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1、unit how do you get to school section bA教案编写时间 x月x日执行时间 3 月29日主备人 执教者 总序第 18个教案 课题 Unit 3 How do you get to school? (Section B 3A-self check ) 共 1 课时 第 1 课时 课型 New 1、知识与技能 Talk about how to get to places 教学2、过程与方法 Improve students writing ability. 目标 3、情感态度与价值观 Obey the rules of transpotation. 重点Imp

2、ortant Points: The expression of choosing different kinds o f transportation 难Difficult points: Improve students writing ability. 点 教学Task-based teaching method, situational teaching,writing 策略 教 学 活 动 Teaching procedures: Step 1 .Lead in Make conversations in pairs to talk about how to get to place

3、. Include the information below about how / how far / how long. Step 2. Reading practice (3a) Task 1 Fast reading (Scanning) Read the e-mail from your pen pal Tom in the US. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Answers: get to, leave, walk, kilometers, takes, boring. Task 2 Careful reading

4、Read carefully and answer the questions below. 1. How does Tom get to school? 2. How far is it from his home? 3. How long does it take? 4. What do you think of his trip to school? Check the answers together. Task 3 Intensive reading Get the students read the passage carefully, and find out the langu

5、age points: 探究1 Thanks for your last e-mail. 谢谢你的上一封邮件。 Thank you/Thanks for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事而感谢。 Step 3. writing 3b How do you get to school? 本单元围绕日常生活中人们的出行方式、出行要花费的时间及两地间的距离展开话题进行讨论。 写作时,要熟练运用句式来表达如何到达某地,到某地有多远,需要花费的时间等。 写作指导 给你的笔友写封电子邮件,向他讲述你的交通方式。 1.开头,客套问候 How are you? Thanks for your last

6、e-mail / letter. Let me tell you how I get to school. 2.离开家I ususally leave home at 6:50 in the morning. 3. 交通方式 . I + 动词 +修饰词+ 交通工具的单数名词+ to+地点. . I +动词+to +地点. . First,Then /Next, Finally / At lat 4.花费的时间 It takes me about half an hour to get to school. The bus ride takes about 10 minutes. 5、旅程多远

7、My school is about 2 kilometers from my home. I live about 2 kilometers from my home. 6、旅途感受 My trip is interesting because I ususally meet many friends. The bus ride is interesting because I always talk to my classmates. My bus ride is really boring. 7、结束语 What about you? How do you get to school? Step 6. Homework Writing: Write an e-mail to Tom and tell him how you get to school. These questions may help you. Unit 3 How do you get to school? 3a -Self check Thanks for., want to do sth, bus ride, talk to., your trip to school 教学反思


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