现这

3、本书很有趣。 interested作形容词时,意思是“对感兴趣”。表示 某人对某事或某物感兴趣,常用于be interested in结构。句子的主语通常是“人”。 Are you interested in history? 你对历史感兴趣吗? interest是名词,意思是“令人感兴趣的人或事;兴趣”。 I have no interest in Maths. 我对数学不感兴趣。练一练用所给词的适当形式填空 You can see many _(interest) things here. 3. fun 指点迷津fun可作名词,意为“享乐,乐趣;有趣的事”,也可作形容词,意为“有趣的”,与

4、interesting是同义词。常用搭配有:for fun开玩笑地;have fun玩得开心 Reading is fun. 阅读是件有趣的事。He is really a fun man. 他确实是位有趣的人。 练一练翻译句子。孩子们在公园里玩得很开心。 The children _ _ in the park. 短 语 1. a lot of 指点迷津a lot of = lots of,意思是“许多”,后面可以跟可数名词,也可以跟不可 数名词。常用于肯定句中。He has lots of books. 他有许多书。 练一练汉译英:今天报纸上有许多好消息。 There _ _ _ good

5、 news in todays newspaper. 三、交流展示:展示自己的答案。 四、释疑解难:解决学生可能碰到的疑难。 键入文字 五、当堂检测:得分:_ 一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 1. This book is _(真) interesting. 2. _ (阅读) is fun. I like it. 3. He tells me some _ (有趣的) things. 4. She likes playing table t_. 5. I have a lot of _ (朋友) here. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Jim loves _(play) foot

6、ball. 2. I am not very good at _(sport). 3. All my _(teacher) like me. 4. My cousin, Daniel, _(wear) a pair of glasses. 5. I have many friends. I love_(their) very much. 6. Kate has many _ (interest) books. She reads them every day. 7. This song makes me _ (feel) happy. 8. _ (draw) is fun. 9. My dad

7、 sometimes _ (watch) our games. 10. Do you like _ (swim) at weekends? 三、单项选择。 ( ) 1. There is _ water in the sea. A. a lot of B. a lots of C. many ( ) 2. Amy home every day. A. walk B. walks C. walking ( ) 3. Li Lei _ Huanghe Football Team. A. the member B. the member of C. a member of ( ) 4. This b

8、ook is very _. We all like it. A. interest B. interests C. interested ( ) 5. -I like swimming. What about you? -_. A. I also like it. B. Me too. C. Of course. 四、选用方框里的词或短语填空。 a lot of fun reading with table tennis 1. I often go shopping _ my mum. 2. _ is very interesting. 3. Does your cousin like pl

9、ay _? 4. I can see _ birds in the tree. 5. Swimming is great _. 六、自我评价: D. more D. to walk D. a member D. interesting D. Yes, I like. 7AUnit Two Lets play sports! Study Skills and Task 主备向清权 审核向清权 班级_ 姓名_使用日期:第_周,星期_ 教学目标:1、运用本课所学读音规律,准确朗读新单词 2、熟练运用本单元所学单词、词组、句型组织语言 键入文字 3、合理架构文章,向别人介绍自己的体育爱好 教学重点:五

10、个元音字母在重读闭音节中的发音:/ /e/ /i/ / / 教学难点:I love sports. I often playwith He plays basketball very well 教学过程: 一、出示目标: 二、自主学习: 1、 要求学生将课本27页表格右边的音标遮挡起来,指导他们听录音并自己总结每组单词的读音。 2、 将下列单词按相同的音标归类: hand lab lend test film bill job top gun luck /_ /e/_ /i/_ /_ /_ 3、 完成书上27页内容。 4、 阅读28页短文,完成下面练习 I am a member of our

11、 school basketball team.(同义句) _ (2)My name is David.(同义句) _ 三、交流展示: 1、 预习情况交流 2、 交流自主学习中的题目 四、释疑解难:解决有可能碰到的疑难。如:I like walking/swimming 五、当堂检测:得分:_ .找出与所给音标发音相同的单词 ( )1. / A. with ( )2. /e/ A. desk ( )3. / ( )4. /i/ ( )5. / .英汉互译 1.这些鸡蛋 2.打开盒子 3.校篮球队 4.喜爱运动 5.take this bag 6.a music club . 用所给词的适当形式

12、填空 1. Are you good at_(swim)? 2. These_(picture)are on the wall. A.dog A. big A.egg B. stop B.dad B. run B.cap B. but C.map C. him C. red C. red C. long 键入文字 3. Lets_(play)a game. 4. They are_(member)of Swimming Club. 5. I often play basketball_(和)my friends. 6. We often_(看)basketball matches on TV.

13、 7. He is a football_(play). 8. He plays volleyball very_(好). . 用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空 Dear Simon, At the weekend, I get up early. I _ (go) swimming for half an hour. Then I _(come) back home for breakfast. My mother _(do) the housework, and she _(be) always busy. My father _(not do) housework. He _(work)

14、very hard on weekdays, so now he needs rest. In the morning I _(do) my homework. In the afternoon, my father and I _(go) swimming. My father _(love) swimming, and he is good at it. My mother _(enjoy) reading. In the evening, we often _(eat) in a restaurant. _(write) to me soon! David. V. 阅读短文 回答问题 J

15、im is a basketball fan. He is good at playing basketball. Jack is his favourite player. Jim is in the school basketball team. Every Friday afternoon, he plays basketball with other members after class. Jims friend Mike isnt good at basketball, but he is very good at football. Bill is his favourite f

16、ootball player. Mike is in Sunshine Football Team. The team members play football every Wednesday afternoon. 1. What is Jim good at? _ 2. Who is Mikes favourite football player? _ 3. When does Jim play basketball after class? _ 4. Does Bill do well in football? _ 5. Does Mike play football on Wednes

17、day afternoon? _ 六、自我评价: 7AUnit2 Lets play sports Revision 主备向清权 审核向清权 班级_ 姓名_使用日期:第_周,星期_ 教学目标:1、能用丰富完整的语言介绍一个运动员 2、能熟练使用行为动词的肯否定句和一般现在时的疑问句及应答 3、能正确朗读五个元音字母在重读闭音节中的发音 教学重点: 行为动词的肯否定句和其一般现在时的疑问句及其应答 教学难点: 行为动词的肯否定句和其一般现在时的疑问句及其应答 键入文字 教学过程: 一、出示目标: 二、自主学习: 1、指导学生相互打招呼并问候 2、写出下列单词的第三人称单数形式 put _ enj

18、oy _ write _ teach _ fly _ have _ play _ study _ guess _ match _ go _ like _ 三、交流展示:1、预习情况交流 2、解决部分练习 四、释疑解难:解决在本单元学习中遇到的难题 五、当堂检测:得分:_ I、根据句意或括号内容填空 1. Daniel enjoys _(read) books about sports. 2. Jim is a _(成员) of our school volleyball team. 3. Mike hopes his dream _ _(成真). 4. This tennis _(play)

19、_(play) very well. 5. David like _ (篮球) very much. 6. We often watch football _ (比赛) on TV. 7. Yao Ming is my f_ star. He is my _ (偶像). I like him very much. 8. Sandy knows her new school very _(good). 9. _ Simon _(come) from Shanghai? II、单项选择 ( )1. This is _ first day at Beijing Sunshine Secondary

20、School. A. the my B. a my C. my D. my the ( ) 2. Please my grandmother. She is ill today. A. look after B. look at C. look for D. look like ( )3.If Millie enjoys many kinds of stories and comic books, She should go to . A. the Reading Club B. the Dancing Club C. the Art Club D. the Swimming Club ( )

21、 4. - he get up at 7:00 a.m.? - . He gets up at 8:00 every morning. A. Is , Yes, he is B. Is, No, he isnt C. Does, Yes, he does D. Does, No, he doesnt. 5.Where _ he _? Xinghua. A. do, from B. does, from C. is, from D. do, come from ( ) 2. -Do you _ football matches on TV? -No, I dont. A . see B . lo

22、ok C . watch D . look at ( ) 3. - Do you have a pencil? - _. A. Yes, I can B. Yes, I do C. No, I am not D. No, I do. III、句型转换: 1、He is very good at playing football.(改写同义句)He is a very . 2、Jim often reads books in the library on Sunday. (对划线部分提问) Jim often books in the library? 3、She is in the Readi

23、ng Club. (改写同义句)She is the Reading Club. 键入文字 4、These women wash clothes every day.(改为单数) clothes every day. 5、He comes from Guangzhou.(对划线部分提问) he ? IV、阅读理解 Football The game is played by two teams. There must be eleven players in each team. The field must be about 100m long and 73m wide. There are

24、 two goals (门), 7.32m long and 2.44m high. To score(得分) a goal, a player must put the ball into the other teams goal. They may use their feet, heads or other parts of the body, but they must not touch the ball with their hands. One player in each team, the goal- keeper, may use his hands. Volleyball

25、 This is played on a court 18m long and 9m wide. The net (网) is 2.44m high for men and 2.24m high for women. There are two teams and there are usually six players in each team. The players try to make the ball hit the ground on the other side of the net. They may use their hands, fists or arms, but

26、they must not catch the ball or hold it while playing. Basketball The court must be 26m long and 14m wide. There can be ten players in a team but not more than five players in each team may play at one time. The players must not change until the referee allows them to leave the court. To score a poi

27、nt a player must throw the ball into the other teams basket. Players may throw the ball, but they must not carry it. A player must not touch another player. After 20 minutes play there must be a rest period (阶段) for ten minutes. Then there is another period of 20 minutes before the game ends. ( ) 1.

28、 How big is a football field? . A. 7.32m long and 2.44m high B. 100m long and 73m wide C. 107.32m long and 75.44m wide D. 26m long and 14m wide ( ) 2. How many players are there usually in a volleyball match? A.6 B. 10 C.12 D. 22 ( ) 3. Each basketball team can have players at most. A.five B. ten C.

29、 twenty D. eleven ( ) 4. Whats the Chinese for referee in the passage? . A. 队长 B. 教练 C. 裁判 D. 观众 ( ) 5. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? . A. In a football match, only one person can use his hands B. The volleyball net is 2.44m high for man C. The basketball team will score when they throw the ball into the other teams basket D. In a basketball match, twenty minutes is a period 六、自我评价: 键入文字


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