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1、新外研社年级英语上册短语重点句子整理M10MModule10 unit1 重点短语 1. thick ice: 薄薄的雪 2. sunny weather:晴朗的天气 3. windy weather :刮风的天气 4. as well: 也,又 5. Me neither:我也不是 6. get warm :变的温暖 7. turn red :变成红色 8. 写出下列单词的形容词形式: sun- snow- fog- freeze- rain- wind- rain- 重点句型: 1. Whats the temperature? 2. Its between minus eight and

2、 minus two degree. 3. Not usually, although this year it snowed quite a lot. 4. Whats the weather like in America? 5. Its snowy in New York in winter. 6. It snows in New York in winter. 7. I wish I were in Austrilia. 8. Come on, better get going. Unit 2 重点短语 1. from the east coast to the west coast.

3、 从东海岸到西海岸 2. the best time to do sth. 做某件事情的最好时间 3. get cooler:变更冷 4. start to do sth. = start doing sth. 开始做某事 5. all year round: 一年到头 6. in the sea :在海里 7. in the northwest:在西北地区 8. compare to :与比较 9. from time to time :时不时的 10. any time you like:你喜欢的任何时间都可以 重点句型: 1. The best time to visit New Eng

4、land is September. 2. 在夏秋季节时常有暴风雨。 There are storms from time to time in summer and autumn. 3.Bring your camera so you can take photos of the autumn trees. 4.带上一张地图,因为你可能想要到处去走一走。 Bring a map because you may want to travel around. 6 5.天气变得比较凉爽,绿色的树叶开始变成金黄色,然后成棕色。 The weather gets cooler, and the gre

5、en leaves start to turn gold, then brown. 6.The weather is fine all year round. Module 11 Way of life 1. a chess set一副国际象棋 2.video game电子游戏 3.What a surprise! 多么惊喜啊! 4.open a gift 打开礼物 5.accept a gift 接收礼物 6. in the west 在西方 7. pay much attention to sth太过于注意。 8. be interested to对。感兴趣 9 .Chinese trad

6、itions中国传统 10. tell me more告诉我更多 11.for example例如 12. do some cleaning打扫卫生 13. . bad luck倒霉 14. youd better do sth. 你最好做某事 变否定:youd better not do sth. 你最好不要做某事 15.in the north of China在中国北方 16. celebrate Lilis birthday 庆祝丽丽的生日 17on the first day of the Spring Festival在大年初一 18. They taste great. 它们尝起

7、来太好吃了。 重点句子: 1. I dont think I should open it now. In China, we open a gift later. 我想我不应当现在打开它。在中国,我们晚些时候打开礼物。 2.In China, you accept a gift with both hands. 在中国,你们用双手接受礼物。 3.But in the West, we usually dont pay much attention to that. 但是在西方,我们通常不太注意那个。 4.Im interested to know all the Chinese tradit

8、ions. 我对了解所有的中国传统习俗感兴趣。 5.You must only use red paper for hongbao because red means luck. 你必须只用红色的纸来包红色,因为红色意思是幸运。 6.Youd better not cut your hair during the Spring Festival month. 在春节那个月期间你最好不要理发。 7.Anyway, the Spring Festival is still over a month away. 无论怎样,春节还有7 一个多月呢。 Unit 2 1. a large fruit ca

9、ke. 一个大的水果蛋糕 2. tea with milk.加奶的茶 17. clean up打扫干净 18. wash up洗刷;饭后洗餐具 19. stay out待在户外;不回家 20. cant wait to迫不及待 3. traditional food传统食物 4. push your way onto the bus. 挤上公交车5. stand in a line排队 6. get married结婚 7. wait your turn. 等待你的顺序 8. for the first time首次;初次 9. shake hands握手 10. have afternoon

10、 tea喝下午茶 11. light meal便餐;便饭 12. be different from与不同 13. each other互相 14. on time准时;按时 15. look up查寻 16. at the age of在岁时 21. make mistakes犯错;出错 重点句子: 1.我在那里过得很愉快,我注意到一些英国人生活方式中有趣的事情。 I enjoyed my stay, and I noticed something interesting with the English way of life. 2. 下午茶并不只是一杯饮品,而是在下午大约 4点钟的便餐。

11、 Afternoon tea is not just a drink but a light meal at around 4 pm. 3. 在英国你通常喝奶茶。 In England you usually drink tea with milk. 4. 或者你可以带走,用手指拿着吃! You can take it away and eat it with your fingers! 5. 在公交车站,你不要挤上公交车。 At the bus stop you must not push your way onto the bus. 6. 你需要在其他人的后面排队等待你的顺序。 You n

12、eed to stand in a line behind the other people and wait your turn. 8 Module 12 Help First of all, find out whats wrong with him 3.但是他有可能很难听到你说话或者和你对话。 1.broken glass碎玻璃 But he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you. 2. first aid急救 4. 用外套盖在他身上。 3. medical help医疗救助 4. at the bottom of在底部 5.

13、 in pain处在疼痛中 6. first of all首先 7. find out查明 8. lift up抬起;提起 9. make sure确保;确认 10. coverwith 用盖上 11.have trouble in doing sth 做某事有麻烦/做不了某事 12. such good advice 如此好的建议 重点句子: 1.What should we do before help arrives? 在帮助到来之前,我们应该做什么? 2.首先,查明他怎么了。 Make sure hes warm. Cover him with a coat. 5. 把他扶起来让他坐在

14、椅子上? Lift him up and sit him on a chair? 6. 你可能会让他掉下来并且伤得更严重。 You could drop him and hurt him even more. 7. 这个建议非常好,你都可以当医生了! Thats such good advice that you could be a doctor, Uint2 1.warm people 警告人们 2.some advice 一些建议 3.keep calm 保持冷静 4. be careful of 小心 be careful of falling rocks 小心落石 5.on a be

15、ach 在沙滩 9 6. what to do 做什么 how to do 怎么做 7.hide under the table 藏在桌子底下 8.stop shaking 停止晃动 stop doing sth.停止做某事 9.use the lift 使用电梯 10.little or no idea 很少甚至没有 11. stay away from远离 12. in an earthquake在地震中 13. in short总之 14. jump out of从跳出 15. above all首要的是 16. lie down躺下 17. in trouble在困境中,有麻烦 18.

16、 because of由于 19. on ones way在路上 20. run out of从跑出来 重点句子: 1. It is difficult to warn people about them. 2.Usually people have little or no idea about what to do during an earthquake, 3.Stay away from windows and heavy furniture. Keep clear of fires. 远离窗户和笨重的家具。避开火。 4.Leave the building quickly when the ground stops shaking, but do not use the lift. 当地面停止晃动时,快速离开建筑物。不要使用电梯。 5.In the mountains, be careful of falling rocks. 10


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