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1、湘少英语五年级下册期末复习宝典英语复习秘籍之铁卷丹书 (掌握以下这些题,你考试就可以考85分以上哦) 以下是本册书的句子精髓。 1. Draw a cat on the roof. A. in B. on C. above 2. This a good picture. A. is B. are C. was 3. Dont put your feet the seat. A. outside B. inside C. on 4. Dont spill the sugar on the table. A. Im sorry. B. Im tired. C. Im happy. 5. There

2、 is a policeman the post office. A. near B. beside C. behind 6. Is there anyone near the shopping centre. . A. Yes, there isnt B. No, there is. C. No, there isnt 7. Where you, Mingming ? A. were B. is C. is 8. Why didnt you hand in your work ? Sorry. . A. I am tired. B. I was sick. C. I played ball.

3、 9. Who was first ? . A. Anne was first. B. Petter was second. C. The rabbit was last. 10. There is a zoo on the square. A. one B. fifth C. four 11. Was it in the wardrobe ? A. Yes, it was. B. No, it was. C. Yes, it wasnt. 12. was it ? It was on the table. A. When B. What C. Where 13. Whens your bir

4、thday ? A. Its on the fifth of three. B. Its on the seventh of July. C. Its on the ten of April. 14. Childrens Day is on the . A. first of September B. first of May C. first of June 15. Is this yours, Peter ? A. No, thats not his. B. Yes, that is mine. C. Yes, thats not yours. 16. That is book . A.

5、his B. hers C. our 17. Benny my ball. A. take B. play C. took 1 18. You me with the ball. A. hits B. hited C. hit 19. Where did you ? We went to Changsha. A. gose B. go C. went 20. Where did you have lunch ? A. your B. yours C. you 21. What time did you see him ? A. At about nine fifteen. B. At abou

6、t first seven. C. At about thirty two. 22.Where did you see him ? A. I saw him in the classroom. B. I see him in the playground. C. I look him in the classroom. 23. A strange man the school yesterday? A. come into B. came into C. came in 24. How did you come to here ? A. I came on bus. B. I come on

7、feet. C. I came by plane. 25. How did you go home ? A. I go home by bus. B. I came home by bus. C. I went home on foot. 26. What time did Peter have dinner yesterday? A. I have dinner at 6 oclock yesterday. B. I had dinner at 12 oclock yesterday. C. I had dinner at 7 oclock yesterday. 27. Did you en

8、joy your school outing? A. Yes, I did. B. No, I did. C. Yes, I did not. 28. Dont talk in class. A. talks B. talked C. talk 2 复习资料之武穆遗书 复习方式提示: 1.十二个月份单词 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2. 方位介词 beside 在旁边 behind 在的后面 in front of 在的前面 near 在的附近 out

9、side 在的外面 inside 在的里面 on 在的上面 in 在的里面 above 在的上方 on top of 在的顶部 left 左边 right 右边 under 在的下面 3.对应关系下的名词性物主代词 主语: I you he she we they (句首) 名词所有格:my your his her our their 名词性物主代词:mine yours his hers ours theirs(句尾) 4.常用动词的过去式 havehad dodid hit hit taketook seesaw gowent comecame is was are were amwas

10、 stealstole getgot 5.疑问词区别 When 什么时间? What 什么? Where 什么地方? 3 How 怎样? who 谁? 6.十个序数词 first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth last 7.本册书重点词组 rubbish bin 垃圾桶 be careful 小心 a cup of 一杯 post office 邮局 shopping centre 购物中心 railway station 火车站 look for 寻找 hand in 上交 on top of 在、顶部 Childrens Day 儿童节 each other 互相;彼此 on foot 步行 Sports Day 运动会 Underwater World 海底世界 Yuelu Academy 岳麓书院 Yuelu Mountain 岳麓山 Hunan Provincial Museum 湖南省博物馆 8.必须掌握每个单元的B部分。要求将图片与相对应的单词记住。 4


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