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1、如何用BBC和VOA等练习听力和口语如何用BBC来提高听力和口语 听力 1分钟 第一个阶段:听了三遍或以上BBC后忍不住大喊:“次奥!这是啥玩意 儿!老子就是听不懂!”的童鞋 没关系,我记得中学老师第一次给我们放BBC时我就是一头雾水的, 所以别担心哈当你听了三遍甚至更多的时候还是不知道这个录音在说 啥,请看原稿,边看原稿边听录音,看完一遍后开始听写,听一句写一 句,先是写关键词和连词,然后是大概的句子,最后补充细节,当你做 完以上三个步骤后正确率达到了90%以上时,这个水平阶段就算搞定了,可以按照下一个水平阶段 的步骤来听写! 第二个阶段:听了一遍BBC后觉得“这也太TM快了!”然后再听几遍

2、 就知道大概意思的童鞋 说明你听力还过得去,但是有待提高哦!请保持循环播放直到你能 grasp 大部分意思,然后开始听写,听一句写一句,先是写关键词和连词,然 后是大概的句子,最后补充细节,之后对照原文看看自己写得怎么样 当你自己写的正确率达到了70%以上时,这个水平阶段就算搞定了, 可以按照下一个水平阶段来听写! 第三个阶段:听了两到三遍BBC就知道大概在说什么的童鞋 这个是我高三时的水平,其实已经很不错了听了两遍后,请开始听写, 听一句写一句,先把大概的句子写出来,之后补充细节,最后对照原文 看看自己写得怎么样当你自己写的正确率达到了75%以上时,这个水 平阶段就算搞定了,可以按照下一个水

3、平阶段来听写! 第四个阶段:听了一遍BBC就清楚地知道在说什么的童鞋 这个是我现在的水平啦听一遍就可以开始听写了!听一句写一句,最 后对照原文看看自己写得怎么样当你自己写的正确率达到了85%以 上时,听力就完全木有问题啦! 口语 听写完后请跟着录音,先是放一句跟读一句,然后是边放边跟读,最后是自己读并录下来,听听看跟原 音差在哪每天坚持练习,你就拥有一口正宗的腐国腔啦! 举例 比如一篇听力文章的原文是这样的: And of course Iran isnt the only country experiencing inflation at the moment. Many developin

4、g economies, including the two giants India and China, have seen significant increases in inflation in recent years. In the developed world, inflation rates may still be historically low, but prices here are rising, too. To many people, it comes as a bit of a shock, because until recently, the world

5、 was going through a period of exceptionally low inflation. The opening of the Chinese economy represented the greatest release of cheap labour in history. And the cheap goods those Chinese workers made ensured that prices across the globe were kept low. But that period is now well and truly over. I

6、ndeed, many economists are expecting prices of almost everything to rise for many, many years to come. Pippa Malmgren is president and founder of Principalis Asset Management and the former financial markets advisor to the White House under George W Bush. She says we all need to start preparing for

7、rising prices right now. 听得差不多了开始正式听写时: 1、第一、二阶段的童鞋 第一轮,在听到第一句时,可以记下“Iran experiencing inflation”,第二句记“India and China”和“increase in inflation”,第三句rates low prices rising,第四句 shock world low inflation,第五句“Chinese economy cheap labour”以此类 推! 第二轮开始扩充,第一句“Iran not only country experiencing inflation at

8、 the moment”,第二句“ developing economies, two giants India and China, increases in inflation in recent years”,第三句“ developed world, inflation rates historically low, prices are rising”,第四句“To many people, shock, because world going exceptionally low inflation”,第五句“The opening of the Chinese economy gr

9、eatest release of cheap labour in history”以此类推! 第三轮就尽量把句子写完咯 2、第三阶段的童鞋 第一轮,第一句“ Iran isnt the only country experiencing inflation”,第二句 “developing economies, including India and China, have significant increases in inflation”,第三句“developed world, inflation rates historically low, but prices rising, too”,第四句“To many people, it comes as a shock, because until recently, the world was going through exceptionally low inflation”,第五句“The opening of the Chinese economy represented the cheap labour in history” 第二轮就尽量把句子写完整咯! 3、第四阶段的童鞋 没啥好说的,听一句写一句!


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