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1、组建团队七个有用的词组Working as a team is an important part of life for most people and there are lots of English idioms and expressions related to teamwork that reflect that. Here are seven of my favourite English expressions for working as a team. 对于大多数人而言,在团队中共事是生活中很重要的一部分,有大量的英语习语和常用表达同团队工作有关,能反应出来。这里有7个我

2、在团队中喜欢用的英语表达。 to build a team 建立一个团队 This is when you choose who will be part of the team and go through the process of helping them work well together. We can use the expression team building as an adjective or verb to talk about this process of cultivating a good working relationship within the te

3、am. 这种表达方式是在你挑选团队成员和帮助他们一起度过工作难关时用的。我们能用“建立团队”这个表达作为一个形容词或者一个动词来谈论在团队中培养好的工作关系的过程。 “The accounts manager has built a strong team in his department. They go on team building activities every three months.” “客户经理在他的部门建立了一个很强大的团队。他们每三个月会组织团队活动来加强团队精神。” to be a team player 成为善于团队合作的人 To be a person who

4、works well as part of a team. “I love working with Dan. Hes a real team player.” 成为一个在团队中工作很出色的人。 “我喜欢跟丹一起工作。他是一个善于团队合作的人。” to gel 团结 This is when the members of a team have good relationships with each other and work well together. 这个词组用在所有的团队成员彼此之间关系很好,工作也很好。 “Weve been working together for a mont

5、h and the team is starting to gel.” “我们已经工作了一个月,团队开始越来越团结” to touch base with someone 同某人联系 This means to get in contact or meet up with someone, generally to discuss progress. “Id like you to complete this task then well touch base on Monday to discuss the next steps.” 这个词组的意思是同某人取得联系或见面,一般是去讨论工作进程

6、。 “我想让你去完成这个任务,然后我们周一联系再讨论下一步。” to catch up with someone 同某人见面讨论事情 To meet with someone and discuss what you have been doing or working on recently. “Sorry I havent been around much recently. Can we meet on Monday? Id like to catch up with you about what youve been doing for the last month.” 同某人见面,讨

7、论你最近已经做了些什么或者你正在做什么。 “不好意思,最近我都不在这边。我们能周一见面吗?我想跟您碰个面谈论一下你上个月做了些什么?” to step on someones toes 冒犯某人 To do something that might interfere with the way another person wants to do a task. “I would love to help you by coding the website but Darren is our web designer and I dont want to step on his toes.”

8、做的事情可能会妨碍到其他人想做的任务。 “我非常乐意帮你去编码网站,但是达伦是我们的网站设计师,我不想冒犯他。” to bounce ideas off someone 同他人一起谈谈自己的想法 To share an idea with someone and get their opinion on whether it is good or bad. “Ive thought about what the poster should look like but cant make up my mind. Can we meet up so I can bounce some ideas off you?” 同他人一起分享自己的意见,得到他们对此是对还是错的想法。 “我已经想到了海报应该是什么样子了,但是在我脑海里还没完全成形。我们能碰面吗?跟你谈一下我的想法。” 更多英语学习:面试英语学习


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