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1、厨房清洁剂系列厨房清洁剂系列 强力洗碗机清洁剂 产品说明: 浓缩型, 无气味, 含氯的洗碗机洗涤剂。特殊配方, 能适应低温洗涤, 快速消除食物污渍。含悬浮剂, 能够吸附污物, 使其在冲洗循环中容易被冲走。含铬合剂, 能隔除水中的矿物质, 防止污垢在平底盘碟积存。 使用说明: 本品利用全自动控制设备在洗碗机中使用,一般用量浓度为0.2-2%。 Product Description: Specially used for Automatic dishwasher. it can wash in low temperature and remove food dirt quickly, adsor

2、b dirt and flush away during circulation flushing. Also it can remove minerals in the water and prevent dirt on the tableware. Use Instruction: Automatic quantity controlled by the dishwasher, general dosage concentration: 0.2 - 2%. 洗碗机清洁剂 产品说明: 无气味, 含氯的洗碗机洗涤剂, 特殊配方, 能适应低温洗涤, 快速消除食物污渍, 含悬浮剂, 能够吸附污物,

3、 使其在冲洗循环中容易被冲走, 含铬合剂, 能隔除水中的矿物质, 防止污垢在平底盘碟积存。 使用说明: 本品利用全自动控制设备在洗碗机中使用, 一般用量浓度为0.22%。 Product Description: Specially used for Automatic dishwasher. it can wash in low temperature and remove food dirt quickly, adsorb dirt and flush away during circulation flushing. Also it can remove minerals in the

4、water and prevent dirt on the tableware. Use Instruction: Automatic quantity controlled by the dishwasher, general dosage concentration: 0.22%. 催干剂 产品说明: 专用于自动洗碗机的液体冲洗添加剂,减小碗碟在表面的水面张力,促进器皿迅速干燥且不留斑点。能迅速消除泡沫。防止细菌感染及减少杯碟破损,不需要人手抹干,省时省力。 使用说明: 将本品放入最后一个冲洗环节的自动喷射泵内,以获得最佳效果,水温应在摄氏82-90度之间,而所需要浓度可低于200PPM。

5、 Product Description: Specially used for automatic dishwasher, It works by reducing water tension on washed surface with rapid dry and spot remove. Handless work prevent from bacterial infection. Use Instruction: Put this product into injected pump at the final washing. The effect will be better in

6、8290washing temperature. 除垢清洁剂 产品说明: 由多种温和酸及去垢剂混合而成, 能迅速清除钙、铁、镁等金属离子形成的污斑以及污垢, 污渍和积垢, 能有效清洗铝质、不锈钢、陶瓷等厨房用具表面污垢; 亦适用于清除洗碗机及保温水瓶内的水垢。 使用说明: 1.咖啡机污垢: 先将咖啡机加进热水, 每公升热水加入25毫升, 加热及温泡约15分钟, 用清水冲洗干净。2.不锈钢及铝质用具: 每公升热水加入25毫升, 用布将稀释液体涂于表面清洗,然后用清水冲洗干净。(铝质表面不可长时间接触) Product Description: It can remove metal stain

7、inside or on surface of ware. It applies to clean dish-washer, coffee machine, water fountains, Thermos Pot and ware of aluminum, stainless steel materials. Use Instruction: 1. For coffee machine: fill with hot water, 25ml for 1L water. Soak for 15 minutes. 2. For stainless steel or aluminum ware: 2

8、5ml for 1L hot water, scrub dirt with cleaning cloth, then clean with water (do not clean aluminum for long time ) 运水烟罩清洁剂 产品说明: 本品是一种由非离子, 阴离子表面活性剂及有机溶剂配制而成的高效清洗剂。能高效化解及清除动植物油垢, 对铜、铁、不锈钢等材质无腐蚀作用。用于清洗运水烟罩系统内所积藏的油垢, 亦可用来清洗厨房内的设备, 墙壁和地面瓷砖。 使用说明: 1.运水烟罩: 将本品原液直接加入分配器,自动抽取。 2.排油烟罩, 地面, 墙面: 按1:20 配制清洗液,

9、用抹布或蘸取溶液清洗烟罩内外表面, 清水过净。 Product Description: It can efficiently dissolve and remove oil dirt but no damage to metal materials. It specially applies for clean dirt inside Hood and be use to clean ware, wall and floor in kitchen. Use Instruction: 1.For Automatic hoods: put it directly in distributor,

10、the machine will automated extract. 2.For hoods and floor: 1: 20 dissolve with water then clean the surface of dirt with cleaning rags. 炉灶清洁剂 产品说明: 本品是一种含碱溶剂和表面活性剂的高效液体脱脂剂,专为清洗厨房及炉灶油腻和食物污渍, 能清除普通清洁剂所不能去除的顽固污渍, 用于炉灶, 排气槽, 炸炉, 烧烤格栅,平底锅(油漆或镀铝表面除外), 本品也能用来清洁墙壁, 窗户和地板。 使用说明: 用喷壶喷于表面, 让原液体浸透油污约1至5分钟用湿布擦洗干

11、净, 40-50水温清洗效果更佳。 Product Description: Speciallyl desigh for oven oil cleaning, it can remove stubborn stains. Widely used in oven, air vent, barbeque grilles, pan and floor (paint and aluminum surface except), as well for the wall, window and floor. Use Instruction: Spraying on surface, soaking to

12、the stains for 1-5mins, mop the dissolved greasy dirt, then wash clear. Heat this product to 40-50 for better effect. 多用途清洁剂 产品说明: 多功能中性清洁剂, 适合于清洗所有硬表面。适用于清洁炉具、墙壁、家具、陶瓷、窗户、地板。 使用说明: 一般污渍:用本品10毫升溶于1升水中, 用喷雾器或海绵擦洗, 然后用清水冲洗。 严重污渍:用本品25毫升溶于1升水中, 用喷雾器或海绵擦洗, 然后用清水冲洗。 Product Description: Multi-function ne

13、utral detergent, suit for cleaning all the surface, cook ware, wall, furniture, ceramics, windows, floors. Use Instruction: General dirty: dissolve 10ml with 1L water, scrub with sprayer or sponge, then clean with water Heavry dirty: dissolve 25ml with 1L water, scrub with sprayer or sponge, then cl

14、ean with water. 厨房除油剂 产品说明:专用于厨房重油渍污垢去除,如油烟机,排气扇,灶台,煤气灶,电磁炉罩面、洗碗池等处的各种油渍。 使用说明:对着油渍处喷射,用抹布或刷子擦洗,再过清水抹干净即可。顽固污渍,停留片刻,再擦洗。 Product Description: Special designed for removing kitchen oil,such as range hood,exhaust fan,cooking bench,gas cooker, induction cooker,dish-washing sink etc. Use Instruction: Sp

15、ray directly, then scrubbing with duster cloth or brush,last washing with clean water. Stay this product to the stubborn dirt for a while,then scrubbing. 浸银粉 产品说明: 本品能有效清除银器餐具的表面氧化物及顽固污渍, 亦与碱性清洁剂合用, 有效清洁污渍。正确的使用不会损坏银器餐具,恢复其金属光泽。 使用说明: 每4公升热水加入30克完全溶解, 浸泡5分钟, 然后取出用清水冲洗。 Product Description: Specially

16、 used for cleaning stains and surface oxide on the silver tableware, It can mix with alkaline cleanser to clean other dirty. It is no damage to silver tableware and recovers shine color if use in a right way. Use Instruction: Dissolve each 30 grams of this product in 4 liter warm water(50-60). Then

17、put into the silver and stainless steel cutlery for at least 5 minutes to soft the stains. Wash with clear water in the end. 浸渍粉 产品说明: 专门用于清除塑料、瓷碗碟及金属餐具表面上的污渍。对清洗器皿无损害并且一次浸泡即可消除。含有特殊润湿剂,有效清除食物油脂和顽固的咖啡、水果污渍。 使用说明: 茶, 咖啡污渍: 每1L水(60-70)加6-12克本品完全溶解,浸泡5-10分钟,取出清洗干净。 咖啡机: 每2L水(60-70)加入6-12克本品完全溶解, 循环流动液1

18、0分钟至咖啡渍完全清除, 用清水冲洗干净。 Product Description: It can effetely remove organic stains from surface of plastic, china or metal cutlery. It is harmless and one time soaking to be clean. Containing wetting agent it can clear Stains of food oil,coffee, tea and fruit. Use Instruction: 1. Stain of coffee, tea

19、and fruit: 6-12g dissolved with 1L 60-70 water, soak for 5-10 minutes. Then clean with water. 2 .Coffee Machine: 6-12g dissolved with 2L 60-70 water, soak for 10 minutes. Then clean with water. 通渠粉 产品说明: 本品是强碱性的去污通渠粉, 能有效去除下水道的油脂及顽固油污, 分解及腐化植物纤维, 食物残渣等, 有效畅通管道。 使用说明: 用量视管道阻塞情况而定, 当管内留水时, 直接加入粉剂; 当管道

20、内无水时, 先倒入粉剂, 再适量倒水。浸泡约15分钟, 油脂溶解, 30分钟后, 毛发分解, 用大量水冲洗, 过程可反复。 Product Description: Strong alkaline, special use for Stain removal and drain Smoothing. It can effectively remove and clean oil dirt in drain by breaking down and corrupting plant fibre. Use Instruction: Quantity depend on pipe block, di

21、ssolve with water and pour in drain. Soak 15 minutes for oil removal, 30 minutes for hair resolving. Then, flush with water to clean. If blocked continue, repeat above operation. 浸金液 产品说明: 用于清除金器餐具的表面氧化物及顽固污渍, 它能与碱性清洁剂合用, 有效清洁污渍。正确的使用不会损坏金属餐具,恢复其金属光泽。 使用说明: 每升热水(5060)加入50ml本品完全溶解, 将清洗物放入溶液中浸泡约5分钟, 取

22、出冲洗干净。溶液浑浊时, 应更新溶液。 Product Description: Specially used for cleaning stains and surface oxide on the gold tableware, It can mix with alkaline cleanser to clean other dirty. It is no damage to gold tableware and recovers shine color if use in a right way. Use Instruction: Idissolved 50ML with 1L wate

23、r (5060), soak cleaned object for 5 minutes. Then clean with water. 洗地粉 产品说明: 浓缩碱性去垢清洁粉剂, 能清除油污及碳化污垢。适用于酒店厨房地面和厨房用具, 收货部门, 垃圾房等场所。 使用说明: 1.一般污渍:用量视污染程度而定, 稀释后将溶剂洒于地面上, 洗擦后用清水过净。 2.严重污渍:每1L温水加进20g, 后将溶液洒在地面洗擦至油污除去, 用清水过净。 3.厨房用具:每1L温水加进6g, 溶解后洒于清洗表面。让油污溶解, 然后用清水冲洗干净。 Product Description: Alkaline and

24、 concreted, it is specially used to clean greasy dirt and carbide dirt, It is suitable for kitchen floor, kitchenware and garbage room, etc. Use Instruction: Normal dirt: dissolve with water, quantity depended. Sprinkle on the ground, then scrub to be clean.Heavy dirt: dissolve 20g with 1L warm wate

25、r, sprinkle on the ground, and scrub with brush, clean with water.Kitchenware: Dissolve 6g with 1L warm water, clean with cleaning cloth and flush clean. 金属餐具抛光液 产品说明: 用于清洁及抛光银器上的银锈, 食品顽固污渍, 能另硫化的银器餐具恢复光泽, 适用于清洁及抛光刀叉及银器餐具。正确的使用不会损坏银器。 使用说明: 每公升水加入20毫升本品, 将金属餐具放入抛光机里, 开动机器, 让不锈钢珠粒与银器相互摩擦, 直至银器发亮为止, 然

26、后过水清洗再放入洗碗机内清洗。 Product Description: Specially used for cleaning and polishing different silver tableware, it can recover and remain shin color from vulcanized dark surface. It is suitable for machine or hand washing. Use Instruction: Dissolve 20ml with 1L water, put the metal ware into silver- poli

27、shing machine until the metal recover shin color. Lastly, clean with water in the dish washer. 消毒洗手液 产品说明: 气味清新, 含有两性离子杀菌剂, 性质温和, 有效去污、消毒, 无损肌肤。适用于所有型号的皂液器。 使用说明: 取310毫升充分揉擦, 冲水即可。 Product Description: Smell fresh, containing zwitterions fungicide, mild nature, it can effectively clean and sterilize

28、 but no damage to skin. This product is suitable for all types of liquid soap. Use Instruction: Take 310 ml for full rubbing, and then flush with clear water. 厨房油污清洁剂 产品说明: 专为重油污而设计, 用于清洗厨房重油污, 超强配方, 有效清除顽垢, 迅速分解顽固油渍, 污垢, 无须拆卸油烟机, 省时省力。适用于油烟机, 排气扇, 煤气灶等厨房设备的清洗。 使用说明: 对着污渍喷射,用抹布擦洗干净。污渍严重处,重复一次。 Produ

29、ct Description: It can quickly decompose the heavy dirt without removing the range hood to saves time and work. It apply to cleaning range hood machine, exhaust fan, gas cooker and other kitchen equipments. Use Instruction: Spray on surface of dirt, then scrub with cleaning rags. Repeat above operation on the heavy dirt.


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