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1、英语常用短语的用法与练习英语常用短语的用法与练习 41. be in good/poor condition状况很好;情况很好; 例句: The ship is not in a condition/is in no condition to make a long voyage. 此船的现状不适宜远航。 The car is still in excellent condition. 这辆汽车状况极佳。 condition短语: out of condition 状况欠佳;working/living/studying conditions工作/生活/学习环境;on condition (t

2、hat). 在条件下;倘若;on no condition 一点也不; 决不;in excellent condition 处于极佳的状况; 配套练习: (1).用适当的介词填空 The car has been well maintained and is _ excellent condition. Hes _ excellent condition _ a man of his age. I had no exercise for ages; Im really _ of condition. You can go out _ condition that you wear an ove

3、rcoat. (2).单项填空: They supplied me good living _, so I had _ happy experience. A. conditions; a B. condition; a C. conditions; / D. condition; / Keep your car in good _ and it will drive long. A. instruction B. position C. condition D. situation She is in a poor _ of health, which worries her mother

4、much. A. position B. situation C. state D. condition She stepped into the bedroom quietly _ she might wake up her roommates. A. for fear that B. so long as C. on condition that D. in order that 42. connect with . 与连接;联系起来; 例句: The room connects with the dining hall by means of hallway.这个房间通过一条过道与餐厅相

5、连。 Many people connect Germany with beer.很多人把德国与啤酒联想在一起。 What he does cant be connected with what he says.他所做的事跟他所说的没有任何联系。 One moment please,Ill connect you with Mr.Chen.请稍候,我帮你将电话转给陈先生。 connect短语: connect .with . 把和联系起来;be connected with 和联系;与有关系;connect .to . 把和联系起来; 配套练习: (1).完成句子 他把两个喇叭接上了扩音器。

6、He _ the two speakers _ the amplifier. 这条走廊与客厅相连接。 This corridor _ the living room. 请把电话转接到纽约。 Please _ me _ New York. (2).单项填空: The island of Great Britain is _ three parts. A. separated from B. connected with C. joined to D. divided into With the aid of public bids(公开招标) our town government decide

7、d to _ the two villages by a highway. A. join B. connect C. unite D. keep The road _ all the new towns. Which of the following cannot be used in the blank? A. links B. connects C. joins D. sticks The two countries once _ into one, it will become a strong and powerful one in the world. A. joined B. c

8、onnected C. unifies D. united Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a _ of exercise. A. limit B. lack C. need D. demand 43. consist of由组成(用于主动语态)=be made up of; 例句: Our class consisted of fifty students at that time.当时我们班有50个学生。 Though the costume consists only of a sheet,

9、 it was very effective. 虽然那件化装服装仅由一条床单组成,但效果很好。 Carbon dioxide consists of carbon and oxygen二氧化碳由碳和氧组成。 短语: consist in主要是;主要在于;consist with与一致/与并存;以上词组都不能用于被动语态。consist of/ be made up of由组成; 配套练习: (1).用适当的介词填空: The United Nations Organization consists _ over 160 nations. Our greatest happiness consi

10、sts _ serving the people. Health doesnt consist _ smoking. (2).单项填空: The United Kingdom _ Great Britain and Northern Ireland. A. makes up B. composes C. consists of D. was made up of The opening province which _ 13 countries and 3 coastal cities will quicken its paces of economic development. A. con

11、sists of B. makes up C. is included D. is contained Dreaming without hard work will never _ anything. A. burst into B. consist of C. amount to D. set aside What we need is a mixture _ flour and water. A. consisting of B. making of C. making from D. making up of Dreaming without hard work will never

12、_ anything. A. burst into B. consist of C. amount to D. set aside 44. on the contrary与此相反;正相反(只作状语); 例句: It doesnt seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think its rather beautiful.我觉得它并不丑, 恰恰相反,我认为它相当漂亮。 It wasnt a good thing; on the contrary, it was a huge mistake. 这并不是一件好事,相反,这是个巨大的错误。 Contrary to p

13、opular belief, many cats dislike milk.与普遍看法相反,许多猫并不喜欢牛奶。 contrary短语: (be) contrary to 违反;与相反; 配套练习: (1).用contrary相关短语的适当形式填空: The car isnt expensive. _, its quite cheap. The results were _ expectation. (2).单项填空: If parents have children help with housework, the children will feel needed. _,they will

14、 learn to take care of themselves. A. On the contrary B. In a word C. That is to say D. Whats more Nobody believed him _what he said and he felt very disappointed. A. even though B. in spite C. no matter D. contrary to If parents have children help with housework, the children will feel needed.,they

15、 will learn to take care of themselves. A. On the contrary B. In a word C. That is to say D. Whats more This box is four times the size of that one. In other words, this is four times as big as that or this is three times bigger than that, and to the contrary, that is _ the size of this. A. one-thir

16、d B. three times C. four times D. one-fourth Jack is good, kind, hard-working and intelligent; _, I cant speak too highly of him. A. as a result B. in a word C. by the way D. on the contrary 45. cut down削减;删节;砍伐; 例句: Many big trees along the road have been cut down for building houses路旁的许多大树都被砍掉建房了。

17、 This factorys production has been cut down这家工厂生产减少了。 The man was cut down in his primeof manhood by a pneumonia那人因患肺炎而英年早逝。 His arguments are very easy to cut down他的论点很容易被驳倒。 The tailor is cutting down my dress裁缝正在把我的衣服改小。 短语: cut off 剪下来;切断;使突然中断;cut out 切去;省略;停止;cut up=cut into pieces 切碎;剪碎;cut t

18、hrough 穿过;穿透;cut in 插入;插嘴;超车抢道; 配套练习: (1).用cut相关短语的适当形式填空: Her little finger was _ in an accident at the factory. She _ the advertisement _ of the newspaper. He _the park and reached there in time. I havent given up drinking but Im _ . Im sorry to _ on your conversation. You nearly caused a crash by

19、 _ (on me) like that. (2).单项填空 The area of desert is growing year by year just because more and more trees are being _ A. cut up B. cut down C. cut off D. cut out I was just talking to Mike when Jack _. A. cut in B. cut down C. cut out D. cut up He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he wa

20、s _ from the outside world. A. cut out B. cut off C. cut up D. cut through Rainforests _ and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future. A. cut B. are cut C. are being cut D. had been cut Keys: 41. (1). in in; for out on (2). ACCA 42. (1). connected; to connects withconnect; with (2). DBDDB 43. (1). of in with (2). CACAC 44. (1). On the contrarycontrary to (2). DCDDB 45. (1). cut offcut; outcut throughcutting downcut incutting in (2). BABC


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