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1、上 Unit单元answer Unit 6 I m going to study computer science. (Section A) 1. 当你长大了你想成为什么?一名工程师。 What do you want to be when you grow up? An engineer. 2. 当他长大了他想成为什么? 一名科学家。 What does he want to be when he grows up? A scientist. 3. 当你长大后你想成为一名飞行员吗? Do you want to be a pilot when you grow up? 4. 当他长大后他想成

2、为一名小提琴家吗? Does he want to be a violinist when he grows up? 5. 你打算怎么样成为一名电脑程序师。我要学习电脑科学。 How are you going to be a computer programmer? I am going to study computer science. 6. 他打算怎么样成为一名演员? 他要上表演课。 How is he going to be an actor? He is going to take an acting lessons. 7. 我要成为一名钢琴家,我打算每天练习弹钢琴。 I want

3、 to be a pianist. I am going to practice playing the piano every day. 8. 我堂兄想要成为一名厨师, 他要上烹饪学校上学。 My cousin wants to be a cook. He is going to a cooking school. 9. 他打算在大学学习医学,因为他想当一名医生。 He is going to study medicine at a university, because he wants to be a doctor. 10. 他不打算学习教育,他想成为一名赛车手。 He isnt goi

4、ng to study education, he wants to be a race car driver. 11. 为什么你擅长写故事?因为我想成为一名作家。 Why are you good at writing stories? Because I want to be a writer. 12. 她要把她的文章寄给杂志社和报社,因为她想当一名记者。 She is going to send her articles to magazines and newspapers. Because she wants to be a reporter. 13. 你打算在哪儿工作? 我打算搬到

5、上海.。 Where are you going to work? I am going to move to Shanghai. 14. 你打算什么时候开始?我打算在我高中和大学毕业后开始。 When are you going to start? I am going to start when I finish high school and college. 15. 我父母想让我成为一名医生,但是我对此没有把握。 My parents want me to be a doctor, but Im not sure about it. 16. 明天一定会下雨。我相信吸烟对你没有好处。 I

6、t is sure to rain tomorrow. I am sure that smoking is not good for you. 17. 只要保证你尽力, 那么你就能成为你想做的人。 Just make sure you try your best, then you can be anything you want. 18. 并不是每个人都知道自己想成为什么。所以你一定要坚持努力学习。 Not everyone knows what they want to be. So you must keep on studying hard. 19. 他让我一直等他,我一直在那儿站了一

7、个小时。 He kept me waiting for him, I kept standing there for an hour. Unit 6 I m going to study computer science. (Section B) 1. 你制订新年计划了吗? 我打算成为足球队的一员。 Did you make a New Years Resolution? Im going to make the soccer team. 2. 她的新年愿望就是努力学习并取得好成绩。 Her New Years Resolution is to study hard and get good

8、grades. 3. 他不打算学习另一门外语。因为外语不适合他。 He isnt going to learn another foreign language. Because foreign language are not for him. 4. 她打算明年吃更健康的食品,并且多锻炼。 She is going to eat healthier food and get lots of exercise next year. 5. 今年夏天我要去一个足球夏令营。听起来像一个好的计划。 Im going to a soccer camp this summer. Sounds like a

9、 good plan. 6. 我打算做一些决定并且我能遵行它们。 I am going to make some resolutions and I am able to keep them. 7. 决心就是一种承诺。大多数时候,我们向他人承诺。 A resolution is a kind of promise. Most of the time, we make promises to other people. 8. 对自己许下的承诺就叫做决定,新年伊始经常是下决定的时候。 Promises you make to yourself are resolutions, the start

10、of the resolution is often a time for making resolutions. 9. 我们在一年的开头做决定时,我们希望会改善我们的生活。 When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year, we hope that we are going to improve our lives. 10. 一些人写下他们来年的计划,其他人把他们的愿望告诉给家人和朋友。 Some people write down their plans for the coming year. Others tell their

11、 family and friends about their wishes. 11. 决定有不同的类型,最普遍的一种是新年决心。 There are different kinds of resolutions, the most common kind is News Years Resolutions. 12. 他们保证自己将进行一种锻炼或少吃快餐。 They promise themselves they are going to start an exercise program or eat less fast food. 13. 许多决定与自我提高有关,这些决定是关于让自己成为一

12、个更优秀的人。 Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement. These are about making yourself a better person. 14. 他们要培养一种爱好,比如绘画或学习弹吉他。 They are going to take up a hobby like painting or learning to play the guitar. 15. 一些决定与合理的规划相关,比如为学校作业制订周计划。 Some resolutions have to do with better planning like m

13、aking a weekly plan for schoolwork. 16. 虽然有不同之处,但多数决定有一个共同点。 Although there are differences, most resolutions have one thing in common. 17. 人们几乎不能把决心坚持下去。为此有一些好的理由。 People hardly ever keep them. There are good reasons for this. 18. 有时候是决心太难坚持或者只是人们将它忘了。 Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult

14、 to keep or people just forget about them. 19. 鉴于这个原因,一些人说最好的决心是没有决心。 For this reason, some people say the best resolution is to have no resolutions. 20. 第一个决心与自我提升有关。我的决心是关于改善我的身体健康,改善我与家人的关系。 The first resolution is about my own personal improvement. My resolution is about improving my physical health and improving my relationships with my family.


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