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1、广东省深圳市文汇中学七级英语上册UnitCollectingthings教案6牛津深圳精Collecting things 课题 Unit 8 Collecting things 课Writing 型 备课时间 1 Period 教 材 分 析 教学目标 1. The students can use different expressions to describe their collecting things. 2. Their ability of speaking and writing as well as cooperating should be trained. 教学重点 教

2、学难点 教学关键 教法与学法指导 Know the structure of the model composition. Imitate the model composition to write a new article. Lead them to describe different aspects of their collecting things. Self-study, Cooperation, Group work. 时间 分配 5 教学环节 主要教学步骤或内容 学生主体活动 教师活动 设计意图 第一Step:Warming up 环节 Have a look at som

3、e postcards. 复习回顾平移的基本性质,引入课题 第二环节 观察操作、探索归纳平移的作法 1.Look at the postcards and think about: What can we see on a postcard? What can we learn from a postcard? Why do people send postcard? 1.Prepare some 1.To arouse postcards and their care about ask students collecting some questions. things. Step: Mo

4、del composition. 2.Read the model composition and learn about its structure and expression. 2.Lead them to read the model composition in the textbook and explain some difficult and good expressions for them. 2. To lead them to appreciate the article. 5 10 1 Step:Discussion collection. (Group work) S

5、tep:Writing. about 3.Disscuss about your own collection. Follow the example of model coposition. 4.Write out your collection. You can follow the model article. 3.Let them discuss the following questions: What do you collect? When did you start? 4.Give them some sentence structure to help them. I col

6、lect_ years ago. I like collecting_because 3.To get ready for the writing and train their ability to cooperate. 4.To train the students writing ability. 10 第三Step: Show some good compositions in public and make comments of some compositions at 环节 ramdom. 课堂 练习 5 第四Summerize 环节 How to organize the wr

7、iting. 课时小结 Summerize the writing: What do you collect? When do you collect? How do you collect? Why do you collect? List some probably answers for them. Let them get familiar with the writing. 5 2 第五环节 课后作业 1.Check the compositions with each other. 2.Write a report on your another collection. 课 堂 教 学 流 程 效 果 评 价 与 反 思 Look at postcardsRead the model composisition Talk about the collection Write a report 3


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