托福听力TPO1原文 Conversation.docx

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1、托福听力TPO1原文 Conversation 托福听力TPO1原文 Conversation 1 下面就让小编来为大家介绍一下托福听力TPO1原文中Conversation 1的文本内容吧,大家要好好把握,这些都是非常有价值的材料,希望能够给准备托福听力的同学带来帮助。 TPO 1 Conversation 1NarratorListen to part of a conversation between a student and a librarian. StudentHi, um, I really hope you can help me. LibrarianThats why Im

2、 here. What can I do for you? StudentIm supposed to do a literature review for my psychology course, but having a hard time finding articles. I dont even know where to start looking. LibrarianYou said this is for your psychology course, right? So your focus is on StudentDream Interpretation. Librari

3、anWell, you have a focus, so thats already a good start. Hmmm well, therere a few things oh wait have you checked to see if your professor put any material for you to look at on reserve? StudentAha, thats one thing I did know to do. I just copied an article, but I still need three more on my topic f

4、rom three different journals. LibrarianLets get you going on looking for those then. We have printed versions of twenty or so psychology journals in the Reference Section. These are ones published within the last year. Now that I think about it theres a journal named Sleep and Dreams. StudentOh, yea

5、h, the article I just copied is from that journal, so Ive got to look in other sources. LibrarianOk, actually, most of our materials are available electronically now. You can access psychology databases or electronic journals and articles through the librarys computers, and if you want to search by

6、title with the word dream for example, just type it in and all the articles with dream in the title will come up on the screen. StudentCool, thats great! Too bad I cannot do this from home. LibrarianBut you can. All of the librarys databases and electronic sources can be accessed through any compute

7、r connected to the university network. StudentReally?! I cant believe I didnt know that. It still sounds like its going to take a while though, you know, going through all of that information, all of those sources. LibrarianMaybe, but you already narrowed your search down to articles on Dream Interp

8、retation, so it shouldnt be too bad. And you probably notice that theres an abstract or summary at the top of the first page of the article you copied. When you go into the databases and electronic sources, you have the option to display the abstracts on the computer screen, skimming those to decide

9、 whether or not you want to read the whole article should cut down some time. StudentRight, abstracts! Theyll definitely make the project more doable. I guess I should try out the electronic search while Im still here then, you know, just in case. LibrarianSure, er that computers free over there, an

10、d Ill be here till five this afternoon. StudentThanks, I feel a lot better about this assignment now. 翻译独白:听一段学生和图书管理员的对话。 学生:嗨,嗯,我真的希望你能帮我个忙图书管理员:这是我分内事。我能帮你什么忙呢? 学生:我想写一篇关于心理学课程的文学评论,但是我在找文章的时候遇到了困难。甚至我都不知道应该从哪开始找起。 图书管理员:给心理学做准备,是吧?所以,你把重点放在学生:解梦/ 对梦的解释。 图书管理员:行,你有一个重点,这算是一个很好的开始。嗯.好,有这么几件事. .哦,等

11、等. .你有没有检查看教授是否给你预留了学习资料? 学生:啊哈,这是我知道自己该做的唯一一件事。我刚刚复印了一篇文章,但我还需要从三个不同的期刊里找出三篇关于我主题的文章。 图书管理员:那就让我们一块找这三篇文章呗。在“参考书库区”,我们已经印刷过 二十种版本的心理学期刊。这些都是去年一年内发行的。此外,我想想看. .(貌似)有一份名为睡眠与梦的期刊。 学生:哦,是的,我刚才复印的一篇文章就来自那本期刊,所以我得看看其他资料来源。 图书管理员:好的,其实,我们的大部分资料都是在网络上可用的。你可以通过图书馆的电脑,你可以接触到心理学数据库或相关电子期刊和文章。同时,如果你想通过搜索标题关键字,

12、如“梦想”一词,输入该词,所有包含“梦想”一词的文章将都出现在屏幕上。 学生:酷,太好了!哎呀,要是在家里也能这样做就好了。 图书管理员:连接学校网络的任何一台电脑,都可以用来登入图书馆数据库和电子资源库。 学生:真哒!?我居然不知道这回事!看来得花点时间来搜索所有的这些信息和数据。图书管理员:也许吧,你已经把搜索范围缩小到关于“解梦”的文章,所以应该不会花太长时间的。你可能也已经注意到(一个问题):在你复印的那篇文章第一页的顶部有一个摘要。当你进入了数据库和电子资源库,你可以选择性的去读电脑屏幕上显示的文章摘要,然后通过跳读来选择你想读的文章,并且把它剪切下来。 学生:对,摘要!浏览摘要肯定使原书更加耐用。我想我应该在离开图书馆之前,尝试下电子搜索,为了以防万一我不会弄。 图书管理员:有道理,呃. .那边那台电脑没人用,还有我今天下午五点前人都会在这里。 学生:谢谢,对于这次作业我现在放心多了。 以上就是托福听力TPO1原文中Conversation 1的文本内容,希望大家能够用心体会,更多TPO文本内容小编稍后为您呈现。最后,小编祝大家在托福考试中取得好成绩!


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