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1、人教小学六年级英语上册期末试 一 选择适当的字母。 ( )1.f_t A.o B.u C.oo ( )2.t ll A.i B.h C.a ( ) 3.subw A.ai B.i Cay ( ) 4.coun y A.tr B.ty C. tree ( ) 5.t ll A.e B.u C.m ( ) 6.n th A.o B.ar C.or ( ) 7.p ty A.ar B.er C.ea ( ) 8.w sh A.i B.a C.o ( ) 9.twelf A.teen B.ty C.th ( ) 10.l rn A.i e B.e a C.a n 二、按要求写出单词: 1Number缩

2、写 2.drive 名词 3.far反义词 4。people复数 5left 反义词 6.library复数 7bus 复数 8。get off反义短语 9twelve 序数词 10。foot复数 三、选择填空。 ( )1. Children go to school . A. ride a bike B.by bike C. by a bike ( )2. Whats your name ? A. Han Mei Mei B. Han mei mei C. Han Meimei ( )3.How old are you? A.Im very well. B.Im ten. C.Im fine

3、. ( )4.Where do you live? A.I live in England. B.I love music. C.I like hamburger. ( )5.What colour is your hair? ( )6.Mr pan usually _ up early. A.gets B.get C.got ( )7.How do you go to school? I _. A.wlak B.on foot C.walk to ( )8.Stop _the traffic light. A.on B.at C.to ( )9.He often _a bus to work

4、 . A.takes B.take C.by ( )10. _ you are walking the wrong way. A.Maybe B. May be C. may 四、 给下列对话排正确的顺序,按顺序填入1245678 Excuse me,is there a cinema near here? A.My hair is black. B.My name is Lucy. C.black ( )You are welcome. ( )Its next to the hospital. ( )Where is it,please? 1. I like take a taxi to t

5、he shop。 A B C 2. Hes go to the new hospital tomorrowmy A B C 3. I can speaking some English. A B C 5.What do you going to be in the future? A B C 七阅读理解,并判断对错 对的打T 错的打F Christmas is a very important festival in western countries. Its in December. There are Christmas trees everywhere(到处). People give

6、 children presents.On Christmas Eve, sometimes there are parties in peoples houses. They give friends Christmas cards. Linging is going to attend(参加) a Christmas party. Its in Amys home. They are going to sing and dance. And they are going to have many decilious foods. It is really a wonderful festi

7、val! ( )1. Christmas is an antumnfestival. ( )2. You can see Christmas trees on Christmas. ( )3. Children wear scary clothes and scare the people on Christmas. ( )4. Lingling and Amy are going to sing and dance in the party. ( )5. People dont give children anything on Christmas. 八作文。根据自己的情况写一封信。 Dear Lucy: My name _. Im_. Ilive_. My hair_. Ilike_


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