三年级下册Unit5 Let's spell.docx

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《三年级下册Unit5 Let's spell.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级下册Unit5 Let's spell.docx(5页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、三年级下册Unit5 Lets spell三年级下册Unit5 Lets spell教学设计 一、教学内容 Unit5 Do you like pears?Lets spell 二、教学目标 语言技能目标 1.能通过听例词发音,观察例词结构中共有的特征,学习字母u的发音/规律; 2.能够跟着录音说唱歌谣、强化记忆字母u的发音; 3.能够根据字母u的发音读出生词; 4.能够根据字母u的发音规则拼写出单词,进一步学习在四线三格中正确书写单词,并辨认词形; 语言知识目标 1.能正确读对u在单词中的发音,正确朗读单词fun, run, duck, under; 2.能够听录音完成Read, liste

2、n and number; 3.能够听录音完成listen and write; 情感态度目标 通过游戏、活动激发学生学习兴趣和自信心;通过小组活动增强组员之间的团结协作。 文化策略目标 1.在本课的教学过程中,要注重对学生语音方面的训练,让学生养成自然拼读的习惯; 2.教学生认读单词时,不仅要培养学生的语音意识,还要注重学法指导,尽量利用学生已学单词,引导学生体验、感悟、总结归纳发音规律。 三、教学重、难点 教学重点 能正确读对u在单词中的发音,正确朗读单词fun, run, duck, under,学习u发/音的规律; 教学难点 能够根据字母u的发音读出生词; 能够根据字母u的发音规则拼写

3、出单词,进一步学习在四线三格中正确书写单词,并辨认词形; 四、教学准备 1.教师上课用的课件,四线三格磁贴 五、教学过程 Step1 Warm up 1. Sing the song 2. Lets chant together T: You sang the song so well. Do you have magic eyes? Tell me: what do you see? 教师书空a, e, i, o, u,学生说出看到的字母。教师配上夸张的动作教学生说:“A is for apple, / / / apple, E is for elephant, /e/ /e/ elepha

4、nt, I is for igloo, /i/ /i/ igloo, O is for octopus, /o/ /o /, octopus. 3. TPR活动 T:Now lets play a game. Follow me, please.师生边说边做动作: Run-run, run, run, run; jump-jump, jump, jump, jump; bump-bump, bump, bump, bump; up-up, up, up,up; cut,-cut, cut, cut, cut; hug-hug, hug hug hug; duck-duck, duck duck

5、 duck. Step2 Presentation and practice 1.情景呈现 T:Wow! You did so well. A friend wants to play with you. Who is it?教师出示duck图片. Ss:duck. T: Yes, duck, /d/-/-/k/, duck. Ss: /d/-/-/k/, duck T: The duck is naughty, he likes playing. He likes to _ .教师边说边做跑步动作。 Ss: Run. T: Yes, the duck likes to run.(出示鸭子跑步

6、图片),/r/-/-/n/, run. Ss:/r/-/-/n/, run. T: Where does the duck run?(出示鸭子在太阳底下跑的图片) Ss:under the sun. T: 教师指着太阳,/s/-/-/n/,sun. Ss: /s/-/-/n/,sun. T: (动作表示under), /-/n/-/d/-/, under. Ss: /-/n/-/d/-/, under. T: oh, run under the sun, its fun. T: /f/-/-/n/, fun. Ss: /f/-/-/n/, fun. 2.情景表演 T:Now, lets act

7、 like the duck.师生一起扮演鸭子,边说边做动作。 T Ss:duck, duck, duck,run, run, run. Under the sun. Under the sun. Oh, its fun. 3.拼读所呈现的单词,找出u的发音规律。 拼读单词,感知u的发音。 /d/-/-/k/, duck. /r/-/-/n/, run. /s/-/-/n/,sun. /-/n/-/d/-/, under。 /f/-/-/n/, fun. 找出字母发音规律。 T:Can you find the same letters? Ss: u. T: Whats the sound?

8、Ss: / T: Yes, u sounds like / 看视频letter u song. T: You are so clever. Now lets watch a video. 强调发音规律读单词。 U, u, u, / / /, duck, duck, duck. U, u, u, / / /, run, run, run. U, u, u, / / /, sun, sun, sun. U, u, u, / / /, under, under, under. U, u, u, / / /, fun, fun, fun. 4.Lets chant (1)呈现歌谣 T: the duc

9、k is naught. Look, He is running under the sun.(课件播放视频,引导学生说歌谣) Run, duck, run. run, duck, run. Under the sun. Where is the duck? Under the sun. (2)播放歌谣录音,学生齐唱歌谣。 Step3 Consolidation 1. 见音读词 Now, we know u sounds like /. Can you try to spell the words.教师出示单词拼读器,让学生试着拼读单词。 Sun, fun, bun, run, gun, up

10、, cup, tup, pup, mug, hug, bug, tug, cut, but, hut, tug, rug, cut, but, hug, nut, mud, bud, bus, gum, jug, tub . 2. 听音拼词 T: wow, super! You can read so many words. Now, can you spell the words? Please listen and make the words you hear. 让学生取出事先准备好的字母卡片,教师教读单词,学生找出相应字母或听到的单词,另请两位同学到黑板上展示。如, T: /s/-/-

11、/n/,sun. /f/-/-/n/, fun . Ss: sun, fun . 3. 听音写词,完成课本read and write. T: boys and girls, youre so clever. You can read and spell. Now, lets try to write. Ok? 学生根据读音写出听到的单词,教师在课件上展示答案。 Step4 Extenstion T: you did so well. Now lets share a story. 1. 分段呈现故事。 2. 学生自己阅读故事。 3. 个别学生朗读故事。 Step5 Homework 1. Find more the / words. 2. Tell the story to others.


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