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1、班主任英语评语大全英语评语 第一册 1、 吴炜吉Jim 你在学习上是个自信、有毅力的人。Good luck! 2、 方格 Sun 你对英语学习充满了自信和兴趣,看到你那么自觉地学习,老师为你感到高兴。Good luck! 3、 吕想 Maria 你自信、好强,对英语充满兴趣。因此你学得很棒,愿你一直努力,永葆出色。Congratulations to you! 4、 童方舟 Sue 你把你的智慧都藏在你的沉默中,而你并不知道,你的每一次回答都让老师为你骄傲。 Come on! 5、 尹紫 Rose 你英语说得很好,更让人的是,你的歌声使你成为咱们班的英语歌王后。你很有天赋,愿你更出色。Cong

2、ratulations to you! 6、 缪航 Lily 你很文静,在学习上你表现得很积极,很活跃。老师为你的勤奋而感动,为你的优秀而骄傲。Good luck! 7、 方伟行 Mike 凭你的聪明,你能把英语学得很棒。可是你也很活泼,活泼得会连老师讲了什么都没听见。Come on! 8、 程昕宜 Annie 你很聪明也很努力,所以你的英语学得很棒。Congratulations to you! 9、 徐厚良 Jerry 你很可爱,大多数时间你学得很认真,偶尔会开小差。要是你更积极地读、说,你的英语会更棒。Come on! 10、姜帆 Susan 你喜欢英语,想和英语做好朋友,然而你不知道,

3、英语喜欢和经常说她、读她的人交朋友。Come on! 11、方浩Alan凭你的聪明,可以把英语学得很棒。可是你怕吃苦,怕写作业,缺乏热情。哎,英语只好悻悻地站在一边望着你。Come on! 12、王苏敏 Katy 你对英语充满兴趣,对自己充满信心,所以你学得很棒。Congratulations to you! 13、 金凯文 Kavin你有一个漂亮的英文名字。你的英语也学得不错,只希望你以后要尽量少缺课。Good luck! 14、王菲 Sue 你很认真,很聪明,可是你没用上学英语的金钥匙多读多说。Good luck 15、钱洁 Linda 你善良可爱,热情上进,这学期你的进步真大呀,祝贺你。

4、Congratulations to you! 16、王园 Alice你聪明可爱,积极进取,所以你英语学得很棒,愿你继续努力,永葆出色。Congratulations to you! 17、徐欢玲 Jane 表面文静的你有一颗热情进取的心,看到你能课前预习好新课,老师为你感到骄傲。祝你更出色。Good luck! 18、叶子豪 Dick 你谦虚认真,觉得很不错,祝贺你。Congratulations to you! 19、洪靖 Billy 你有时沉默,有时也积极。想要把英语觉得更好,一定要敢于展示自己。Come on! 20、叶婷 Angela 你谦虚好学,努力认真,要是敢于大胆地说英语,你会

5、更棒。Come on! 21、周雪颖 Dancy 你默默地坐着,其实你学得很棒,看到你课堂上因为成功而绽放的笑脸,老师特别高兴。Congratulations to you! 22、徐煜华 Sue你自信、努力,对英语学习充满兴趣,所以你学得很棒。祝你更出色。Good luck! 快乐英语三册 1、 李巧玲 Emma 你是个有毅力的人,坚持不懈的你一定会更出色。Good luck! 2、 项洋 Carl 你学得很棒,如果你更乐于帮助后进的同学就更让人称赞了。其实教别人的同时,也是自己在巩固旧知识。Good luck! 3、 翁晓伟 David 你标准的发音,认真的态度,让老师忍不信要称赞你,愿你

6、更出色。Congratulations to you! 4、 洪婷 Tina 你聪明好学,自信进取,所以你学得很棒,愿你更出色。Good luck! 5、 卢巧 Sun 你学得很认真,老师很喜欢你。如果你觉得自己学得慢也别灰心。有些聪明的孩子虽然学得慢些,可是她比别人记得牢。Good luck! 6、 汪思远 Dick 你好学聪明,很可爱,老师很喜欢你。希望你继续努力,争取更出色。Good luck! 7、 方际光 Jerry 你认真努力,聪明好学,是个有毅力的孩子。Good luck! 8、 钱伟琪 Clark 你聪明好学,反应敏捷,学习也特别认真,所以你英语学得很棒,祝贺你。Congrat

7、ulations to you! 9、 郑又 Jack 你谦虚认真,聪明好学,所以你学得很棒。 Congratulations to you! 10、吴雨馨 Susan 你学习认真,对英语充满兴趣,对自己充满信心,相信你会越来越出色。Good luck! 11、管瑜琛 Jim你谦虚认真,如果能经常大胆地说读英语,你会更出色。Come on! 12、洪江豪 Jack 你能遵守课堂纪律,只是你没有爱上你选择的项目,愿你选你所爱,开心快乐。Good luck! 13、吴钰琪 Ann 你很聪明,也很好学,老师祝贺你把这一册快乐英语学得很棒。Congratulations to you! 14、洪宇鹏

8、Mike 你学习很认真努力,是个有毅力的孩子。Good luck! 15、陈锐 Marry 你谦虚认真,学习态度很棒,要是你敢于大胆地说,你会更棒。Come on. 16、胡国强 Kavin 你聪明好学,谦虚努力,是个有毅力的孩子。Good luck. 17、徐浩淼 Alan 你觉得很认真,那是前几次课;可是后来你总以为自己已经学得很好了,所以就老是心不在焉。哎,老师为你难过,望你以后能爱你所选的项目。 Come on. 18、方静逸 Jean 你很热情,学得比较认真,也学得很好,经常获得OK卡,你真棒。Congratulations to you! 19、吴韫希 Sue 你聪明好学,学得很不

9、错,要是你能更大胆,更自信地说英语,你会更出色。Come on! 20、何静子 Alice 你聪明好学,热情活泼,对英语充满兴趣,对自己充满信心,因此你学得特别棒,愿你继续努力,记葆出色。Congratulations to you! 表扬类: Ive found your homework is well done this time. Youre an excellent student who has a natural gift for language. I appreciate what you have done in your exercise book. Congratula

10、tions on your making progress. This is the best ive seen today. You have made a good start. Your work is a marvel of neatness and order. You are talented in writing. Im very happy that youve finished a great composition. Its very clever of you to do so. Its nice of you to write this way. Wonderful!

11、Your English is very good and your answers are correct. You have done a good job. You are doing wonderfully! You have improved a lot. I am proud of you. What good work! You are the pride of our class. Your work has improved! I am sure there is nothing too difficult for us to learn. You have done you

12、r work better this time. I believe that nothing is impossible as long as you work hard. Now yuu can do better than before. Your handwriting is excellent. Although you were late in achieving, you have caught up well with your studies. 勉励类: Im sure you can do your work better next time. No pains , no

13、gains. I hope you will make more progress in the future. Work harder and you will make more progress. The harder you work, the sooner you will improve. Come on! I am sure you will catch up soon. I think you can do better if you work harder. Success belongs to the diligent learners. I am sure you wil

14、l make more and more progress if you keep on practising your spoken English. 劝告类: Attitude decides everything. Why dont you do your homework neatly? Will you please do your work better next time? Would you please be more careful next time? How I wish you could pay attention to the organization of yo

15、ur writing! I believe you could have done the job much better if you had done it all by yourself. Believe in yourself and do your homework yourself next time, will you? If you dont try your best, youll fall far behind others. Dont you want to make progress? Nothing is more precious than time. Dont w

16、aste your time any longer. The illiterate of the future will be the person who doesnt know how to learn. 名句类: If you dont exert yourself in youth, you will regret it in old age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 Time flies like an arrow. Dont lose your time by trifling.光阴似箭。莫虚度光阴。 Your future depends on your dreams.现在的梦想

17、决定你的将来。 Learning without thinking leads to confusion. Thinking without learning ends in danger.学而不思则罔,思而不学则贻。 Not only energy, but also persistence is necessary to success. If you learn it ,the difficult thing will be easy. If you dont, the easy thing will be difficult. Nobody knows what he can do t

18、ill he was tried. 作文评语: Your language in your writing is rich, but the organization is to be improve. Do you agree with me? Your writing is clear and simple. But it will be better if you add some supporting sentences to enrich it Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing this letter of recommendation for XXX, my

19、 student. I have known XXX for more than 2 years since his freshman year in XXX School, which is a key school in * Province and quite famous both at home and abroad. XXX is an intelligent and diligent student. Ive taught him for more than two years, I found, to my surprise, that he was among the few

20、 students in his class who could keep up with the pace of my lectures. Moreover, he often posed thought-provoking questions during the course. Thus it was natural that I liked discussing with this young man and became quite familiar with him. The more I knew him, the more I found he was talented at

21、mathematics. As you can see, he got excellent scores on the SAT. In fact, he ranked No. XXXXX in the subject among the XXXXXX talented and intelligent students in my class. With his outstanding talent and solid mathematical background, he also did quite well in most other subjects during his study i

22、n our school. Besides, he always helped me just like my assistant, collecting papers, handing out papers, cleaning the blackboard and so on. As to his personality, I would like to say XXX is a warm-hearted, honest and upright student. He was always ready to help others. During my lectures, many stud

23、ents got confused at some points and I could always see XXX help them during breaks. In the meanwhile, I must admit that XXX was a kind of patient helper sometimes. Finally, I would like to conclude my recommendation as follows: frankly, XXX is not a genius, but I promise his great intelligence, commitment to work and his kind nature will impress you deeply. Thus I recommend him without reservation for his admission and financial aid to the undergraduate program. Please feel free to contact me if needed. Sincerely Yours, XXXXX


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