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1、托福听力六大题型的完美解说 托福听力六大题型的完美解说 今天前程百利小编为大家分享的是托福听力6大题型的做题技巧。大家可以参考一下这些备考经验,看看自己应该如何攻克托福听力。透彻地分析各类题型将对之后的模拟练习带来很多便利。那么,就让我们来看一下各种题型及他们的特征: 一、主旨题 1.什么是主旨目的题,如何如何识别主旨目的题?大家可以看下示例,其实还是很容易找到关键词的。 What are the students mainly discussing? What is the main topic of the talk? What is the lecture mainly about? W

2、hat is the talk mainly about? What is thr professor mainly discussing? 2.文章主旨展开方式 -直接展开 -Today we are going to talk about -Id like to begin my lecture by introducing -Lets focus on -Lets now take look at -问答式展开 -Do you remember what they are? -How can you understand it? -Why does human being conside

3、r it important? 二、细节题 1.什么是细节题? 细节题也属于基本理解题,所以只要听到了原文的考点就能答对题。细节题是听力考题中占比分最大的部分,抓住了细节题就得到了很大的分数,细节题的重要性可想而知了。 2.误区: 很多学生在听细节时有个误区是觉得所有细节都可能考,所以在听的时候关注所有的细节,以至于舍本逐末,只见树木,不见森林。其实托福听力只考一些重要细节,在听的时候只要抓住这些细节就好了。 3.细节题的问法: 细节题的提问方式也是有规律可循的,例如:What happened to_? ,What reason is given for _? According to th

4、e professor, _? How does the speaker describe_? 等等。 有些细节题要考生选一幅图画或图画的某一部分,如:Select the picture/diagram that shows_?;Identify the part of the drawing that represents_?;Which area of the picture illustrates _? 还有些细节题会问某个具体的名词或定义,如:According to the woman, what is _?,How does the researcher define _?等等。

5、 实际上把握住这些出题规律和出题思路,听原文的时候就很好定位了。 三、功能题 1.什么是主旨目的题,如何如何识别主旨目的题? 功能题一般以重听题的形式出现,考察的是学生对于听力文章中重放的某句话的作用的理解和判断。功能题常见的问法如下: What does the professor imply when he says this: (reply) What is the purpose of the womans response? Why does the student say this? What can be inferred from the professors response

6、 to the student? 2.托福听力中常见功能题: a.解释Explanation,常见的信号词有 Simply put/ Lets put in this way/ Ithink I should/ you mean等; b.总结Conclusion,常见信号词有now to sum/ wrap up my speech,anyway等; c.建议 Suggestion,常见信号词有 you should have done something better,I suggest, I propose, I think, if I were you, why dont you等; d

7、.鼓励 Inspiration,常见信号词有come on, you are supposed to know this等; e.强调Emphasis,常见信号词有 please bear in mind that/ Rhetoricalquestion反问句等; 6.更正错误 Correcting mistake,常见信号词有 wait a minute/ I made a slip of tongue,oh, Im sorry, oh, what do I mean等。 考生可以根据这些常见功能分析可能考点,利用听力笔记记录重点。功能题笔记的要点是注意教授讲课过程中语气、语调的变化,突然的

8、升调、停顿、放慢语速等都有可能出功能题。所以要有针对性的利用上面的对功能题的理解做出正确判断,提高正确率。 四、态度题 1.什么是态度题?如何识别态度题 态度题一般以重听题的形式出现,考察的是学生对于听力文章中重放的某句话的态度的理解和判断。态度题常见的问法如下: What is the professors attitude toward? What is the professors opinion of ? What can be inferred about the student when she says this: What does the woman mean when sh

9、e says this: 2.态度题tips -语气语调,重读。 -态度上的肯定或者否定 -喜欢还是厌倦 -是否有兴趣 -满意不满意还是受挫 3.托福听力中常见态度 1. awful: Woops! Uh-uh! Oh, no!, dear! Oh, shoot! 2. remind: I dont think you will do/I was wondering if you will do something/ I dont imagine if you do/ you havent done something, have you? 3. pity: what a shame/ tha

10、ts too bad./Im sorry to hear that/though luck 4. eulogy: fabulous, magnificent, glamorous, excellent, Terrific. Awesome, amazing, fantasitc, incredible, outstanding, superb, charming, good job 5. to the professor: fascinating, catching, instructive 6. surprise: Gee! Jesus! My dear! Boy! Jesus Christ

11、! Man! Oh, my God! Gosh! Oh, my! What! Dear me! 7. tactful refuse : sounds great, but/sounds like fun, but/thats tempting, but/ I wish I could, but/ Id love to, but/Id really like to, but/I would (if I could), but/ I mean to , but/ I have been meaning to (do something), but/ I should have, but 五、结构题

12、 1.什么是结构题目?如何识别全文结构题? 结构题一般有两种考查形式,第一种为全文结构题,要注意托福听力常见文章结构类型;第二种为部分信息结构题,一般以表格形式出题。常见的问法如下: How is the information in the lecture organized? How does the preofessor clarify the points he makes about Mexcio? 2.新托福演讲文章的典型结构 l 直线型结构,即以某一特定逻辑关系叙述的文章,信息之间的关系是层层递进的,后面的信息在解释前面的信息,是最常见的听力文章结构; l 并列结构,开篇展开文章

13、主旨后,主旨下面有几个并列的分论点,如特征,例子,原因,理论,目的等; l 比较结构,即文章主旨涉及两个相关的同类事物,教授讲课过程中不断对其特征进行比较说明,突出两者的不同。 六、推理题 1.什么是推理题?如何识别推理题? 推理题主要考察考生根据听力材料的相关细节进行简单推理的能力。在这个过程中,考生首先需要听懂、记忆和理解材料中的重要信息,然后进行推理。常见的问法如下: What can be inferred about? What does the preofessor imply about? What will the students do in the summer? 2.推理题的解题技巧 a.注意出现的观点性语言:in my opinion, as far as Im concerned, personally, pay attention, from my points of view b.注意进度和结尾段的引申 c.注意首尾段的遥相辉映 d.正确选项通常是文章中没有出现的单词 好了,以上就是前程百利小编为大家整理的托福听力6大题型的做题技巧。相信大家一定有所收获,希望能在备考的路上助大家一臂之力。最后,小编预祝大家在托福考试中取得好成绩。


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