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1、公开课教案Unit4 EarthquakeUnit4 Earthquake Grammar-Attributive Clause 整体教学理念:寓学于乐 语法教学理念:“三维语法教学”-新课程标准明确指出:基础教育阶段英语课程目标是以学生语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、情感态度、文化意识的发展为基础,培养学生综合语言运用能力。“三维语法教学”以新课程英语目标为宗旨,倡导语法教学中既注重语法的形式和意义(meaning),也注重语法的实际运用。 课题:人教版高中英语必修一Unit4 Earthquake 课型:语法课(Attributive Clause:that、which、who、whose)

2、 课时:40mins 学情分析:该班级学生英语普遍处于中等偏下水平,故教学过程中侧重语法的“form”和“meaning”,但同时也略微兼顾语法的“use”。 教学目标: 1. 语言知识和语言技能目标:帮助学生初步了解、熟悉、理解定语从句相关概念;帮助学生理解、识记定语从句的基本常用句型;帮助学生掌握关系代指物时that和which的用法区别、关系代词指人时that和who的用法区别、关系代词在从句中作主语时主谓一致规律。 2. 学习策略目标:引导学生学会从语言现象中总结归纳语法规律 3. 情感态度以及文化意识目标:通过多次接触歌曲帮助学生树立使用语言的意识;进一步帮学生树立团队合作精神 教学

3、重点:帮助学生掌握关系代指物时that和which的用法区别、关系代词指人时that和who的用法区别、关系代词在从句中作主语时主谓一致规律。 教学难点:帮助学生树立使用语言的意识 教学步骤: 步骤 Sep1: (7mins) 目的 教师活动 学生活动 To stimulate students Make students listen to some songs Listen to the awareness relative towards and at the same time fill in the songs and fill in pronoun and blanks(歌词中所出

4、现的关系代词被the blanks attributive clause Step2: 挖空) the in To help students grasp Make students discuss the following Discuss some related conceptions questions based on the songs : about attributive clause; to lead students to 1) 被修饰的词(先行词)是什么类型的词? 2) 先行词所指是人还是物?关系代词所指是人还是物?两者之间有什么关系? 3) 关系代词有什么作用?在定语从

5、句中做什么成分? questions groups of 6 summarize how to chose relative pronoun according to antecedents Step3: To help students be Based on some English songs, make Finish familiar with which students do some filling-in blanks; exercises the relative pronoun should based on some Chinese songs, make be chose

6、n according to students antecedents Step4: exercises. do some translation To help students grasp the Organize students into 2 groups and Organize themselves into 2groups have and the differences between the have a competition. usage of “that” and 游戏规则: “which”, “that” and 1) 每道题目有一个分数代号。总“who”;to help students grasp the principle of “subject-verb concord”(主谓一致原则) 共有9道题目。每道题目一个知识点。 2) 每个小组每次选一个分数值题目答题。答对加分,答错倒扣一半分;如该小组答错,另外一小组有补答机会,答对,加一半分,答错,不扣分。 3) 最后总分得分高者胜出。 competition. Step5: summary and assignment


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