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1、展望未来1重点词汇+句子Unit2 Lesson3 1.忘记做某事 forgot to do 2.叫人下车 tell sb. to get off=put off 3.既然这样 in that case 4.更愿意v. prefer 5.唯一的,独特的 unique 6.女性 female 7.由组成 consist of 8.因此 thus 9.质量 quality 10.在方面成功 succeed in 11.我最近进行了一场短途旅游,但是我的旅程比我想象的长。 I went on an excursion recently,but my trip took me longer than

2、I expected. 12.当我上公交车的时候我对售票员说。 I said to the conductor as I got on the bus. 13.我会告诉你在哪里下车。 Ill tell you where to get off. 14.我坐在车的前方,这样就可以欣赏乡下的风景。 I set in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside. 15.环顾四周,我吃惊的意识到我是车上被留下的唯一乘客。 Looking round,I realised with a shock that I was the o

3、nly passenger left on the bus. Unit3 Lesson5 1.包裹n. parcel 2.内疚的adj. guiltily 3.尴尬的adj. embarrassed 4.包含v. contain 5.五条巧克力 five bars of chocolate 6.糖 sweet 7.矿、矿山 mine 8.控制 be in charge of 9.属于 belong to 10.结果是 turn out to be 11.出发 set off 12.检查v. examine 13.事情变得如此糟糕以至于他决定节食。 Things got so bad recen

4、tly that he decided to go on a diet. 14.首先,他写了一长列他被禁止吃的食物。 First of all,he wrote out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden. 15.我按响门铃,对看到他和从前一样胖不感到吃惊。 I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Hugh was still as fat as ever. 16.很明显他非常尴尬。 It was obvious that he was very embarrassed.

5、 17.他解释道他的节食如此严格以致于他时不时要奖赏一下自己。 He explained that his diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Unit4 Lesson7 1.搬v. move 2.暂时的 temporarily 3.英寸 inch 4.吃惊n. surprise 5.盯着 gaze at 6.空闲的 spare 7.养宠物 keep pets 8.完全地adv. completely 9.靴子 boot 10.自信的adj.自信地adv. confident ; confidently

6、11.合适v. fit 12.我一直在试图把新房间整理整齐。 I have been trying to get my new room in order. 13.更糟糕的是,房间相当小。 To make matters worse,the room is rather small. 14.一小段时间前,我姐姐帮我把我的一个旧书柜搬上楼。 A short while age,my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs. 15.这是我见过的最美的地毯。 This is the prettiest carpe

7、t I have ever seen. Unit5 Lesson9 1.扑灭 put out 2.消防员 firefighter 3.非常肯定 be quite sure 4.偶然地adv. accidentally 5.发现 discover 6.抱怨v. complain 7.不可靠的;可靠的 unreliable;reliable 8.鸽子 pigeon 9.评论 comment 10.飞行,航班,航行 flight 11.自从那时起,他们就一直试图搞清楚火灾如何发生的。 Since then,they have been trying to find out how the fire

8、began. 12.玻璃碎片和烟头经常引起火灾。烟头常常是人民不小心丢弃的。 Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away. 13.以这种方式,他可以解释这个谜团。 In this way,he was able to solve the mystery. 14.这个解释简单但不一般。 The explanation was simple but very unusual. Unit6 Lesson11 1.拿起 pick up 2.挂

9、hang up -hung-hung 3.认出v. recognize 4.混乱n. adj. mess;messy 5.熟悉的 familiar 6.到底 on earth 7.作出努力 make an effort to 8.生动的;实况转播的 live 9.毫无疑问 no doubt 10.很快,我就忙与混合黄油和面粉。 In a short time,I was busy mixing butter and flour. 11.没有比这个更让人烦的了。 Nothing is more annoying. 12.我花了十分钟说服她待会儿打来。 It took me ten minutes

10、 to persuade her to ring back later. 13.我一回到厨房门铃就响了,声音大的能把死人叫醒。 I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead. Unit7 Lesson13 1.一个叫做“探测仪”的新机器被发明出来了,它被用于探测埋在地底下的金子。 A new machine called The Revealer has been invented,and it has been used to detect gold wh

11、ich has been buried in the ground. 2.一个搜索团队装备着这个新机器进到洞里面,希望能找到被埋藏着的宝藏。 Armed with the new machine,a search party went into the cave,hoping to find buried treasure. 3.这个团队很兴奋,他们挖一个两英尺深的坑。 Very excited,the party dug a hole two feet deep. 4.尽管如此,很多人还是充满信心,他们认为探测器也许很快就能发现值钱的东西。 In spite of this,many people are confident that The Revealer may reveal something of value fairly soon.


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