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1、美国单身证明怎么开?单身证明公证认证怎么办? 美国单身证明怎么开?单身证明公证认证怎么办? 与美国籍男友恋爱多年,近期打算回国到中国民政局领证结婚,属于中国公民与美国公民结婚的情况,中国方面告诉我男友需要提供在美国的单身证明,美国的单身证明怎么开? 中国公民与外国公民在中国境内结婚,中国相关*机构会要求美国公民出示经中国驻美国大使馆或领事馆认证的单身证明。如果美国公民的情况为离婚或者丧偶,您还同时需要将您的离婚证书或者配偶死亡证明在中国驻美国大使馆或领事馆做公证认证。美国单身证明自签字日起6个月内有效。但是单身证明怎么开呢?在美国没有任何机构可以帮您直接出具单身证明,您需要做的是先起草一份单身

2、声明书,再将这份声明书做三级认证。 美国单身证明的认证处理时间是多长? 一般情况下美国单身证明认证办理时长为15-20个工作日,加急服务时长10-13个工作日,加急服务请先提前预约。 单身证明公证认证所需材料有哪些? 1)公证认证申请表原件 2)单身声明书原件及复印件 3)申请人护照复印件及在国外居留身份证明复印件 注:目前为中国国籍的,需要提供在当地的居留证明,比如绿卡、枫叶卡、H1B等。 已加入外国国籍的,提供外国护照复印件即可作为居留身份的证明。 如何起草单身声明书/单身证明? 单身声明书一般由您本人来亲自起草。后续的针对单身证明的领事公证认证可以选择自己办理或者委托第三方代办。以下为单

3、身声明书样本 Affidavit of Single Status 单身声明书 I , English Name_, Chinese Name_ Passport Number is _, Gender: _, Citizenship of _ Born on DD_MM_YY_ at _ Currently Residing at : _ Working at _ located at _City _ State 第2页 Being duly sworn in, hereby solemnly declare that I am currently single, have never be

4、en married, and has no direct affinity, and have no collateral affinity within three generation with the following Chinese citizen: Full Name: _ Gender: _ Date of Birth: _ Place of Birth: _ Passport Number _ Permanent Address _ I was divorced on _ and have never been remarried since that date, and h

5、ave no direct affinity, and has no collateral affinity within three generation with the following Chinese citizen: Full Name: _ Gender: _ Date of Birth: _ Place of Birth: _ Passport Number _ 第3页 Permanent Address _ I was widowed on _ and have never been remarried since that date, and have no direct

6、affinity, and has no collateral affinity within three generation with the following Chinese citizen: Full Name: _ Gender: _ Date of Birth: _ Place of Birth: _ Passport Number _ Permanent Address _ I declare, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America, that the foregoing

7、is true and correct. I am the person named above, and I assume full responsibility for the declaration. Signature of Affiant: _ Date: _ Full Name in Print : _ Date: _ 美国单身证明三级认证办理步骤有哪些? 单身证明的公证认证步骤需要依次经过公证员公证(Notary Public)第4页 公证员所在County的县书记官认证公证员所在州的州务卿认证-美国国务院认证 (Department of State)-中国驻美大使馆/领事馆的

8、认证 (Chinese Embassy/Consulate) 几个步骤。 其中,县书记官的认证以及美国国务院认证这两步不是所有州都需要的。 如果为您公证的公证员在KY, MD, TN, NY, OH, HI, AL, GA其中任意一个州任职,那么县书记官的认证这一步是必需的,否则州务卿会拒收文件。 如果为您公证的公证员在DC, DE, ID, KY, MD, MT, NC, ND, NE, SC, SD, TN, UT, VA, WY, WV其中一个州任职,美国国务院认证(Department of State) 一步是必需的,否则中国大使馆(Chinese Embassy)会不予认证。 本文章源自: 第5页


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