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1、广东省深圳市文汇中学七级英语上册UnitCollectingthings教案牛津深圳精Collecting things 课题 Unit 8:Collecting things 课Vocabulary 型 备课时间 1 period 教 材 分 析 教学目标 1. The Ss can read and understand the new words and expressions. 2. The Ss can use the key words to talk about the collecting things. 3. Their ability of self-study and c

2、ooperation can be developed. 教学重点 教学难点 教学关键 教法与学法指导 The pronunciation of the new words and the usage of the key words. Using the words to talk about the collecting things. To arouse their interest in the collecting things. Competition Self-study Games 时间 分配 5 教学环节 第一环节 复习回顾平移的基本性质,引入课题 第二环节 观察操作、探索归

3、纳平移的作法 主要教学步骤或内容 学生主体活动 教师活动 设计意图 Step: Warming up Enjoy the cartoon P99. (Pair work) 1.Study and enjoy the cartoon: practice the dialogue between Hello and Hi. 1.Play the wideo of the cartoon on P99 and encourage them to imitate the dialogue. 1.To arouse their interest and willing to show themselve

4、s,. Step : Reading Read the new words. (Competition) Step: Games Crossword puzzle! 2.Learn to read the new words after the MP3 and compete to read loudly and correctly. 3.Let them do a crossword puzzle by group work. 2.Play the Mp3 for them and then hold a competition of reading. 3.Explain the games

5、: The words in the puzzle are all from unit 8. Every 2.To let the students get the right 5 pronounciation of the new words. 3.To make the Ss get familiar with the new words. 1 Step: Key Words Learning (Self-study) 4.Self-study on the key words on the learning sheet: unusual, interview, follow, hardl

6、y, should, be bad for. 5.Finish the exercise with the help of the group members. Write the correct forms of the word. Use the right forms to fill the blanks. word can be connected 4.To lead them to find the key words explain items. 4.To let them master the usage of the key words. 第三环节 课堂 练习 Step:Exe

7、rcise 5.Explain the items for them and then encourage them to finish the exercise quickly and then check the answer. 5.To train their speed of doing exercise as well as their ability of cooperating. 第四环节 课时小结 Step Dictation 6.Try to write out the 6.Paly the Mp3 6.To check the words as possible as for them and ask situation of they can. them to write words learning. out the word. 5 第五1. Read after the MP3. 环节 2. Finish the exercise on 课后P124. 作业 课 堂 教 学 流 程 Warming up Read after the MP3Games Key words learningExercises 2 效 果 评 价 与 反 思 3


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