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1、仁爱七年级下册Unit6Topic3SectionA通山振新学校学生课堂导学案提纲 编制人:吉喆 审核人: 使用人: 使用日期: Unit 6 Our Local Area Topic 3 Which is the way to the hospital? Section A 班级:_ 小组:_ 姓名:_ 评价:_ 1.学习并掌握本节课生词:along - across from. 2.学习问路和指路的句型。 1.重点词汇的运用。 2.课本1a对话内容的理解。 : .听1a,完成1b. .看2a图片,完成2a的选词填空. .听2b,完成2b。 .读资料链接: 1. Go up Xinhua S

2、treet to the end, and youll find it on your left. 沿着新华街走到尽头,你会发现它在你左边。go up沿着走 往北走或者从小地方到大城市或者大城镇。如: When are you next going up to England ? 你什么时候沿路去英国? go down沿着走 往南去或者从城市、大城镇到小地方。如: They are going down to New Town. 他们正沿路去New Town。 to the end 到尽头 in the end 在尽头,最后 at the end of 在的尽头 on ones left/ r

3、ight = on the left/ right of sb. 在某人的左边/右边 on the left/ right 在左边/右边 2. How can I get to the library? 我怎样到达图书馆? get to =reach=arrive in/at 到达,到 后接表示地点的名词,但 here/there/home不用to 3. Go along Xinhua Street and turn right at the first crossing. 沿着新华街往前走,在第一个十字路口右拐。 Go along 沿着走 如:I often walk along this

4、street after supper. 我经常在晚饭后沿着这条街走。 Turn left/ right 左/右拐 At the crossing. 在第个十字路口 如: Turn left at the second crossing. 在第二个十字路口左拐。 4.Its about twenty meters along on the left. 他在左前方约20米处。如: Our school is about sixty meters along on the right. 我们学校在右前方约60米处。 5. Which is the way to the hospital? 哪条路通

5、往医院? the way to 通往的路 如:Do you know the way to Beijing? 你知道通往北京的路吗? 6. Go across the bridge. 越过那座桥。go across越过;后接名词,强调从一定范围的一边到另一边。如: Go across the bridge , you will find the library. 越过那座桥,你就会发现那个图书馆。 7. The bookstore is across from the school. 书店在学校的对面。 across from 在 对面 如:His house is across from t

6、he park. 他的家在公园对面。 Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, can not keep it from themselves. 1 把阳光带给别人的人,自己的生命中也充满阳光。 通山振新学校学生课堂导学案提纲 编制人:吉喆 审核人: 使用人: 使用日期: 8. The library is on the corner of Xinhua Street and Zhongshan Road. 图书馆在新华街和中山路的拐角处。 on the corner of = at the corner of “在拐角处”,表示在某

7、一地方或建筑物外面的拐角处。 in the corner of 表示在某一建筑物内的拐角处。 一“导”。(5分钟) 二“思”:自主学习 1. 熟读1a。(各小组分角色朗读) 2翻译下列短语: 通往的路 _ 在对面 _ 沿着走 _ 在第一个路口 _ 到尽头 _越过 _ 在的拐角 _ _ 在左边 _往右拐 在和间 在中山路 到达 3. 看1a,完成下列问题: 1). 哪些句子表示问路? 把它们写下来: 2). 哪些句子表示指路?把它们写下来: 4翻译下列句子。(各小组黑板展示) 1).哪条路通往医院? 2).在第二个十字路口右拐。 3).它在右前方约30米远。 4).沿着中山路走到尽头,你会发现它

8、在你的右边。 5).银行在书店对面。 6).有个图书馆在新华街和中山路的拐角处。 三、“议”:合作探究 小组长带领组员讨论上述问题,寻求正确理解和答案并做好记录。 五、“评”:精点点拨 根据展示情况,同学们互相评价、补充和纠正,老师稍做点评。 六、“助”: 如果你还有疑问,请尽快向组内其他人请教,导学案所有问题都要清理。 七、“测”:巩固检测 单单选选: 111100: Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, can not keep it from themselves. 2 把阳光带给别人的人,自己的生命中也充满阳光。 通山振新

9、学校学生课堂导学案提纲 编制人:吉喆 审核人: 使用人: 使用日期: 通通山山振振新新学学校校初初中中学学部部七七年年级级英英语语学学科科 自自助助餐餐作作业业组组编编题题第第11号号 编编制制人人:吉吉喆喆 .单项选择。 ( )1Please call me 38679456 A.to B.at C.by D.for ( )2.Zhou jie wants to rent a single room ¥120 a month. A.below B.under C.no more D.not ( )3. I want to rent a room _ 150 yuan _ month, for

10、 three months. A. with, per B. for, per C. with, one D. for, one ( )4. David wants to _ his house _ one of his friends. A. borrow, from B. rent, to C. rent, from D. borrow, to ( )5. The old woman lives _ a house _ a garden. A. in; and B. on; with C. in; with D. with; in ( )6. He is two young. He sti

11、ll his parents. A. lives in B. live in C. lives with D. live with ( )7. _ Its an apartment. A. Whats your home? B. Wheres your house? C. What kind of home do you live in? D. Wheres the home? ( )8. Come and play _ us OK. A. on B. with C. to D. for 9. How many are there in your desk? There is only one

12、. A. book B. books C. a book D. the book 10. Is there an old man near the house? A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it does C. Yes, there is. D. Yes, there are. 1. An old man lives _ the _ floor. A. in; two B. on; second C. under; second D. to; second 2. We usually do our homework in the _. A. study B. washroom

13、 C. kitchen D. living room .填入所缺的单词: 1. -Excuse me, is _ a post office near here? -Yes, go _ the street _ the end and youll find it _ your left. 2.- Excuse me, _ can I _ to the park? -Go _ the road and _ right _ the second crossing. Go _ the bridge and youll see it _ your right. 3.- Excuse me, _ is

14、the way to the hospital, please? - Walk _ Zhongshan street. Its about 100 meters _.Then youll see it _ the corner of Zhongshan Street and Xinhua Street. Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, can not keep it from themselves. 3 把阳光带给别人的人,自己的生命中也充满阳光。 通山振新学校学生课堂导学案提纲 编制人:吉喆 审核人: 使用人: 使用日期:

15、 .句型转换: 1. Is there a bank near here?(同义句) _ can I get to the bank? _ is the way to the bank? 2. Go up the street and youll find it. (同义句) Go _ the street and youll find it. 3. Put it on the shelf. (改为否定句) it on the shelf. 4. Why dont you go there by bus? (改同义句子) Why go there by bus? 5. Kangkang wan

16、ts to rent a house with furniture. (就划线部分提问) house does Kangkang want to rent? 6.Michael has a nice room. (改为一般疑问句) _Michael _ a nice room? 7.There is a book on the desk?(划线部分提问) _on the desk? 8.Jim has a new sofa in his living room a new sofa in Jims living room. 9. She lives in an apartment near h

17、er school. _ _ she live? 10. The library is on the corner of Xinhua Street and Zhongshan Road. _ _ The library? . 汉译英。 1打搅了,我怎样到达银行? _ 2餐馆在新华街上,桥旁边。 _ 3沿着这条街走到尽头。 _ 4. 医院在公园和学校之间。 _ 5. 图书馆在新华路和中山街的拐角处。 _ Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, can not keep it from themselves. 4 把阳光带给别人的人,自己的生命中也充满阳光。


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