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1、英语基本句型及其转换英语基本句型及其转换 从根本上讲,根据句子中的动词,英语句型可以分为两大类,第一类是:主+谓+句型,第二类是:主+系+表句型。 第一类句型中的谓语是一些常见的动词,比如 sleep、play等等,第二类句型中的“系”就是“系动词”,主要包括is、am、are,也就是我们常说的“be动词”。 下边,我会就这两类句型分别介绍一下句型转换的基本规律。 另外还有就是Have和There be句型。 以下是以上三类句型的变换。 一,主+谓+句型的变换 这一类句型的变换要借用助动词do的不同形式来完成,否定句用“dont”或“doesnt”,一般疑问句把“do”或者“does”提前放在

2、句子的第一个词。比如: 例1: 肯定句:His sister often sleeps until 8. 他的姐姐经常睡到8点。 否定句:His sister doesnt often sleeps until 8. 疑问句:Does his sister often sleep until 8. 例2: 肯定句:He heard the noise yesterday. 他昨天听到声音了。 否定句:He didnt hear the noise yesterday. 疑问句:Did he hear the noise yesterday? 注意以上划下划线的部分。以上的句子都是由动词做谓语,

3、所以句型变换要加do。但是,如果原句中已经有了其他的助词,那么就不需要加do,而是直接加“not”来变成否定句,一般疑问句要把助动词提前。请看下边的例子: 1 例3: 肯定句:He has finished his work. 否定句:He hasnt finished his work. 一般疑问句:Has he finished his work? 例4: 肯定句:He can finished his work.他能做完工作。 否定句:He cannot finish his work. 疑问句:Can he finish his work? 下面我们来讨论怎样由肯定句变成特殊疑问句。这

4、一类句型的特殊疑问句,是由疑问词加上去掉了发问成分的一般疑问句构成。请看下边的例子。 陈述句:They watch television for an hour at home in the evening. 一般疑问句:Do they watch television for an hour at home in the evening?。 根据上面的陈述句,我们可以变换出五种不同类型的特殊疑问句,分别针对“什么”,“多久”,“什么时候”,“哪里”和“谁”进行发问。 特殊疑问句1:What do they watch for an hour at home in the evening at

5、 home? 答案:Television 特殊疑问句2:How long do they watch for an hour in the evening at home? 答案:An hour 特殊疑问句3:When do they watch television for an hour at home? 答案:In the evening 特殊疑问句4:Where do they watch television for an hour in the evening? 答案:At home 特殊疑问句5:Who watch television for an hour in the ev

6、ening at home? 答案:They 2 从上边5个例子中可以发现,问题的答案都要在变换成特殊疑问句时被去掉。需要注意的是第5个特殊疑问,答案是主语,所以不需要加“do”,只用“who”代替主语就可以了,其他不发生变化。 二,主+系+表句型 下边是几个这类句子的常见例子: His sister is a doctor. His sister is young and beautiful. She is in the hospital. 从以上的3个例句中可以看出,这类句型也是由主语和谓语构成,其中谓语部分就是我们常说的be动词和表语。 这类句型的肯定句变化比较简单,直接在“be”后边加

7、“not”。以上边的三个句子为例:否定句分别为: His sister is not a doctor. His sister is not young and beautiful. She is not in the hospital. 这类句型的一般疑问句将“be”提前到主语前构成: Is his sister a doctor? Is his sister young and beautiful? Is shi in the hospital? 特殊疑问句的变法是将疑问词放在句首,加上去掉问题答案部分的一般疑问句构成。 What is his sister? How is his sis

8、ter? Where is she? Who is a doctor? Whose sister is young and beautiful? 3 三,Have和There be句型 Have句型 肯定句:He has a happy family. 否定句:He doesnt have a happy family. He hasnt a happy family. 一般疑问句:Does he have a happy family? Has he a happy family? There be句型 肯定句:There are three families in the house. 否

9、定句:There are not three families in the house. 一般疑问句:Are there three families in the house? There be 句型的特殊疑问句由疑问词引发出无答案成分的一般疑问句构成: 特殊疑问句:How many families are there in this house? 答案:Three 特殊疑问句:What are there in the house? 答案:Three families. 四,总结 综上所述,掌握句型变化的规律,首先应该了解以上3种主要句型的构成,然后在此基础上掌握变化的规律。其实,最关键的是,多读各种类型的句子,特别是各种疑问句,形成语感后就不需要总考虑变化的规律是什么了! 以上只是一些表面说明,也许还会有不详尽的地方,多针对语法书或者教材中的语法讲解,多读多练,一定会有进步的。不管学习英语还是其他科目,要相信自己!不过英语学习的一个关键就在于多读,大声的读. 4


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