年级上Unit6 I'm going to study computer science.docx

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1、年级上Unit6 Im going to study computer scienceUnit 6 Im going to study computer science. 一、重点短语 grow up成长;长大 be sure about对有把握 make sure确信;务必 send sb/sth to sp把某人/某物送到某地 be able to do sth能做某事 the meaning of的意思 at the beginning of. 在.开始 different kinds of不同种类的 write down=take down写下;记下 have to do with关于

2、;与有关系 take up开始做;学着做(尤其指消遣) hardly ever几乎不;很少 tooto太而不能/太以至于不能 agree with 同意,赞同 do ones schoolwork做学校作业 be going to+动词原形 打算做某事 practice doing练习做某事 keep on doing sth.不断地做某事 learn to do sth.学会做某事 finish doing sth.做完某事 promise to do sth.许诺去做某事 help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事 remember to do sth.记住未做的某事 agr

3、ee to do sth.同意做某事 love to do sth.喜爱做某事 want to do sth.想要做某事 be going to do sth打算干某事 二、重点词汇 1. cook n. cook 炊事员;cooker作名词,意为“炊具”; v. cook 做饭;煮,既可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词。 do some cooking 做饭 cook sth. for sb. 为某人做某物 2.be sure about but Im not sure about that.但我不确定。 be sure about 意为“对某事有把握;确信某事”,可与be sure of互

4、换使用。 You may be sure of his honest. 你可以确信他的诚实。 be sure to do sth. 相信会做某事;一定会做某事 He is sure to win the game, because he has made every effort to prepare it. 他肯定能赢,因为他做了充分的准备。 be sure + 从句 相信 I am sure that he will succeed.我相信他能成功。 3.medicine Im going to study medicine at a university.我打算在大学里学医。 n. me

5、dicine 医学;药 He is a doctor of medicine. 他是一位医学博士。 A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。 take some medicine 吃药 You should take the medicine three times a day.你一天吃三次药。 4.send Im going to write articles and send them to我打算写一些文章,把它们寄往 v. send 寄;发送;派遣;打发。 Please send me a post card when you get to Paris.你

6、到巴黎时,请给我寄张明信片。 send sb. sth.=send sth. to sb. 把某物寄送给某人 能接双宾语的动词还有: 第一类:give, show, bring, teach, tell等,这一类结构:动词+间接宾语(sb.)+直接宾语(sth.)可改写成:动词+直接宾语 (sth.)+to+间接宾语(sb.) 第二类:buy, sing, make, cook, get等,改写时不用介词to,而用for,即:动词+直接宾语(sth.)+for+间接宾语(sb.)。 My father bought a computer for me. 我爸爸给我买了一台电脑。 5.quest

7、ion To question the idea of making resolutions.就做决定的想法提问。 v. question 怀疑;提问;质询 Do you question his honesty? 你怀疑他的忠诚吗? n. question 问题 Please read the passage and answer the following questions. 请阅读文章,并回答下列问题。 6.meaning n. meaning 意义;意图;涵义 如果问:这个单词什么意思?可以用下面三种表达方式: Whats the meaning of this word? What

8、 does this word mean? What do you mean by this word? 7.discuss To discuss the different kinds of resolution.讨论不同类型的决心。 v. discuss 讨论;议论 Lets discuss when to go for a picnic.让我们讨论下何时去野餐。 8.promise Its a kind of promise.它是一种承诺。 n. promise 承诺;诺言;允许 He made a promise to write to me. 他答应给我写信。 promise v.“

9、允诺;答应”,常用于以下结构中: 1) promise+n. 如: Those clouds promise rain tomorrow.那些云预示明天可能会下雨。 2)promise (sb.) to do sth. 如: She promises to be a good wife. 她渴望做个好太太。 3)promise (sb.) +that(从句) 如: He promised that he would help me. 他答应要帮我忙。 make a promise 许诺 keep / break a promise 遵守诺言/食言 9.at the beginning of W

10、hen we make resolutions at the beginning of the year, we hope that we are going to improve our lives.我们年初下决心时,我们希望我们将改善生活。 beginning是名词,意为: 开篇;开始,at the beginning of意为“在初;在开头”。 At the beginning of the term, some beginners began to recite the words. 在新学期开始时,一些初学者就开始背单词了。 at the end of 意为“在尽头” We usua

11、lly have a final exam at the end of each term.我们通常每学期末有一次期末考试。 10.improve When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year, we hope that we are going to improve our lives.我们年初下决心时,我们希望我们将改善生活。 v. improve 改进;改善,相当于make/get better,一般不与better连用,以免重复。 The weather is beginning to improve.天气开始好转了。 11

12、.take up They are going to take up a hobby他们打算培养一个爱好 1) take up“开始做;学着做”。 When did you take up basketball?你什么时候开始打篮球? He took up writing after graduation.毕业后他开始从事写作。 2) take up还可表示“拿起;占用(去);接纳等之意。” She took up the receiver and began to dial the number. 她拿起听筒开始拨电话号码。 12.agree v. agree 同意;赞成;允许 I aske

13、d him to help me and he agreed.我请求他帮忙,他答应了。 用法一:agree to do sth表示同意做某事 They agreed to move to another room.他们同意搬到另一个房间。 用法二: agree with sb 表示同意某人的看法 I agree with you.我同意你的意见。 n. agreement 同意,赞同 The two men had not reached agreement on any issues.两人还未就任何议题达成协议。 disagree 表示“不同意,不一致,不符合”。 I respect the

14、 president but I disagree with his decision.我尊敬总统,但我反对他的这个决定。 三、重点句型 1.Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement. 很多计划与自我提升有关。 have to do with的意思是:与.有关, 有时该结构也会有一些变形: have something to do with 与.有些关系 have nothing to do with 与.无关 This matter has nothing to do with Han Li.这件事情与韩丽无关。 My questio

15、n has something to do with todays homework.我的问题与今天的作业有关。 2.Although there are differences, most resolutions have one thing in common. 虽然大部分计划有不同,但是都有一个共同之处。 本句中although引导了让步状语从句,意思是:虽然.但是. although引导让步状语从句,不能与but连用。 Although they are very tired, they feel happy because theyve finally finished their

16、task. 虽然很累,但是他们仍然感到很开心,因为他们终于完成了任务。 3.For this reason, some people say the best resolution is to have no resolution. 因为这个原因,有些人说最好的计划就是不做计划。 本句中动词不定式to have no resolution做系动词is的表语。 My work is to clean the room every day.我的工作就是每天打扫房间。 Today her duty is to look after her sick brother at home.她今天的任务就是在

17、家照顾生病的弟弟。 四、重点语法 1.be going to的用法 “be going to+动词原形”是一般将来时中最常见的一种形式。 1)“be going to+动词原形”表示说话人打算或准备最近或将来某时要做某件事,一般是经过预先考虑,并已经做好准备的,往往与一些表示将来的时间状语连用。 Maria is going to play football tomorrow afternoon.明天下午玛利亚打算去踢足球。 2) “be going to+动词原形”表示主观判断客观上要发生的事,或根据目前的迹象或预测很可能要发生的事。 Dont go out. It is going to

18、rain. 不要出去,要下雨了。 3) There be句型可以与be going to结构连用。如: There is going to be a football match on TV this evening. 今晚电视上有一场足球比赛。 4. 辨析:be going to & will do sth. will + 动词原形, 是一般将来时的最常用用法,不强调计划性。 -There is no salt.没有盐了。 -I will go and get some.我去买点儿。 be going to do 强调计划性和打算性。 -What are you going to do to

19、morrow? 你明天打算做什么? -Im going to visit my grandparents.我明天打算去看爷爷奶奶。 Unit6 Im going to study computer science. 一、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子 1.He was born and g_ up in Beijing, but he lives in Shanghai now. 2.He likes acting very much and he wants to be an a_ in the future. 3.A v_ is good at playing the violin. 4.H

20、e s_ the letters to his parents yesterday. 5.She wants to be a teacher so she will study e_ in the college. 二、单项选择 1. Im going to write articles and _ them to the magazines and newspapers. A. sending B. send C. sent D. sends 2. Although its late, he still keeps on _ his homework. A. does B. do C. do

21、ing D. did 3. On June 16, 2012, China _ its Shenzhou IX spaceship. A. set out B. set off C. sent up D. sent out 4. If you are going to be an actor, you have to _. A. take acting lessons B. take act lessonsC. take acting lesson D. take act lesson 5. Hes going to buy a big house when he _ more money.

22、A. has B. have C. will have D. is going to have 三、完成下列句子,每空一词 1. 你长大后打算干什么? What are you going to do when you _ _? 2. 你打算成为一名飞行员吗? Are you going to _ _ _? 3. 你打算如何成为一名作家? How _ _ _ to _ a _? 4. 我打算大学毕业后搬到北京。 I am going to _ _ Beijing when I _ college. 5. 她的丈夫很擅长烹饪。 Her husband _ _ _ _. 6. 我对这个消息不确定。

23、 I am not _ _ the news. 四、句型转换,每空一词 1. He sends a lot of gifts to his friends. (改为同义句) He _ _ _ a lot of gifts. 2. Not all events are as terrible as this. (改为同义句) All events _ _ as terrible as this. 3. He is going to be a pianist when he grows up. (对划线部分提问) _ _ he _ to be when he grows up? 4. I am g

24、oing to play basketball. (对划线部分提问) _ are you _ _ do? 5. I am going to study computer science. (对划线部分提问) _ are you going to study? 五、根据句意及首字母提示,完成句子 1. Some students decide to go to f_ countries after finishing high school. 2. The answers to the q_ are not right. 3. He promises to make w_ plans for e

25、ach week. 4. At the b_ of the term, I prepared lots of stationary(文具). 5. Do you know the m_ of this sign? 6. The New Years r_ are usually too difficult to keep. 7. You should do more p_ exercises, like running or swimming. 8. The tired(疲倦的) children have to do much s_ after school. 9. My friends an

26、d I are d_ the plans for the coming holiday. 10. My h_ include swimming and playing the piano. 六、选择填空 1. -Whats your _? -I like listening to music. A. job B. age C. hobby D. fan 2. -We all like Miss Wang. -I agree with you. She always makes her classes _. A. interested B. interest C. interesting D.

27、interests 3. Its a good _ to have breakfast every morning. A. habit B. job C. menu D. skill 4. -Dad, how can I get on well with my classmates? -Try to be friendly to them. That will make it much _. A. easily B. more easily C. easy D. easier 5. Kim always studies English very hard, so he always _ in

28、the English test. A. gets good grades B. gets lots of exercisesC. won the first prize D. got good grades 6. -_ are you going to get good grades? -I am going to work hard. A. When B. What C. How D. Why 7. They are going to the party _ next Sunday. A. in B. on C. / D. for 8. Does Mike want _ the first

29、 one to get to the top of the mountain? A. to be B. to go C. for D. to 七、句型转换,每空一词 1. She is going home this evening. (改为否定句) She _ _ _ home this evening? 2. Im gong to be a nurse. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you going _ _? 3. What do you usually do on Sundays? (用 next Sunday 代替 on Sundays) What _ you _ _ do next

30、 Sunday? 4. I am going to be a basketball player. (同义句转换) I _ _ _ a basketball player. 5. Mr. Green is going to move to Beijing next month. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Mr. Green going to move next month? 6. My father is going to learn English. (对划线部分提问) _ your father going to _? 7. The little boy is so short that

31、 he cant reach the box. (同义句转换) The little boy is _ short _ reach the box. 8. Eric has lunch at school. (用 next week 改写句子) Eric _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 9. Mr. White is going to go somewhere quiet and beautiful. (对划线部分提问) _ is Mr. White going to go? 10. They are going to play computer games. (对划线部分提问) _ a

32、re they going to _? 八、选择填空 1. -Why are you in such a hurry, John? -There _ a basketball match between Class Three and our class in ten minutes. A. is going to be B. is going to have C. will have D. will hold 2. I will send you an e-mail after I _ in Canada. A. arrive B. arrived C. am going to arrive

33、 D. will arrive 3. There _ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening. A. was B. is going to have C. will have D. is going to be 4. We are _ to the supermarket. A. go B. going C. goes D. not go 5. My mother _ me a nice present on my next birthday. A. is going give B. is going to give C. gives D. giv

34、e 6. Mary with her friends _ going _ tomorrow. A. are, boating B. is, shopping C. are, biking D. was, fishing 九、用所给单词的正确形式填空 1. _ he _ (play) basketball this Sunday? 2. There _ (be) a football match tonight. 3. My family _ (travel) to New York this summer holiday. 4. I _ (swim) this afternoon. 5. Sh

35、e _ (be) a teacher in five months. 6. The shop assistant _ (have) a day off next week. 十、句型转换 1. They are going to keep healthy by taking exercise. (对划线部分提问) _ _ they _ to keep healthy? 2. They are going to take guitar lessons next year. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) _ they going to take guitar lessons next year? No, they _. 3. Tom is coming back next week. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Tom _ back? 4. She is going to do some reading. (对划线部分提问) _ _ she going to _? 5. Our class are going to the park on Sunday. (对划线部分提问) _ are your class _ on Sunday?


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