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1、教师 阅读理解5+1精读突破法阅读理解“5+1”精读突破法 36篇文章练就阅读理解超强基本功 考试成绩=基础知识X解题能力 + 词:认识单词+处理生词 段:抓主题 题:How? (“哪儿错X哪句:“画括号”读懂句子 篇:串思路 儿原则” ) 被解释的句子往往是段落的主题句! 代词开头的句子往往对上文作解释! Step1:自己做一遍题 Step6:战术纪律性训练逐句抄文章,抄错一次,Step2:听老师讲解这篇文章 重抄一遍! Step3:自己逐句翻译这篇文章 Step5:背过这篇文章中学到的单词,反复朗读文章以复习单词! 记叙类 Passage1 law法律 tiring令人劳累的 guitar

2、吉他 professional 专业的,职piano钢琴 tired感到劳累的 suddenly突然地 业的 musical pieces音乐作品 interest使有兴趣 decide to do sth决定做某profession职业 musician音乐家 interesting有趣的 事 professor教授 bear sth in mind= learn sth 音乐/文学作品+by sb. = interested感兴趣的 pianist钢琴家 by heart=remember记得 某人创作的音乐/文学作perfect完美 confidently自信地 each and eve

3、ry每个 such as = including包括 incredible不可思议的 superman超人 perform表演 in parts一部分一部分地 rare 稀有的 super market超市 perform a piece表演一段think about 考虑 even甚至 memory记忆,记忆力 作品 note音符 realize意识到 gift天赋 perform a spell施一个咒surprise使惊讶 (what he can do)他能做的retell复述 语 surprising令人惊讶的 那个事儿 word for word逐词 event事件,大事儿 (wh

4、y everyone is so surprised感到惊讶的 continue继续 surprised) 每个人都如此audience观众 amaze使惊喜 plan 计划 want to do sth 惊讶的那个原因 impress使留下印象 = plan to do sth amazing令人惊喜的 (what he wants to do) (in impressive令人印象深刻advice 建议 amazed感到惊喜的 the future)他未来想做的的 accurate精确的 shock使震惊 那个事儿 impressed被留下深刻印accurately精确地 shocking

5、令人震惊的 special特别 象的 quality 品质,质量 shocked感到震惊的 lawyer律师 “His performance was talent 天才 astonish使震惊 impressive, so I was instead作为替换 relationship 关系 astonishing令人震惊的impressed.” grow up成长,长大 astonished感到震惊sothat如此以至于 with伴随,用,有 的 without没有 tire使劳累 Samuel Osmond is a 19-year-old law student (from Cornwa

6、ll, England). He never studied the piano. However, he can play very difficult musical pieces (by musicians) (such as Chopin and Beethoven) (just a few minutes) (after he hears them). He learns a piece (of music) (by listening) (to it) (in parts). Then he thinks (about the notes) (in his head). (Two

7、years ago), he played his first piece Moonlight Sonata(奏鸣曲)(by Beethoven). He surprised everyone (around him). SO有音乐天赋 (Amazed) (that he remembered this long and difficult piece of music and played it perfectly), his teachers say (Samuel is unbelievable). They say (his ability is very rare), but Sam

8、uel doesnt even realize that (what he can do is special). Samuel wanted (to become a lawyer) (as it was the wish) (of his parents), but music teachers told him (he should study music instead). Now, he studies law and music.老师认为SO牛 Samuel cant understand (why everyone is so surprised). “I grew up (wi

9、th music). My mother played the piano and my father played the guitar. (About two years ago), I suddenly decided (to start playing the piano), (without being able) (to read music) and (without having any lessons). It comes easily (to me)I hear the notes and can bear them in mindeach and every note,”

10、 says Samuel. S如何发现自己的能力 Recently, Samuel performed a piece (during a special event) (at his college). The piece had more (than a thousand notes). The audience was impressed (by his amazing performance). | He is now learning a piece (that is so difficult) (that many professional pianists cant play i

11、t). | Samuel says confidently,“Its all (about super memory)I guess (I have that gift).”S有超级记忆 However, Samuels ability (to remember things) doesnt stop (with music). His family says (that even) , Samuel heard someone read a story, and then he could retell the story word for word. S从小记忆好 Samuel is st

12、ill only a teenager. He doesnt know (what he wants to do) (in the future). (For now), he is just happy (to play beautiful music and continue his studies). S未来未知 26. What is special (about Samuel Osmond)? A. He has a gift (for writing music). B. He can write down the note (he hears). C. He is a top s

13、tudent (at the law school). D. He can play the musical piece (he hears). 27. What can we learn (from Paragraph 2)? A. Samuel chose law (against the wish) (of his parents). B. Samuel planned (to be a lawyer) (rather than a musician). C. Samuel thinks (of himself) (as a man) (of great musical ability)

14、. D. Samuel studies law and music (on the advice) (of his teachers). 28. Everyone (around Samuel) was surprised (because he _) A. received a good early education (in music) B. played the guitar and the piano perfectly C. could play the piano (without reading music) D. could play the guitar better (t

15、han his father) 29. What can we infer about Samuel (in Paragraph 4)? A. He became famous (during a special event) (at his college). B. He is proud (of his ability) (to remember things accurately). C. He plays the piano better (than many professional pianists). D. He impressed the audience (by playin

16、g all the musical pieces). 如何选标题? 1、 符合主题 2、引起兴趣 30. Which of the following is the best title (of the passage)? A. The qualities (of a musician) B. The story (of a musical talent) C. The importance (of early education) D. The relationship (between memory and music) Passage 2 be born出生 spade铁铲子 A app

17、ly for B = A申请Bcivil rights公民权利 bear结果实,忍受,熊 protect保护 tomb坟墓,坟头 beer啤酒 blow打,吹 take the eventually=finally最终 tombstone墓碑 slave奴隶 blow承担了这个的击打 strange奇怪,陌生 cemetery墓地 at the age of XXX 在instead作为替换 trial审判,试验 bury埋葬 XXX岁的时候 furious=愤怒=very angry pay付钱 paid被remain=stay保持 acquire获取,买 refuse to do sth拒

18、绝做某付钱的 neithernor既不也along with伴随 事 employ雇佣v. 不 let/make/have + sb + do healthy健康的 employment雇佣n. yet然而,还 sth让某人做某事 wealthy富有的 employer雇主 sphere范围,球体 consult咨询 health健康 wealth财employee雇员 superior更好的,优先的 lawyer律师 富 decline拒绝 obey服从 freedom自由 hold握住,举办 legacy遗产 owner主人 have listened已经听说 slaveholder奴隶主

19、 on继续 My as(一样) as(像) = had listened之前听说 heart will go on nearly大约=almost 像一样 discussion讨论 great-grandchildren曾孙She should be (as free and serve服务v. equal) (as whites). constitution宪法 子 service服务n. 他应该一样的自由和平free自由的 found建立 servant 仆人 等像白人。 equal平等的 founder建立者n. strike撞击,罢工 brave勇敢的 A apply to B = A

20、 适用于/writer作家 hit击打 应用于 B author作者 beat打,节奏 spokesperson发言人 kick踢 Elizabeth Freeman was born (about 1742) (to African American parents) (who were slaves). (At the age of six months) she was acquired, (along with her sister), (by John Ashley), a wealthy Massachusetts slaveholders. She became known (a

21、s “Mumbet” or “Mum Bett”). 小奴隶EF (For nearly 30 years) Mumbet served the Ashley family. (One day), Ashleys wife tried (to strike Mumbets sister) (with a spade). Mumbet protected her sister and took the blow instead. Furious, she left the house and refused (to come back). (When the Ashleys tried) (to

22、 make her return), Mumbet consulted a lawyer, Theodore Sedgewick. (With his help), Mumbet sued(起诉) (for her freedom). M离开奴隶主家 (While serving the Ashleys), Mumbet had listened (to many discussions) (of the new Massachusetts constitution). (If the constitution said) (that all people were free and equa

23、l), then she thought (it should apply) (to her). Eventually, Mumbet won her freedomthe first slave (in Massachusetts) (to do so) (under the new constitution). M获得了自由 (Strangely enough), (after the trial), the Ashleys asked Mumbet (to come back and work) (for them) (as a paid employee). She declined

24、and instead went (to work) (for Sedgewick). Mumbet died (in 1829), but her legacy lived on (in her many descendants)(后裔). One of her great-grandchildren was WE.B.Du Bois, one of the founders (of the NAACP), and an important writer and spokesperson (for African American civil rights). 审判之后,为自由服务,精神永存

25、 Mumbets tombstone still stands (in the Massachusetts cemetery) (where she was buried). It reads, (in part): “She was born a slave and remained a slave (for nearly thirty years). She could neither read nor write, yet (in her own sphere) she had no superior or equal.” 盖棺定论:贡献很大 小奴隶EF因为保护姐姐而挨打,愤而离开奴隶主

26、家,在法律的帮助下获得自由。审判之后,为自由服务,精神永存,贡献很大。 51What do we know about Mumbet (according to Paragraph 1)? AShe was born a slave. BShe was a slaveholder. CShe had a famous sister. DShe was born into a rich family. 52Why did Mumbet run away (from the Ashleys)? AShe found an employer. BShe wanted to be a lawyer.

27、CShe was hit and got angry. DShe had to take care of her sister. 53What did Mumbet learn (from discussions) (about the new constitution)? AShe should always obey her owners orders. BShe should be as free and equal as whites. CHow to be a good servant. DHow to apply for a job. 54What did Mumbet do (a

28、fter the trial)? AShe chose to work for a lawyer. BShe founded the NAACP. CShe continued to serve the Ashleys. DShe went to live (with her grandchildren). 55What is the text mainly about? AA story (of a famous writer and spokesperson). BThe friendship (between a lawyer and a slave). CThe life (of a

29、brave African American woman). DA trial (that shocked the whole world). 请进行战术纪律性训练! Passage 3 Alaska 阿拉斯加 Nutri-express营养快线 occupy占据 freezing冻人的 adventure 冒险 agent代理商 tour旅行 invite邀请 just正好,仅仅 agency代理处,办事处 prison监狱 invitation邀请信 in time及时 clerk职员 保存 之前 midnight午夜 leave丢下,离开 before然后 I called you ea

30、rlier.我之前sunlight=sunshine阳光 in a mess处于混乱之中 turne 5 = 变成5岁 给你打过电话。 fantastic极好的 manage to do sth成功做enter进入 eight years later八年之后 terrific极好的 到某事 kindergarten幼儿园 I will call you later. 我一superb极好的 get into trouble进入麻烦 serious严重的,严肃的 会儿给你打电话。 fabulous极好的 once有一次,曾经,一set设置,安置 attend参加,照顾 awesome极好的 旦

31、“词本无义,义由境surprise使惊讶 gather聚集 excellent极好的,优秀的 生” tougue舌头 gathering聚会 outstanding极好的,接触dirt尘土 metal金属的 former之前的adj 的 dirty脏的 handrail扶手,把手 later之后的adj/adv vegetable garden蔬菜园 basement地下室 as for 至于 neighbor邻居 tend to倾向于做某事 hotel酒店 know sb well非常了解某pay a visit to + 人/地点 throw扔 hostel招待所 人 拜访某人/地 thr

32、ow XXX off =把丢light点燃,灯,光 A take B for a ride = A带infer推断 开 paint颜料n. 画v. B兜风 cruel残酷 care about关心 painter粉刷匠,画家 realize 意识到 arrest逮捕 bedtime上床时间 smoke烟 superstar超级明星 suffer遭受痛苦 railway铁路 pretty=fairly相当地 heavily重重的 describe 描述 express快线,快速,表exit出口 shelter避难所 extreme 极端的 达 crowd人群 from远离 I am from p

33、ride骄傲 expression表达方式 greet问候 Shandong.我来自山东。 nutrition营养 match火柴,比赛,匹配 freeze冷冻 (In 1943), (when I was 4), my parents moved (from Coeur dAlene, Idaho), (to Fairbanks, Alaska), (where adventure was never very far away). 搬家,冒险 We arrived (in the summer), just (in time) (to enjoy the midnight sun). Al

34、l that sunlight was fantastic (for Mums vegetable garden). Working (in the garden) (at midnight) tended (to throw her timing off), so she didnt care much (about my bedtime). 妈妈忙菜园,不管我 Dad was a Railway Express agent and Mum was his clerk. That left me (in a mess). I usually managed (to find some tro

35、uble) (to get into). Once I had a little fire going (in the dirty basement) (of a hotel). I had tried (to light a barrel)(桶) (of paint) but couldnt really get a good fire going. The smoke got pretty bad, though, and (when I made my exit), a crowd and the police were there (to greet me). The policeme

36、n took my matches and drove me home. 点火 Mum and Dad were occupied (in the garden) and Dad told the police (to keep me), and they did! I had a tour (of the prison) (before Mum rescued me). I hadnt turned 5 yet. 监狱之旅 (As I entered kindergarten), the serious cold began to set in. Would it surprise you

37、(to know) (that I soon left part) (of my tongue) (on a metal handrail) (at school)? 掉舌头 (As for Leonhard Seppala), famous (as a dog sledder)(驾雪橇者), I think (I knew him well) (because I was taken) (for a ride) (with his white dog team) (one Sunday). (At the time) I didnt realize (what a superstar he

38、was), but I do remember the ride well. I was wrapped(包裹) heavily and well sheltered (from the freezing and blowing weather). 雪橇之旅 (In 1950), we moved back (to Coeur dAlene), but we got one more Alaskan adventure (when Leonhard invited us) (eight years later) (by paying a visit to Idaho) (to attend a

39、 gathering) (of former neighbours) (of Alaska). 重返Alaska 作者小时候搬家到Alaska,开始很多冒险。爸妈忙,不管我。我点火,监狱之旅,掉舌头,雪橇之旅。后来又重返Alaska。 35. What can be inferred about the authors family? A. His father was a cruel man. B. His parents didnt love him. C. His parents used to be very busy. D. His mother didnt have any job

40、s. 36. What happened (when the author was 4)? A. He learned to smoke. B. He was locked (in a basement). C. He was arrested by the police. D. He nearly caused a fire accident. 37. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Leonhard was good (at driving dog sleds). B. The author spent his whole childhood (in

41、Alaska). C. Leonhard often visited the authors family after 1950. D. The author suffered a lot while taking the dog sled in Alaska. 38. What is the authors purpose (of writing the text)? A. To look back (on his childhood) (with adventures). B. To describe the extreme weather of Alaska. C. To express

42、 (how much he misses Leonhard). D. To show off his pride (in making trouble). 请进行战术纪律性训练! Passage 4 The brown bear break-broke-brown棕色 backward向后 behavior表现 bite-bit-bitten咬 cause引起 bear熊,结果实/leftward向左 abnormal不正常support支持,broken碎,坏 further进一步的 draw收回,画画 threat威胁 出生,忍受 rightward向右 的 支撑 strike撞击 bea

43、ch海滩 inward向内 normal正常的 weight重量 destroy破坏 time次数 shore海岸 outward向外 probably有可能fight战斗 injure伤害 A take pictures of upward朝上 stand little grasp抓住 outcome=result B = A为B照相 结果 frighten吓唬,likely有可能chance占据很小fur皮毛 when正在这使害怕 的机会 actually实际hardly几乎没 时,突然 上,事实上 有,几乎不 frightening吓人form形成,表格 camera照相机 spot发现

44、,点 remain保持 的 formation形成n. cut sth off把forest森林 aimlessly漫无目frightened害怕fill in the form = 切下来 attack攻击 clear-headed头的地 填表 = fill out raise举起 panic恐慌 脑清醒 的 the form shout喊 rise上升 apparently明显lead to = end up enemy敌人 with =导致 yell喊叫 beast野兽 地 silent安静的barrier障碍 level水平,等级 tightly紧 aggressive进攻=quiet

45、安静的 satisfy使满意 chest胸腔 性的 press压 satisfying令人满kill杀 shoulder肩膀 rush冲=dashkiller杀手 sense感觉到 意的 冲,破折号 sensor传感器 satisfied感到满behave行动,表stick-stuck-stuck粘住,卡住 forward向前 bone骨头 意的 现 My wife Laura and I were (on the beach), (with three of our children), (taking pictures) (of shore birds) (near our home) (

46、in Alaska) (when we spotted a bear). The bear was thin and small, (moving aimlessly). 海滩照相,看到熊 (Just a few minutes later), I heard my daughter shouting, “Dad! The bear is right behind us!” An aggressive bear will usually rush forwards (to frighten away its enemy) but would suddenly stop (at the last

47、 minute). This one was silent and its ears pinned backthe sign(迹象) (of an animal) (that is going in) (for the kill). And it was a cold April day. The bear behaved abnormally, probably because of hunger. 熊要杀戮 I held my camera tripod(三脚架) (in both hands) (to form a barrier) (as the bear rushed) (into me). Its huge head was level (with my chest and shoulders), and the tripod st


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