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1、初中英语语法之反义疑问句详解及强化练习含答案初中英语语法之反义疑问句详解及强化练习含答案 注意一、反义疑问句是疑问句的一种,它对陈述部分的事实提出相反的疑问,形式上是一个省略问句,附加在陈述句后,即: 陈述句 + 逗号 + 省略问句 + 问号 You are from America, arent you? 注意二、遵循前否定后肯定或前肯定后否定的原则 Jim isnt in Class Four, is he? 注意三、附加疑问句必须前后两句主语相同 Mr Zhang has been here for four years, hasnt he? 注意四、附加疑问句部分与主语不一致的若干情况

2、如下 1 this 或that改it,无论是否指人 This is your brother, isnt it? 2. these或those改they Those are books ,arent they? 3. 不定代词one改one或he One cant be always young, can one / he? 4. something、anything、everything和nothing改it Nothing is serious, is it? (注意为什么后面用is it而不是isnt it?) Everything seems all right, doesnt it?

3、 5. everybody、everyone、somebody、someone、anybody、anyone、nobody改they或he Everyone knows this, dont they / doesnt he? Nobody likes to lose money, does he? (这里最好用he) 6.each of改he或they Each of the boys had an apple, didnt he / they? 7. no one, none, neither, either改they 或he No one came, did they? 8. some

4、of、none of 改it、they或you None of the food was delicious, was it? Some of the dustmen have come back, havent they? 9. 由neithernor、not onlybut also、bothand、eitheror、notbut、or、and等连接的并列主语,改复数代词 Neither you nor I am wrong, are we? Both Tom and Jack came, didnt they? 10. 由动词不定式、动名词、从句或词组构成的主语,改it To learn

5、 English well isnt easy, is it? Swimming is great fun, isnt it? 11. the + 形容词表示一类人,改复数代词 The poor had no right (权力) to speak at the time, did they? 12. there 引起的句子,仍用there There stands a house and a lot of trees, doesnt there? There are many children in the park, arent there? 注意五、附加疑问句部分与谓语不一致的若干情况如

6、下(初中阶段14点18点和19点可以常识性了解) 1. have (有)改have或do Mary has two brothers, doesnt she / hasnt she? 2. have (有)必须与陈述部分一致 He hasnt a lot of time, has he? Miss Green doesnt have any money in her pocket, does she? 3. have不做“有”解释,必须用do They all have a good time, dont they? 4. have to用do或have We have to get up e

7、arly, dont we / havent we? 5. have got to用have We have got to answer all the questions, havent we? 6. had better用should或had We had better go right now, shouldnt we / hadnt we? 7. cant根据cant或的动词选择相应的形式 He cant be a doctor, is he? The workers cant have finished their work, have they? 8. may 用may + 主语

8、+ not They may be here next week, may they not? 9. must(必须)用neednt You must do it today, neednt you? 10. must(应该)用mustnt I must study hard, mustnt I? 11. mustnt用must或may You mustnt talk like that, must you? We mustnt stay here any longer, must we? 12. “must be”对现在情况进行推测作一般现在时或现在进行时的附加疑问句进行处理 2 反义疑问句

9、 He must be happy, isnt he? He must be working hard at the office, isnt he? must表示推测时,也有用mustnt的 He must have been working very hard, mustnt he? You must have told Mr Wang the secret, mustnt you? 13. “must + 完成时”表示对过去情况的推测,作一般过去时附加疑问句处理 He must have come yesterday, didnt he? You must have seen the p

10、lay last week, didnt you? 14. “must + 完成时”用来推测过去的动作持续到现在按现在完成时的附加疑问句来处理 You must have studied English for years, havent you? He must have lived here for at least ten years, hasnt he? 14. 实义动词need和dear用do He needs help, doesnt he? I have never dared to ask him, have I? 15. 情态动词need和dear用need和dear He

11、dare not say so, dare he? We need not do it again, need we? 16. neednt 用need或must You neednt go yet, need you? He neednt do that, must he? 17. “ would rather + 动词原形”和“would like to + 动词原形”用wouldnt He would rather read the text ten times than recite it, wouldnt he? Youd like to have some bananas, wou

12、ldnt you? 18. “ought to + 动词原形”用oughtnt 或shouldnt The child ought to be punished, oughtnt he? We ought to go there, shouldnt we? 19. “used to + 动词原形” 用“didnt + 主语”或“usednt + 主语”或“used + 主语 + not” He used to live in London, usednt he / didnt he? He used to play football when he was a child , used he

13、not? 注意六、句子中有seldom, hardly, no, not, never, few, little, nothing, nobody, nowhere等是否定句,附加疑问部分必须采用肯定形式 Nobody phoned while I was out, did they? He is hardly able to swim, is he? There is little ink in your pen, is there? no one, nobody, none, nothing, neither等作动词的宾语时,附加疑问部分一般采用肯定形式(也偶尔用否定形式) He has

14、nothing to say, does(nt) he? You got nothing from him, did(nt) you? 注意七、一些特殊句型的附加疑问句 1. I am改arent I I am your friend, arent I? 2. I wish to do sth或I wish I 改may I I wish to go home, may I? I wish I were you, may I? 3. 主从复合句,与主句的主谓语保持一致 He says that I did it, doesnt he? David wouldnt go there if it

15、rained, would he? 4. 并列句,与邻近的分句保持一致 Mary is a nice girl, but she had one short-coming, hadnt she? 5. 表示邀请,请求的祈使句,附加疑问部分用will you或wont you或would you等,一般只要记住will you就可以了,不遵循前否定后肯定或前肯定后否定的原则 Come here, will you? Turn off the light, will you? Do sit down, will you? 6. 表示告诉别人做某事的祈使句,用will you、can you、wou

16、ld you或cant you、wont you Stop talking, can you? Write down the new words, will you / wont you? 7. 否定的祈使句用will you或can you Dont make a noise, will / can you? 8. Let me 用will you 或may I Let me help you, may I? Let me do it, will you? 9. Lets 表示建议包括听话人在内,用shall we Lets go for a walk, shall we? 10. let

17、us 表示允许,不包括听话人在内,用will you Let us do it by ourselves, will you? 11. Let接第三人称宾语时用will you Let him come in, will you? 12. Lets not 用OK或all right Lets not go to the party, OK / all right? 13. 感叹句用一般现在时be的形式 What fine weather, isnt it? How clever the boy is, isnt he? How hard she works, isnt she? 反意疑问句试

18、题及答案 一.完成下列反意疑问句, 一空一词: 1.We must go at once, ? 2.My uncle used to smoke, ? 3.She must be a music lover, ? 4.You need to have a good dictionary, ? 5.Let us do the jobs ourselves, ? 6.There used to be an old stone bridge across the river, 7.Please turn down the radio, ? 8.There were few people there,

19、 ? 9.If anybody comes here, he will be welcome, ? 10.You must have seen her yesterday, ? 二、把下列各句改成反意疑问句: 11.I think he is right. 12.I dont think youre seriously ill. 13.I dont suppose they will be back soon. 14.Dont do such a job. 15.You neednt do that when your daughter is here. 16.What you need is

20、 more practice. 17.He says that it is really true. 18.He dared to ask the teacher many questions. ? 19.That is an honest girl? 20.Tom hasnt much time to spare. 三、将下列句子译成英语(一空一词): 21.人无完人, 对吗? , ? 22.你每年冬天感冒, 是不是? ? 23.你伯父过去住在宁波, 对不对? ? 24.A:他不想买这辆十速自行车, 对吗? B:对, 他不想买。 A 。 ? B: , 25.这条裤子太长我弟弟不能穿, 对吗?

21、 ? 四、下列句子都有三种译文, 请把正确的选出来: 26.皇帝是裸体的, 对吗? A.The emperor was undressed, was he? B.The emperor was dressed, wasnt he? C.The emperor was undressed, wasnt he? 27.我今天晚上得工作到深夜, 对不对? A.I had to work late into the night tonight, dont I? B.I have to work late into the night tonight, havent I? C.I have to wor

22、k late into the night tonight, dont I? 28.他既不是工人也不是工程师, 对吗? A.He is neither a worker nor an engineer, isnt he? B.He is neither a worker nor an engineer, is he ? C.He is either a worker or an engineer, isnt he? 29.我是你的一个好朋友, 对不对? A.I am a friend, arent I? B.I am your good friend, am I not? C.I am one

23、 of your good friends, arent I? 30.什么事也不会使我向你屈服, 对吗? A.Nothing could make me give in to you , could it ? . , : , B.Nothing could make me to give in to you, could it ? C.Not anything could make me give in to you , couldnt it? 31.咱们一起去游泳, 好吗? A.Let us go swimming together, shall we? B.Lets go swimming

24、 together, will you? C.Lets go swimming together, shall we? 32.我们不可以迟到, 对吗? A.We may not be late, may we? B.We mustnt be late, may we? C.We couldnt be late, must we? 33.他们是否来关系不太大, 是吗? A.Whether they will come or not does matter too much, doesnt it? B.Whether they will come or not doesnt matter too

25、much, does it? C.If they will come or not doesnt matter too much, does it? 34.我们最好不要冒阵雨外出, 对吗? A.Wed better not to go out in the shower, had we? B.Wed better not go out in the shower, did we? C.Wed better not go out in the shower, had we? 35.这个女孩不敢独自回家, 对吗? A.The girl did not dare go home alone, did

26、 she? B.The girl did not dare go to home alone, did she? C.The girl did not dare to go home alone, did she? 36.咱们现在做游戏, 好吗? A.Let us play games, will you? B.Lets play games, shall we? C.Lets play the game, may we? 参考答案 一、1.neednt we 2.usednt hedidnt he 3.isnt she 4.dont you 5.will you 6.usednt there

27、didnt there 7.will youwont you 8.wont he 9.were there 10.didnt you 二、11.I think he is right, isnt he? 12.I dont think youre seriously ill, are you? 13.I dont suppose they will be back soon, will they? 14.Dont do such a job, will you? 15.You neednt do that when your daughter is here, need you? 16.Wha

28、t you need is more practice, isnt it? 17.He says that it is really true, doesnt he? 18.He dared to ask the teacher many questions, didnt he? 19.That is an honest girl, isnt it? 20.Tom hasnt much time to spare, has he? 三、21.None of us are perfect, are we? 22.You have a cold every winter, dont you? 23.Your uncle used to live in Ningbo, usednt hedidnt he? 24.A:He doesnt want to buy the ten-speed bicycle, does he? B:NO, he doesnt. 25.This pair of trousers is too long for my younger brother to wear, is it? 四、26.C 27.B 28.B 29.C 30.A 31.C 32.B 33.B 34.C 35.C 36.B


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