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1、Your College YearsLesson One Your College Years Exercises: I. Explain the following 1. developmental changes: 2. identity crisis: 3. to internalize their values: 4. to affirm personal values: 5. in a different light: II. Paraphrase the following sentences 1. identity is determined by genetic endowme

2、nt, shaped by environment, and influenced by chance events. 2. First, there is functional independence, which involves the capability of individuals to take care of practical and personal affairs, such as handling finances, choosing their own wardrobes, and determining their daily agenda. 3. Fourth

3、is freedom from “excessive guilt, anxiety, mistrust, responsibility, inhibition, resentment, and anger in relation to the mother and father.” 4. It may be heightened by their choicer to pursue a college education. 5. These religious, moral, and ethical values that are set during the college years of

4、ten last a lifetime. III. Translate the following phrases 1. into Chinese. (1) school personnel (2) political maturity (3) developmental changes (4) identity crisis (5) romantic relationships (6) genetic engineering (7) academic life (8) chance events (9) ethnic identity (10) adolescence stage (11)

5、racial prejudice (12) daily agenda (13) ethical values (14) functional independence (15) historical background (16) the opposite sex (17) emotional support (18) a way of life 2. into English (1) 追求一种教育 (2) 获得知识 处理这件个案 给这词下定义 挑选主修科目 对这种对待感到反感 确立自己身份 使学生感到沮丧 宣战 (10)拖着脚步 对结果进行评估 对知识进行加工 进自己的义务 缩小差距 扩大业

6、务 期待着更好的结果 装配汽车 提出事实 IV. Translate the following sentences into English 1. 2. 3. 4. 她打算申请那个学术工作。 他对他的研究如此专心致志,他从来没有想过很快就要退休这事。 很多人都注意到了,没有有效的监督,我们都有滥用权力的倾向。 学生们必须仔细观察好的作家如何用词。 5. 有些国家拒绝卷入这一争端,而求他们对外国的干涉非常反感。 6. 你觉得毒品问题我们应该如何应付? 7. 根据协议,所有的经济政策应该不加歧视的适用于所有人。 8. 要控制沙尘暴,涉及到大量的工作和金钱。 9. 你应用这些技术的时候,必须考虑到

7、当地的条件。 10. 所有申请者都必须填好这份表格,然后邮寄上50美元的报名费。 11. 他根据对孩子们行为的仔细观察得出结论:学习是一种自然的乐趣。 12. 在一个多门组的国家里,民族之间的和谐需要小心处理。 13. *决定严惩所有涉案的腐败官员。 14. 考试作弊并不经常发生,但一旦发生,学校会采取严厉的态度。 V. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word 1. This problem is too complicated. Lets leave it _ for the moment. A. on B. behind C. a

8、side D. off 2. She gave a brief account of what happened. But she left _ quite a lot of important details. A. out B. behind C. aside D. off 3. In another twenty years well leave them far _ in computer software. A. out B. behind C. aside D. off 4. The court has promised to look _ this case about mone

9、y laundering. A. at B. after C. up D. into 5. Things are looking _ in this area. The economy has jumped back to an increase of 5% annually. A. ahead B. up C. forward D. out 6. Traditionally women were looked _ _ in society. A. on down B. down against C. down below D. down upon 7. At that time, many

10、young people looked _ him as their perfect model. A. after B. to C. in D. upon 8. She felt ashamed that she had made such a mess. But this time she set _ work _ a will. A. to, will B. to, at C. out, with D. aside, in 9. _ this day, these experience are still _ great value. A. To, with B. To, of C. O

11、n, in D. Until, at 10 More than a hundred policemen were sent _ _ search of the bank robbers. A. out, for B. off, to C. out, in D. away, on 11. It was not the best result. But he was quite content _ the improvement. So _ great relief, he went to sleep. A. with, with B. with, on C. of , with D. of, o

12、n 12. In spite of the womens liberation movement, people are still not yet completely free _ prejudice _ women. A. for, against B. from, for C. from, against D. in, towards 13. It was a tragic love story relating _ a young couple who rebelled _ the traditional arranged marriage. A. with, to B. to, a

13、t C. with, against D. to, against 14. Modern educational theories require teachers to interact _ students. They should model _ their students of course. But they should also learn from the people they teach. A. with, for B. with, after C. on, after D. on, for 15. It suddenly dawned _ me that there w

14、as another thing that contributed _ their economic success. A. to, to B. on, to C. on, for D. to, for 16. Historians have reacted very warmly _ psychologists recent discoveries. They agree that these discoveries have helped us to look at human history _ a new light. A. against, with B. against, in C

15、. to, with D. to, in 17. They are still dependent _ imports for more than 90% of their oil needs. It is impossible for their country to be completely independent _ other countries. A. on, from B. on, on C. from, from D. from, on 18. Many people rebelled _ their governments war policy in Vietnam. It

16、was equal _ a civil war. A. to, to B. against, as C. at, to D. against, to VI. Choose the right word in their proper forms. 1. objective object (1) For quite some time they were unable to identify the flying _. (2) We have two _ in our economic work. One is to develop our economy, and the other is t

17、o protect our environment. (3) After you have set your _, you must decide on the concrete measures. (4) You must look at the situation in an _ way. (5) Galileo proved that two _ of different weight will drop to the ground from the same height at the same time. 2. acquire inquire require (1) Democrac

18、y _ people to be responsible citizens. (2) Our modernization effort _ a peaceful environment. (3) Many laid-off workers have to _ new skills to get re-employed. (4) University is not just a place to _ knowledge passed on to us from the past, it should also be a place to explore new ideas. (5) I wrot

19、e them a formal letter to _ whether they could offer me a position in their company. 3. entrust trust believe (1) While he was away, the company was _ to his son. (2) He was _ with the construction of the expressway, and he used this opportunity to steal public money. (3) The new leaders of our vill

20、age are chosen through free election. The village people _ them. (4) I dont _ her. She cant be serious. (5) Dont _ a man who keeps flattering you. A true friend will never do that. 4. pay repay place replace (1) Finally the book was published. It _ all the sleepless nights in those three years. (2)

21、We can not only _ our workers good wages, we can also _ all our loans. (3) She was criticized for trying to _ her daughter in a government office. (4) I dont know what I can do to _ your kindness. (5) Several reports were _ on my desk to be signed. One of tem said that our chief computer was out of

22、date and needed to be _. 5. anxious(ly) eager(ly) (1) They are getting very _ because the world market is getting more and more competitive. (2) I waited _ outside the emergency room during my mothers operation. (3) Young people are usually _ to try out new things. (4) When I looked at the _ faces o

23、f the children, I said to myself, “I cant leave them to their own devices. They need me.” (5) Naturally we are all _ to know the result of the test. VII. Translate these sentences into English 1. 在会谈中双方没有发现有什么共识。 2. 越来越多的老年人在学习怎样使用互联网。 3. 别忘了在考卷上写上名字。 4. 我们应该牢记学校无捷径可走。 5. 6. 7. 8. 他从没有后悔过弃商从政。 我想本周和

24、你谈谈你的学期论文。 学外语和运动已有需要大量的练习。 他们都还记得是在什么地方听到那令日震惊的消息的。 9. 人从胜利中所学甚少,从失败中所学的要多得多。 10. 当你面临抉择时,你有三种选择:做自己想做的事,随大流,做该做的事。 VIII. Complete these sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets, using the word “way”. 1. Andersens tales are _the truth about ourselves. 2. “Well, _ is to work hard,” said the

25、instructor. 3. There is simply _ to a dying friend. 4. In _ I could see how the news had shocked them. 5. In the United States, we British students adapt _ to fit in, but they dont altogether change who we are. 6. There are _ . 7. _, we must be some two hundred miles west of Tianjin. 8. I realized I

26、 had less than twenty minutes to figure out _ . 9. Is there _ instantly? 10. The foreign visitors were impressed by _ IX. Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer. 1. Hes 26. Its high time he _ a trade to make a living. A. learn B. learns C. must learn D. learned 2. _ in

27、the pouring rain, he fell ill and had to stay in bed. A. Being caught B. Caught C. Having been caught D. Having caught 3. She looked into the future and saw many long years _ that would belong to her alone. A. to come B. came C. will come D. had come 4. Theres _ cooking oil left in the house. Would

28、you go to the corner store and get _? A. a few, little B. few, much C. a little, any D. little, some 5. Its _ complicated a problem for a ten-year-old child to solve. A. so B. too C. far D. such 6. If we had taken his advice, the project _ sooner. A. could have completed B. would be completed C. cou

29、ld complete D. would have been completed 7. Is there any place nearby _ I can get my laptop fixed quickly? A. where B. that C. which D. when 8. I wish you _ your time like this. A. arent wasting B. werent wasting C. dont waste D. shouldnt be wasting 9. _ with confidence, Dr. Wang skillfully performe

30、d the operation. A. to be filled B. Having been filled C. Being filled D. Filled 10. I found it hard to concentrate on my work _ so many people around. A. because B. with C. when D. by 11. The new director is quite reserved. Never _ him carrying on a private conversation with his staff. A. did I fin

31、d B. I found C. have I found D. I have found 12. I know nothing about the mans background _ hes got a Ph.D. degree in chemistry. A. except B. except that C. besides D. besides that 13. It was so cold that I couldnt get my car _ this morning. A. started B. starting C. to start it D. to be started 14. Nowadays its common for adults to learn from children _ for information on the Internet. A. what to search B. searching C. how to search D. search 15. _ the harmful effects of smoking, he decided to give it up. A. Convinced of B. Convincing C. Convincing of D. Convinced by


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