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1、人教年级英语下册第710单元练习题及答案八年级英语下册第7-10单元练习题及答案 一、单项选择:20分 ( )1. Would you mind _ down the music? Its too noisy. - _. A. to turn, Yes, I would B. turning, Yes, I would C. to turn, No, I dont D. turning, No, not at all ( )2. I cant stand him _ talking. A. keeps B. keeping C. to keep D. kept ( )3. It is poli

2、te to wait _ in public. A. in the line B. in a line C. in line D. in one line ( )4. Tom got _ when he saw the _ book. A. annoy, annoyed B. annoying, annoy C. annoyed, annoying D. annoying, annoyed ( )5. The work is _. You can finish it by yourself. A. easy enough B. enough easy C. difficult enough D

3、. enough difficult ( )6. How about _ stamps? A. collect B. to collect C. collecting D. for collecting ( )7. Theyll play basketball _ watch TV. A. instead B. instead of C. rather than D. rather ( )8. Your watch is so beautiful. It must be expensive. Not at all. I only _ $4 on it. A. cost B. spent C.

4、paid D. took ( )9. Why not _ her a doll? - _ too boring. A. getting, Thats B. get, Thats C. getting, Theyre D. get, Theyre ( )10. This chair is _ heavy for the little girl _ carry. A. too, to B. very, to C. so, that D. very, that ( )11. Helen loves to talk about travel. She _ many places. A. has gon

5、e to B. has been to C. has gone for D. has been from ( )12. What day is it today, Monday or Tuesday? - _. Its Thursday. A. Either B. None C. Neither D. Both ( )13. Have you _ heard of the story? - No, _. A. already, never B. ever, ever C. never, ever D. ever, never ( )14. How long _ your grandpa _?

6、- Since six years ago. A. was, dead B. has, died C. was, died D. has, been dead 初中英语 八年级英语 - 1 - ( )15. _ fact, I dont like art at all. A. At B. In C. On D. To ( )16. Linda has _ been to Disneyland, has she? A. never B. ever C. already D. even ( )17. The boy had a hard time _ the movie. A. understan

7、ds B. understanding C. understand D. to understand ( )18. I hope its a fine day tomorrow. - _. I want to go camping.:学科网ZXXK A. I hope so B. I dont hope so C. I hope not D. I hope to ( )19. Thanks for the tickets _ the next weeks game. You are really friendly _ me. A. of, with B. to, with C. for, to

8、 D. with, to ( )20. Be careful _ the street. A. crossing B. cross C. across D. to cross 二、完型填空: Mr. Lee had never been up in an airplane before and he had read a lot about accidents. SO one day when a friend came to his house and 1. _ to take him for a ride in his own small plane , Mr. Lee was very

9、2._.He thought to himself , If I dont agree ,my friend may not be happy.3_ if I agree ,Im really afraid that there might he some danger. 4._,however , his friend made him believe that it was very 5. _,and Mr. Lee got on the plane . His friend 6._ the engine and the plane began to move along on the g

10、round of the 7. _. Mr. Lee was frightened and closed his eyes. After a minute or two he opened them 8._, looked out of the window of the plane and said to his friend. Look 9_those people down over there .They look as 10_as ants, dont they? Those are ants ,answered his friend, we are still on the gro

11、und. ( )1. A. offered B. allowed C. agreed D. afford ( )2. A. excited B. grateful C. worried D. glad ( )3. A. As B. For C. So D. But ( )4. A. Finally B. First C. Last D. But ( )5. A. interesting B. safe C. comfortable D. enjoyable ( )6. A. began B. carried C. moved D. started ( )7. A. airport B. tow

12、n C. station D. yard ( )8. A. again B. once C. quickly D. easily ( )9. A. up B. at C. over D. after ( )10. A. short B. big C. strange D. small 三、阅读理解: The police do many things for us. They help keep our things and us safe. They help keep cars moving safely. They take care of people who are hurt. Th

13、en they see these people get to a doctor. The police go around town to see that everything is all right. They get around town in many ways. Some of them walk or go by car. In some big cities,some of the police ride on horses. It is strange to see these animals in the street. As they go around town,t

14、he police help people. Sometimes they find lost children. They take the children home. If the police see a fight,they put an end to it right away. Sometimes people will ask the police how to get to a place in town. The police can always tell the people which way to go. They know all the streets and

15、roads well. 初中英语 八年级英语 - 2 - Some police stand at crossings. They tell the cars when to go and when to stop. They make sure that the cars do not go too fast. They help children cross the street. They also help people who cant walk too well. Without the police,our streets would not be safe. Cars migh

16、t go too fast and hurt people. Lost people might never be found. The police do a good job. We need them. And we should thank them for a job well done. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 1. The police do many things for us. They help keep our things and us _. A. warm B. clean C. quiet D. safe 2. How do some of the polic

17、e get around in some big cities? A. By taxi. B. On horses. C. By bus. 3. In the text,“put an end to” means “_”. A. stop B. cut C. kill 4. The text is mainly talking about the _ of the police. A. life B. road C. job D. day 四 完成句子 1 你能帮我把书还给图书馆吗Could you please _ for me? 2 我一直在公交站牌那等车. I was always _

18、the bus at the bus stop. 3 我宁愿去上学而不是参加比赛。Id like to go to school _ the contest. 4 我又许多收藏,例如邮票,课本等。I have a lot of collections _ stamps, books and so on. 5 我们俩都不喜欢那只笔。 _ likes that pen. 五、书面表达:10分 请根据以下要点提示,以“The best gift I have ever received”为题,写一篇70词左右的短文。要点提示: 1. When did you receive the gift? 2.

19、 Who gave it to you? Why did he/she buy you the gift? 3. Why do you like it? Introduce the gift. D. fly D. On bikes. 一单项选择。 初中英语 八年级英语 - 3 - ( ) 1. What should I get my mom _ her birthday? A. for B. on C. at D. in ( ) 2. Why dont you _ a camera? Thats too cheap. A. got B. get C. gets D. getting ( )

20、3. Whats the best gift John _ ever received? A. have B. has C. had D. having ( ) 4. Why _him clean the classroom? A. not you help B.dont help C.not help D. not helping ( )5. Mrs Green is a _ woman. A. 30 years B. 30 year C. 30-year-old D. 30-years-old ( )6.Goldfish are easy _. A. look after B take c

21、are C to looking after D to take care of ( )7. The girl was too young _ to school. A. not to go B to go C for go D to going ( ) 8. Peter spends lots of time _books. A .looking at B on read C in seeing D reading ( ) 9. Please remember _off the light before you leave. A .turn B turning C to turn D to

22、get ( )10. Every day I have enough time _ my dog. A play with B playing and C to play with D to play 二用所给词的正确形式填空。 1I went shopping instead of_TV at home. (watch) 2There are some_ in the house. (mouse) 3That machine is making a _ (noisy) 4We _ any classes next week. (not have) 5. He wants to buy a_car. (person) 6That book is _enough. (interest) 三根据提示,把下列的句子翻译成英语。 1.鹦鹉是最不寻常的动物。 _ are _ _ _ pets. 2. 这些天来最流行的宠物是大肚猪。 The _ kind of pet _ _ is the _ pig. 3. Tom养了一只叫做Connie的乌龟. Tom has a _ _ Connie. 4. 这些书将会被赠送给孩子们。 These books will _ _ _ to children. 5.电影太无聊了,演了一半我就睡着了。 初中英语 八年级英语 - 1 -


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