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1、管件中英对照管件 Fitting 阀门 valve 弯头 elbow 异径弯头 reducing elbow 带支座弯头 base elbow k半径弯头 long radius elbow 短半径弯头 short radius elbow 长半径180弯头 long radius return 短半径180弯头 short radius return 带侧向口的弯头 side outlet elbow (right hand or left hand) 双支管弯头 double branch elbow 三通 tee 异径三通 reducing tee 等径三通 straight tee 带

2、侧向口的三通 side outlet tee (right hand or 1eft hand) 异径三通 reducing tee (reducing on outlet) 异径三通reducing tee (reducing on one run) 带支座三通 base tee 异径三通 reducing tee (reducing on one run and outlet) 异径三通 reducing tee (reducing on both runs, bull head) 45斜三通 45 lateral 45斜三通 45 lateral (reducing on branch)

3、 45斜三通(一个直通口为异径) 45 lateral (reducing on one run) 45斜三通(一个直通口及支管为异径) 45 lateral (reducing on one run and branch) Y型三通 true “Y” 四通 cross 等径四通 straight cross 异径四通 reducing cross 异径四通reducing cross (reducing on one outlet) 异径四通 reducing cross (reducing on one run and outlet) 异径四通 reducing cross (reduci

4、ng on both outlet) 异径四通 reducing cross (reducing on one run and both outlet) 异径管 reducer 同心异径管 concentric reducer 偏心异径管 eccentric reducer 锻制异径管 reducing swage 支管台 olet 螺纹支管台 thread olet 焊接支管台 weld olet 承插支管台 sock olet 弯头支管台 elb olet 斜接支管台 latr olet 镶入式支管嘴 sweep olet 短管支管台 nip olet 支管台,插入式支管台 boss 管接

5、头 coupling, full coupling 半管接头 half coupling 异径管接头 reducing coupling 活接头 union 内外螺纹缩接 bushing 管帽 cap (C) 堵头 plug 短节 nipple 异径短节 reducing nipple; swage nipple 法兰 Flange (FLG) 整体管法兰 integral pipe flange 钢管法兰 steel pipe flange 螺纹法兰 threaded flange 滑套法兰 slip-on flange (SO); slip-on welding flange 承插焊法兰

6、socket welding flange 松套法兰 lap joint flange (LJF) 对焊法兰 welding neckflange (WNF) 法兰盖 blind flange, blind 孔板法兰 orifice flange 弯头 joint 弯头 angle fittings; bent pipe; elbow; knee 弯头扳手 bent-handle wrench; bent spanner 弯头车刀 angular tool 弯头持针钳 curved needle holders 弯头刀架 knee tool 弯头道钉 brob 弯头管 swan neck 弯头

7、键 gib head key 弯头接合 knee-joint 弯头螺栓 bolt with one end bent back 弯头锁紧螺母 elbow jam unt 弯头套管 elbow union 弯头套筒扳手 offset socket wrench 弯头脱水器 elbow separator 弯头芯盒 elbow core box 活接 活接 loose joint 活接地 swinging earth 活接结合 articulated joint 活接联接器 joint coupling 活接三通 union tee 活接头 articulation; union swivel;

8、union 活接头螺母 union nut 活接头螺栓 swing bolt 活接头套管 union thimble 活接卸槽 articulated chute (浇混凝土用的) 三通 三通 tee bend; tee branch; tee joint; tee conneetion; tee fitting; wye; Y; yoke 三通玻璃栓 three-way glass stopcock 三通道放大器 three-channel amplifier; three-path amplifier 三通道自动驾驶仪 three-dimensional autopilot 三通电缆分线盒

9、 three-way coupling box 三通阀 tee valve; three-port valve; three-way valve; triple valve 三通阀盖 triple-valve cap 三通阀活塞 triple-valve piston 三通阀联箱 three way valve menifold 三通阀体 triple body; triple-valve body 三通管 single sweep tee; T-branch (pipe); three-limb tube 三通管接头 tee pipe coupling 三通横长 horizontal len

10、gth of tee 三通换向旋塞 three-way reversing cock 三通活栓 three-way cock 三通货协定 triparties currency agreement 三通接头 tee coupling; tee fitting; tee union; three-way piece; three-way connection 三通接线夹 three-way connector 三通开关 three-way cock 三通控制阀 three-way control valve 三通连接 tee junction 三通路循环器 three-terminal circ

11、ulator 三通式热风炉 three-pass stove 三通天线转发开关 triplexer 三通筒 triple cylinder 三通筒垫密片 triple-cylinder gasket 三通弯头 three-way elbow 三通旋塞 tee cock; three-way cock; three-throw tap 三通循环器 three-terminal circulator 三通液体流量计 tee fluid flow meter 三通闸阀 treble ported slide valve 直通 直通 direct connection; straight in; st

12、raight bore; through; feed(-)through; once-through 直通拨号 through dial(l)ing 直通测量线路 end-to-end measurement 直通单向阀 in-line check valve; straight check valve; straightway check valve 直通道路 through road 直通的 through and through 直通地 dead earth; dead ground 直通垫外底 through midsole 直通电报 telex 直通电报通信 telex commun

13、ication 直通电流 through current 直通电流偏置 through current bias 直通电路 direct circuit 直通阀 pass valve; straight-through valve; straightway valve; through valve 直通干馏炉 through retort 直通锅炉 once-through boiler 直通换料 once-through refuelling 直通回路 straight circuit 直通汇接呼叫制 straight forwardjunction working 直通监控 through

14、 supervision 直通接头 straight coupling; straight fitting 直通接线装置 through joint 直通街道 through expressway; through street; throughway 直通进位 standing carry 直通开关 globe cock PBE: PLAIN ENDS (双端平口) PSE: PLAIN SMALL END (小端平口) PLE: PLAIN LARGE END (大端平口) TBE: THREAD BOTH ENDS (双端螺纹) TSE: THREAD SMALL ENDS (小端螺纹)

15、 TLE: THREAD LARGE END (大端螺纹) BBE: BEVEL BOTH ENDS (双端斜削) BSE: BEVEL SMALL END (小端斜削) BLE: BEVEL LARGE END (大端斜削) 平焊法兰 slippon flange(SF) 对焊法兰 butt weld flange(BWF) 凹凸法兰 female and male flange 带颈法兰 with neck flange(NF) 法兰盖 flange cover(FC) 盲法兰 Blind flange(BF) 平面管道法兰 Full Face 凸面管道法兰凸面 Raised Face 环

16、连接面管道法兰环连接面Ring Joint Face 承插凸面法兰 Socket Rised Face Flang(SRFF) galvanized threaded flange镀锌丝扣法兰 butterfly valve flange 蝶阀法兰 slotted flanges 开槽法兰 球心阀 Globe Valve(GV) 球阀 Ball Valve(BV) 蝶阀 Butterfly Valve(BV) 止回阀 Check Valve(CV) 阀体 body 阀体 valve body 阀箱 valve box 阀箱 valve cage 阀箱 valve chest 阀箱;阀限位器 v

17、alve guard 阀箱盖 cover for valve box 阀箱盖 valve box cover 阀箱式活塞泵 turret type piston pump 阀形活塞泵 valve type piston pump 阀座 Seat ring 阀座 valve carrier 阀座 valve seat(body seat) 阀座;阀盘 valve seat 阀座环 seat ring 阀座密封嵌条 sealing strip for valve seat 法兰 flange 法兰堵头 blind flange 法兰端 flange end 法兰接头 flange joint 法兰

18、连接紧固件 flange bolting 法兰密封面,法兰面 flange facing 法兰面加工 flange facing finish 法兰球阀 Flange Ball Valves 截止阀 Globe valve 翻板阀 Flap 反冲盘 Disc holder 反向作用式减压阀 Reverse acting reducing valve 反向作用式减压阀 Reverse acting reducing valve 放空阀 emptying valve 放气阀 air vent valve;vent valve 放气阀;排气阀 air evacuation valve 放泄阀 esc

19、ape valve 分置阀室式活塞泵 separate valve box type piston pump 分置阀室式活塞泵 side pot type piston pump 封闭式 Seal type 浮动式球阀 Float ball valve 浮球 Ball float 浮球阀 Float Valve 浮球式疏水阀 Ball float steam trap 浮球式疏水阀 Free Float Type Steam Trap 浮桶 Bucket float 浮桶式疏水阀 Open bucket steam trap 辅助阀 Auxiliary valves 负荷率 Rate of l

20、oad condensate 附加背压力 Superimposed back pressure 复位弹簧 Returnning spring 杠杆式 Lever type 杠杆式安全阀 Lever and weight loaded safety valve 杠杆式减压阀 Lever reducing valve 高温阀门 High temperature valve 高压阀门 High pressure valve 格兰密封 gland 隔离阀 isolating valve 隔膜 Diaphragm 隔膜阀 diaphragm valve 隔膜式控制阀 diaphragm operated

21、 comtrol valve 工作背压 Operating back pressure 工作温度 Operating temperature 工作温度 Working temperature 工作压差 Operting differential pressure 工作压力 Operating pressure 工作压力 Working pressure 公称通径 Nominal diameter 公称压力 Nominal pressure 固定式球阀 Fixed ball valve 关闭压力 Lockup pressure 关阀过冷度 Subcooled temperature of clo

22、se valve 关阀温度 Closing valve temperature 管道安全阀 Piping Safety Valves 流体设备词汇对照表-1.6 阀门 Valve 1.6 阀门 Valve 1.6.1 阀门结构、零件 阀轭 yoke 外螺纹阀杆及阀轭 outside screw and yoke (OS & Y) 阀杆 stem 内螺纹 inside screw (IS) 阀轭套 yoke sleeve 阀杆环 stem ring 阀座 valve seat (body seat) 阀座环、密封圈 seat ring 整体座 integral seat 堆焊座 deposite

23、d seat 阀芯 trim 阀盘 disc 阀盘密封圈 disc seat 阀体 body 阀盖 bonnet 阀盖衬套 bonnet bush 螺纹阀帽 screw cap 螺纹阀盖 screw bonnet 螺栓连接的阀盖 bolted bonnet (BB) 活接阀盖 union bonnet (cap) 螺栓连接的阀帽 bolted cap (BC) 焊接阀盖 welded bonnet (WB) 本体阀杆密封 body stem seal 石棉安全密封 asbestos emenen seal 倒密封 back seal 压力密封的阀盖 pressure-tight bonnet

24、动力操纵器 powered operator 电动操纵器 electric motor operator 气动操纵器 pneumatic operator 液压操纵器 hydraulic operator 快速操纵器 quick-acting operator 滑动阀杆 sliding stem 正齿轮传动 spur gear operated 伞齿轮传动 bevel gear operated 扳手操作 wrench operated 链轮 chain wheel 手轮 hand wheel 手柄 hand lever (handle) 气缸操纵的 cylinder operated 链条操

25、纵的 chain operated 等径孔道 full bore; full port 异径孔道 reducing bore, reduced port,venturi port 短型 short pattern 紧凑型 compact type 笼式环 lantern ring 压盖 gland 阀杆填料 stem packing 阀盖垫片 bonnet gasket 升杆式 rising stem (RS) 非升杆式 non-rising stem (NRS) 指示器/限位器 indicator/stopper 注油器 grease injector 可更换的阀座环 renewable s

26、eat ring 1.6.2 常用阀 (1)闸阀 gate valve 平行双闸板 double disc parallel seat 开口楔形闸板 split wedge 挠性整体楔形闸扳 flexible solid wedge 整体楔形闸板 solid wedge 塞型闸阀 plug gate valve 直通型闸阀 through conduit gate valve (2) 截止阀 globe valve 球心型阀盘 globe type disc 塞型阀盘 plug type disc 可转动的阀盘 swivel disc (3) 节流闪阀 throttle valve 针阀 ne

27、edle valve (4) 角阀 angle valve (5) Y型阀 Y-valve (Y-body globe valve) (6) 球阀 ball valve 三通球阀 3-way ball valve 装有底轴的 trunnion mounted 耐火型 fire safe type 浮动球型 floating ball type 防脱出阀杆 blowout proof stem (7) 蝶阀 butterfly valve 对夹式 wafer type 凸耳式 lug type 偏心阀板蝶阀 offset disc burerfly valve; eccentric butter

28、fly valve 斜阀盘蝶阀 canted disc butterfly valve 连杆式蝶阀 link butterfly valve 8) 柱塞阀 piston type valve (9) 旋塞阀 plug valve 三通旋塞阀 three-way plug valve 四通旋塞阀 four AC 交流电 Alternating Current EXP VLV 膨胀阀 Expansion Valve PSIA 磅/平方英寸(绝对值) Pounds Per Square Inch Absolute ALL IRON 全铁结构 All-Iron Construction F 华氏温度

29、Degree Fahrenheit PSIG 磅/平方英寸(表值) Pounds Per Square Inch Gage AMER STD 美国标准 American Standard FF 平面 Flat Face RECIRC 再循环 Recirculate(d) AMS 自动化工程师协会的航空材料规范 Aeronautical Material Specifications of the Society of Automotive Engineers FtoF 面对面 Face to Face RF 凸面 Raised Face APPROX 近似值 Approximate FLG 法

30、兰端口 Flanged End RPM 每分钟转数 Revolutions per Minute ASME 美国机械工程师协会 American Society of Mechanical Engineers FM 表示产品已经美国工厂相互保险研究所认证 Indicates product has been approved by Factory Mutual Laboratories RS 明杆 Rising Stem ASTM 美国实验材料协会 American Society of Testing Materials F/S 安全因素 Factor of Safety S.A.E. 美国

31、自动化工程师协会 Society of Automotive Engineers ATM 大气,空气 Atmosphere FSPS 内螺纹标准管道口径 Female Standard Pipe Size SB 螺纹旋进阀盖 Screw-in Bonnet BB 螺栓阀盖 Bolted Bonnet FT LB 英尺磅(功的单位) Foot Pound SE 螺纹端口 Screwed (Threaded) End BLR 锅炉 Boiler GPH 加仑/小时 Gallons Per Hour SJ 焊接连接 Solder Joint B/M 材料清单 Bill of Material GPM

32、 加仑/分钟 Gallons Per Minute SPEC 规格说明 Specification BTU 英国热量单位 British Thermal Unit(s) IBBM 铸铁阀体,青铜安装 Iron Body, Bronze Mounted STD 标准 Standard C 摄氏度 Degree Centigrade IN LB 英寸-磅 Inch-pound SWP 蒸汽工作压力 Steam Working Pressure CxC 铜对铜 Copper to Copper IPS 铁管口径 Iron Pipe Size TEMP 温度 Temperature CDA 美国铜开发

33、协会 Copper Development Association MSS 美国阀门及其部件行业的制造商标准化协会 Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fitting Industry TRIM 某些阀门部件的专用术语,如阀瓣, 阀座环,阀杆,和重填填料阀座衬套 Term designating certain valve parts such as discs, seat rings, stems, and repacking seat bushings COND 冷凝器 Condenser NEC 美国国家电器法典

34、National Electrical Code UB 整体阀盖 Union Bonnet COP 铜 Copper NPT 美国标准锥管螺纹 American Standard Taper Pipe Thread UL 表示经过美国保险商实验室有限公司认 证的产品 Indicates product has been approved by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. CSA 加拿大标准协会 Canadian Standards Association NRS 暗杆 Non-Rising Stem VAC 真空 Vacuum CV 止回阀 Check Va

35、lve OD 外径 Outside Diameter VOL 提及,容量 Volume CWP 冷水工作压力 Cold Working Pressure OS&Y 外螺纹和轭架 Outside Screw and Yoke WOG 水,油,气工作压力 Water, Oil, Gas Working Pressure CYL 圆柱体气缸 Cylinder PNEU 气动 Pneumatic WWP 水工作压力 Water Working Pressure DC 直流电 Direct Current PRESS 压力 Pressure DD 双阀瓣 Double Disc PRV 减压阀 Pres

36、sure Reducing Valve PSI 磅/平方英寸 Pounds Per Square Inch L形三通式L-pattern three way塞子的通路呈“L“形的三通式 T形三通式T-pattern three way塞子的通路呈“T“形的三通式 安全阀safety valve一种自动阀门,它不借助任何外力,而是利用介质本身的力来排出额定数量的流体,以防止系统内压力超过预定的安全值,当压力恢复正常后,阀门再行关闭并阻止介质继续流出 暗杆闸阀inside screw non-rising stem type gate valve阀杆作旋转运动、其传动螺纹在体腔内部的闸阀 保温式s

37、team jacket type带有蒸汽加热夹套结构的各种阀门 背压率rate of back pressure工作背压与工作压力的百分比 波纹管密封式bellows seal type用波纹管作阀杆主要密封的各种阀门 波纹管平衡式安全阀bellows seal balance safety valve利用波纹管平衡背压的作用,以保持开启压力不变的安全阀 波纹管式减压阀bellows reducing valve采用波纹管作敏感元件,来带动阀瓣运动的减压阀 波纹管式减压阀bellows seal reducing valve采用波纹管机构来带动阀瓣升降运动的减压阀 薄膜式减压阀diaphragm reducing valve采用薄膜作传感件来带动阀瓣升降运动的减压阀 不封闭式unseal type排放介质时,允许介质向现场大气泄漏的一种安全阀结构


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