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1、极好的雅思大作文之社会类素材 极好的雅思大作文之社会类素材 雅思大作文对于每个备考雅思考试的考生来说有一定的难度,然而也会有很多考生取得高分。这就需要考生要投入更多的精力去准备。今天,前程百利小编为大家带来的是极好的雅思大作文之社会类素材,希望对考生有所帮助。 Task 2: (社会生活类) Nowadays, men and women in many countries decide to have babies at an older age. What are the reasons? What effects does this trend have on society and f

2、amily life? 一、分析题目: 从题目中我们可以得知,有三个任务需要考生完成。不过通过第一句话我们可以得知一个事实,即men and women in many countries decide to have babies at an older age 在许多国家人们决定晚育。针对这一现象,考生的任务为Task 1 : What are the reasons;Task 2 : the effects on society ;Task 3 : the effects on family life。 二、分析题目之后,考生可以进行文章结构的构思,我们可以把文章写成4段。 首段:改写题

3、目,叙述题目核心内容 主体段 1 : the reasons why people are having children late in life 主体段 2:the positive effect of this phenomenon on society and family 主体段 3:the negative effects of this phenomenon on society and family 结尾段:总结上文 三、逐一分析所需完成的任务: Why : 1. People spend longer time receiving education. In many dev

4、eloping countries many people only received school-level education and got married early (even before twenty). 2. Increasingly fierce competition in the workplace/job market also pushes people to spend more time on work, and thus delaying their timeline of raising a family. 3. Higher cost of living

5、in the city also means people will have to work longer than in the past so as to save up enough for a normal family life. 4. Last but not least, peoples attitude toward marriage and family is changing. 丰富内容: 1)People spend longer time receiving education. In many developing countries many people onl

6、y received school-level education and got married early (even before twenty). But now, most people would go beyond school level. A bachelor degree can never satisfy them as many people pursue Ph.D or even post-doctorate education. Under such circumstances, it is only logical/natural that late marria

7、ge becomes common and people have babies late. 2)Increasingly fierce competition in the workplace/job market also pushes people to spend more time on work, and thus delaying their timeline of raising a family. In this context, young people would always put work on top of their priorities and consequ

8、ently it is natural that 3)Higher cost of living in the city also means people will have to work longer than in the past so as to save up enough for a normal family life. For instance, in China, most people would prefer to take care of their own apartment and mortgage before they get ready for babie

9、s. Unfortunately, the property prices are so high that it normally takes them about ten years to do that, hence the late marriage and delayed/older parenthood. 4)Last but not least, peoples attitude toward marriage and family is changing. Decades ago in my country the philosophy was that people shou

10、ld get married early and have children early. That way, they could have a happy life especially when “four generations live under the same roof”. However, young people want more freedom so that they can embark on journeys of self-discovery, or whatever it is one does when not surrounded by diapers a

11、nd toys. Effects on society In the long term/run, there will be labour shortage fertility rates/the population replacement rate drops not be sufficient young workers in the job market Effects on family reduce the number of baby births reach the desired number of offspring smaller family structure tend to spoil their children particularly in material ways 考生可以根据以上内容进行写作练习。备考雅思写作需要考生多花时间,希望考生能够通过自己合理的准备,最终取得高分。 以上就是剑桥雅思真题范文分析系列一的详细内容,希望广大考生如愿考出自己理想的雅思成绩!


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