牛津深圳七年级英语下册U2 travelling around the world Reading导学案.docx

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1、牛津深圳七年级英语下册U2 travelling around the world Reading导学案U2 travelling around the world Reading 2导学案 每日分享:A man is never too old to learn. 活到老学到老。 课题 1.语言知识:通过泛读全文,初步理解课文内容,大概了解法国的名胜古迹、物产资源和户外运动。 2.语言技能:1)培养速读主阅读篇章,把握文章主要信息点的能力; 2)根据旅游指南给课文分段。 3.情感态度:培养学习西方文化的兴趣。 通过泛读全文,初步理解课文中关于法国的信息点。 通过泛读全文,如何准确地完成相关练

2、习。 学习过程 一、温故知新 1)测试Unit2的单词和短语,组间评价打分。 2)Daily report: My Hometown 二、课堂探究 1、阅读主阅读篇章,得出旅游指南的思路是: 总 _的形式。 2、然后完成图表 1) France France 2) 3) 三、课堂练习 1、速读文章,完成下列问题。 France is a _with many beautiful places. Its capital is _.You can learn _ at the Louvre Museum. If you want to _ some shops, you can go to the

3、 Champs-Elysees. (2) The _ of France lies on the coast. If you want to have a summer holiday, you can go to a French _. You can _ on the mountains in the French Alps. There is _ for everyone in France, so why not visit France this year? 2、结合文中信息,完成P19 D2. 3、通过阅读课文,结合文中信息,回答下列问题。 (1)Which famous plac

4、es are there in France? _ 学习 目标 学习重点 学习难点 (2)What can you do in France if you go to the Louvre Museum? _ (3)Which drink is famous in France? _ (4)Where does the French coast lie? _ (5)What can you do in winter in France? _ (6)Can you go on a summer holiday in a French town by the sea? 4、用下面的短语造句子 1)many beautiful places 2) the south of France 3) is famous for 4)why not _ 5、跟读录音朗读课文,进一步加深对主阅读篇章的理解,为复述课文作铺垫。 6、通过阅读全文,试着完成P19 D1. 四、要点归纳 1、法国的名胜古迹:_ 2、法国的物产资源:_ 3、法国的户外运动:_ 总结反思: 1. 通过本节课的学习我最大的收获: 2. 感到自己有待加强的是:


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