1、世博特许项目可行性分析报告 1项目概述 11项目背景l 2010年的中国、上海和以“城市,让生活更美好”为主题的上海世博会,将在吸引来自五大洲的约200个国家和国际组织直接参与的同时,成为生活在城市和乡村的世界各国民众关注的热点。预计将有7000万人次的游客参观上海世博会,其中海外游客的比例约为5%,许多参展国家和国际组织的领导人将亲临上海世博会现场并主持相关活动。全球媒体都将密切关注人类城市生活发展进程中的这一盛典。l 同时,作为第一次在发展中国家举办的注册类世博会,上海世博会在未来五年和今后更长时间里的影响力和社会贡献,也将为所有参与市场开发的企业提供树立和强化品牌、赢取市场份额、展示企业
2、实力和优势的难得的历史性机遇。改革开放二十余年来中国经济社会发展取得的成就和未来发展前景,上海经济连续十四年保持两位数增长的佳绩和建设国际经济、贸易、金融、航运中心的发展目标,都将为企业与上海世博会的合作共赢提供有力的保障。 12世博各等级赞助企业权益对照 1 赞助费:3亿 1.赞助费:1.5亿2 特许产品可在全球销售 2.特许产品可在大中华地区销售3 品牌赞助企业礼品采购 3.品牌赞助企业礼品采购唯一供应商唯一供应商4 后世博时代的特许经营海外市场拓展全球合作伙伴(特许经营)高级赞助商(特许经营) 1.3全球合作伙伴名录 待续,仍在招募中 1.4特许经营描述授权模式世博会标志特许经营方式最终
3、确定采用分授权模式,就是在生产和销售两个领域各征集一家企业,分别作为唯 一的上海世博会特许产品生产分许可人和销售分许可人. 特许产品十大类别 家具用品、服饰、文具、时尚饰品、礼品和小物件、个人护理用品,媒体产品、软件技术产品,玩具和游戏,休闲食品 2签约主体 总商会世博局 21对外统一称谓:上海市总商 会是2010年上海世博会的 特许产品高级赞助商 22世傲(集团)股份有限公司(暂定)为直接运营企业, 在运营和参与活动中体现公司价值。签定协议授权运营世傲集团3特许经营 31资金流程图 指向为资金流动方向世博局世傲(集团)自营项目生产厂家再授权企业经营费用国外渠道特许零售高级赞助商自营店及加盟店
4、品牌赞助企业营业网点团购(世博、政府、品牌赞助企业)55-60%供货按定购量定价1.5亿6%权益金10%权益金采购资金 32项目流程图 世博局世傲(集团)分授权权益自营项目1. 特许零售高级赞助商自营渠道2. 加盟店3. 品牌赞助企业营业网点团购(世博、政府、品牌赞助企业)国外渠道消费者15亿RMB6%10%5.5%-6.0% 33特许经营类高级赞助商与服装城高级赞助商权益划分 权益1.特许产品生产 权益:1.园区内服装类政府采购 2.品牌赞助企业团购 (总价值不高于25%赞助费) 3.无赞助商领域产品的生产 2.企业自身品牌宣传权 品牌: (单一LOGO) 品牌: 世博零售渠道:1.优先开店
5、权 2.园区内除基础配套 世博零售渠道:无开店权 设施以外的唯一产 品零售店 高级赞助商(特许经营) 高级赞助商(服装类)(双LOGO,同时使用) 34特许经营类高级赞助商和文具类高级赞助商权益划分 权益:1.特许产品生产 权益:1.园区内服装类政府采购 2.品牌赞助企业团购 (总价值不高于25%赞助费) 3.无赞助商领域产品的生产 2.企业自身品牌宣传权 品牌: (单一LOGO) 品牌: 世博零售渠道:1.优先开店权 (双LOGO,同时使用) 2.园区内除基础配套 世博零售渠道:无开店权 设施以外的唯一产品零售店 高级赞助商(特许经营) 高级赞助商(文具类) 3.5十大类产品分级 级别第一级
6、别第二级别第三级别第四级别类别自营类别黄金分授权类别其他类别待开发产品类别产品种类服装、服饰、帽子、围巾、家纺、雨衣等文具、家具、用品、玩具、皮具箱包类饰品、礼品、个人护理产品、软件技术产品、游戏、媒体产品、休闲食品不违背世博品牌经营理念且适合市场销售的产品市场预估15亿12亿10亿暂不做预估 36世博会园区商业配套设施规划 餐饮:12万平方米配套设施:移动网点银行加油站等特许店便利店工艺品店餐饮业其他服务业零售店注释:1.园区内零售店只能为框内三种形式. 2.特许店指出售特许产品的专卖店,世傲(集团)为唯一产品供应商. 3.工艺品店指出售具有中国民族特色的非世博品牌的产品. 37自营项目分析
7、 举例:世博会开园期间 T恤(从儿童到成人): 市场销售:2000万件X70元/件=14亿 14亿X0.45=6.3亿 6.3亿/2=3.15亿(毛利) 注:单世博期间的自营项目的毛利即可支付赞 助费用及股份公司运营费用(运营费用具体见5中所述) 38盈亏平衡点 平衡点(从产品和权益金角度分析)内容赞助费用毛利平衡点市场销售额备注权益金平衡点1.5亿1.5亿37.5亿权益金收益率为4%产品平衡点66亿世博开园期间T恤销售超过900万件 3.9市场分析 注:以品牌运作方式,掌 握市场发展动态,合 理利用市场资源,使 项目利益最大化. 07.12 08.02 08.05 08.10 09.02 0
8、9.05 09.10 10.02 10.05 10.10时间销售额(元)8亿5亿3亿2亿1亿5000万800万4时间进度表项目最后陈述及确认(07年5月5日)调研征集函发放(07年5月10日)投资协议书签定,股份公司章程拟订方案提交(07年5月底)开标(07年6月)分授权征集函发放(07年6日)内定吉祥物(07年8月初)产品设计(9月中)黄金分授权结束(07年8月底)公布吉祥物、产品同时上市(07年12月3日)5世傲(集团)股份有限公司(暂名)5.1组织架构图股东大会监事会董事会秘书处总 裁营业部行政人事中心财务部执行总裁会计内部审计法 务自营事业部总设计评审部特许事业部市场部生产部市场策划产
9、品销售设计打样发单跟单品控物流市场开发品控处一处二处三处家具用品食品护理用品文待添加的隐藏文字内容3具饰品礼品媒体产品软件产品玩具和游戏 52人员配置及人力成本2007年部门岗位定编认数拟定月薪保险合计总经理1250001075035750自营事业部(12人)副总115000645021450市场经理1650027959295销售员1450019356435助理2300025808580生产经理1450019356435工艺员1300012904290发单员23500*2301010010品控员1350015055005仓储配送22500*221507150特许事业部(11人)副总115000
10、645021450市场开发63500*6903030030品控员43500*4602020020总设计评审部(3人)总设计师1待定设计师2待定2007部门岗位定编人数拟定月薪保险合计行政中心(4人)行政总监1600025808580行政专员1300012904290人事专员1300012904290客服专员1250010753575财务部 (5人)财务经理1600025808580总帐会计1350015055005内部审计员1350015055005出纳1250010753575法律专员1350015055005合计33-36人163500703052338052007年拟定 人员数33-36
11、人,人力成本预算以半年计,即233805*6=1402830元2008年拟定人员数增长30%即43人(应以市场拓展定编认数)人力成本增长率以30%计,即全年人力成本费用为365万元。2009年人员数增长30%即55人(应以市场拓展定编人数)人力成本增长率以30%计,即全年人力成本费用为474万元。2010年616万。2010年人员数增长30%即71人(应以市场拓展定编认数)人力成本增长率以30%计,即全年人力成本费用为616万元。5.3 运营成本 共计:2000万内容人力成本(万元)经营性费用(万元)房租办公用品IT车差旅费其他200714061307720083651215201818200
12、947412202424201061612203030合计15954220579795.4 投资需求内容赞助费用(万元) 采购资金 (万元)运营成本(万元)合计(万元)2007年6月 3500 2000 290 57902008年1月 4000 1000 448 54482009年1月 4000 2000 554 6554 2010年1月 3500 3000 708 7208 合计 15000 8000 2000 25000资金寡集节点时间赞助费用(万元)采购资金(万元)运营成本(万元)合计占总股本比例2007.0615001000200270010.8%2007.09100050010016
14、69.7%合计150008000200025000100%55操作细节 自营纺织类(服装、家纺等) 注:1.世博会召开期间各门店主要以旅游纪念性服装产品为主. 2.加盟店和零售店非世博市场爆发期间以性价比高的品牌产品为主.设计生产品牌产品拓展加盟店纪念性服装产品零售店品牌赞助企业门店销售l 纺织类以外的特许产品l 注重知识产权保护l 产品设计指导l 质量监督5.6税收优惠政策 赞助费1.5亿为税前列支,按25%所得税率计算,可减免3750万. 产品销售5.5%营业税,目前世博正在与税务局协调,具体优惠政策还未最后认定. 综上,预计税收减免额约为5000-6000万,这样可以减少1.5亿赞助费用
15、的压力.5.7公司远景是中小民营企业首次参与国家项目,是个千载难逢的大好机会,是国家政策对民营企业支持的具体体现.公司过亿的投资、过亿的利润、过20亿的销售额,股权清晰、架构明确、管理规范、财务透明,种种迹象表明在2010年市场爆发前期,必定吸引风投关注,有上市潜力。作为民营企业全方位参与世博品牌跨行业总特许运营后,今后我们可以制定中国特许领域的标准和规范,这也是世博和国家所需要的。 通过对世博品牌特许运营,可以为公司培养一支强有力的特许经营团队和建立丰富的产品销售渠道,公司价值得到提升。这在后世博时期,无疑为公司争取国际重大展会的品牌特许项目增加竟争筹码。我们为世博项目建立的B2B电子商务平
16、台,使用率高,知名度会相应提升,其价值也在不断上升。提升纺织服装商会影响、通过项目运作壮大会员队伍,扩大影响力,扩大服务面。6风 险风险 产生原因 结果竟标失败争取服装类产品特许生产分授权资 金认定资金未及时到位资金链断裂政治、经济双亏经营风险生产与流通环节合理衔接产销 库存压力产销 市场资源浪费Editors note: Judson Jones is a meteorologist, journalist and photographer. He has freelanced with CNN for four years, covering severe weather from tor
17、nadoes to typhoons. Follow him on Twitter: jnjonesjr (CNN) - I will always wonder what it was like to huddle around a shortwave radio and through the crackling static from space hear the faint beeps of the worlds first satellite - Sputnik. I also missed watching Neil Armstrong step foot on the moon
18、and the first space shuttle take off for the stars. Those events were way before my time.As a kid, I was fascinated with what goes on in the sky, and when NASA pulled the plug on the shuttle program I was heartbroken. Yet the privatized space race has renewed my childhood dreams to reach for the sta
19、rs.As a meteorologist, Ive still seen many important weather and space events, but right now, if you were sitting next to me, youd hear my foot tapping rapidly under my desk. Im anxious for the next one: a space capsule hanging from a crane in the New Mexico desert.Its like the set for a George Luca
20、s movie floating to the edge of space.You and I will have the chance to watch a man take a leap into an unimaginable free fall from the edge of space - live.The (lack of) air up there Watch man jump from 96,000 feet Tuesday, I sat at work glued to the live stream of the Red Bull Stratos Mission. I w
21、atched the balloons positioned at different altitudes in the sky to test the winds, knowing that if they would just line up in a vertical straight line we would be go for launch.I feel this mission was created for me because I am also a journalist and a photographer, but above all I live for taking
22、a leap of faith - the feeling of pushing the envelope into uncharted territory.The guy who is going to do this, Felix Baumgartner, must have that same feeling, at a level I will never reach. However, it did not stop me from feeling his pain when a gust of swirling wind kicked up and twisted the part
23、ially filled balloon that would take him to the upper end of our atmosphere. As soon as the 40-acre balloon, with skin no thicker than a dry cleaning bag, scraped the ground I knew it was over.How claustrophobia almost grounded supersonic skydiverWith each twist, you could see the wrinkles of disapp
24、ointment on the face of the current record holder and capcom (capsule communications), Col. Joe Kittinger. He hung his head low in mission control as he told Baumgartner the disappointing news: Mission aborted.The supersonic descent could happen as early as Sunday.The weather plays an important role
25、 in this mission. Starting at the ground, conditions have to be very calm - winds less than 2 mph, with no precipitation or humidity and limited cloud cover. The balloon, with capsule attached, will move through the lower level of the atmosphere (the troposphere) where our day-to-day weather lives.
26、It will climb higher than the tip of Mount Everest (5.5 miles/8.85 kilometers), drifting even higher than the cruising altitude of commercial airliners (5.6 miles/9.17 kilometers) and into the stratosphere. As he crosses the boundary layer (called the tropopause), he can expect a lot of turbulence.T
27、he balloon will slowly drift to the edge of space at 120,000 feet (22.7 miles/36.53 kilometers). Here, Fearless Felix will unclip. He will roll back the door.Then, I would assume, he will slowly step out onto something resembling an Olympic diving platform.Below, the Earth becomes the concrete botto
28、m of a swimming pool that he wants to land on, but not too hard. Still, hell be traveling fast, so despite the distance, it will not be like diving into the deep end of a pool. It will be like he is diving into the shallow end.Skydiver preps for the big jumpWhen he jumps, he is expected to reach the
29、 speed of sound - 690 mph (1,110 kph) - in less than 40 seconds. Like hitting the top of the water, he will begin to slow as he approaches the more dense air closer to Earth. But this will not be enough to stop him completely.If he goes too fast or spins out of control, he has a stabilization parach
30、ute that can be deployed to slow him down. His team hopes its not needed. Instead, he plans to deploy his 270-square-foot (25-square-meter) main chute at an altitude of around 5,000 feet (1,524 meters).In order to deploy this chute successfully, he will have to slow to 172 mph (277 kph). He will hav
31、e a reserve parachute that will open automatically if he loses consciousness at mach speeds.Even if everything goes as planned, it wont. Baumgartner still will free fall at a speed that would cause you and me to pass out, and no parachute is guaranteed to work higher than 25,000 feet (7,620 meters).
32、It might not be the moon, but Kittinger free fell from 102,800 feet in 1960 - at the dawn of an infamous space race that captured the hearts of many. Baumgartner will attempt to break that record, a feat that boggles the mind. This is one of those monumental moments I will always remember, because there is no way Id miss this.