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1、英语教学设计Unit12Youre supposed to shake hands.SectionA教学设计 南孙庄乡中学 一、教材分析 第12单元是比较有趣味性的一个单元,它也是能调动学生学习英语的积极性和趣味性的一个单元,它也是能调动学生学习英语积极性和兴趣的一个重要单元,它的核心目的是了解各个国家的饮食起居、生活习惯和文化差异,并用所学的知识表达自己对生活习惯的看法。 当今的世界是开放的世界,各国之间的交往日趋密切。然而各国的风俗习惯,不同礼仪时间观念和饮食文化差异很大。因此,了解西方国家在饮食和日常交往中的礼仪,比较中西方在饮食和日常交往中的文化差异,学会在人际交往中尊重他人、礼貌待人

2、,是十分重要的,它不仅能提高学生对文明生活的认识、加深学生对中外文化的了解,而且能拓展学生的文化是野。 二、设计思想 本节课的重点是通过口语练习、听力练习、阅读训练了解不同国家的风俗习惯,初次见面的礼仪,掌握重点句型用法。“授人以渔”是当今教学改革的重大课题,指导学生自主学习,学会合作、探究,发挥他们自己的主观能动性,变被动为主动,变厌学为乐学,是本课主要目标之一。通过创设的情境、图片、材料让学生进行大胆交流、真正地把知识转化成能力。 1.通过多媒体,呈现学生感兴趣的图片,让学生对各个国家第一次见面的礼节和参观就餐时的习俗有一个直观的认知。为此,我精心准备了各个国家的动态国旗、动态礼节及餐桌习

3、俗图片,让学生学的开心,印象深刻。 1 2.通过大量的练习使学生充分的熟悉和运用be (not) supposed to do 和should (not) have +P.P新的知识,在口头上得到充分的训练。 3.为了提高学生的阅读能力,了解异国风俗,开拓学生的视野,提高学习兴趣,达到掌握和了解异国风俗习惯的目的,增加了两个趣味阅读,充分体现以教师为主导,学生为主体的教学理念。 4.训练形式多样,兼顾“听、说、读、写”的训练。在学生对新的知识有充分理解的基础上,让学生进行听力的训练。在课文中P94, 1b和P95,2a,2b安排了听力的训练,通过多媒体可以马上展示答案,让学生立马知道自己的答案

4、是否准确,保持高涨的学习热情。在说的方面,在课堂中特意安排了学生间的对话,组内间的交流,谈论不同国家的初次见面礼节及就餐时的餐桌礼仪。写的训练也必不可少,具体在讲学稿上体验出来。 5.为了让学生能学好本课时的内容,本人在各环节中安排了大量的活动和练习,层层推进,环环相连,增加本节课的动感和趣味性。通过课堂实践、课堂检测,学生们学得很好。他们既学到了知识,又提升了能力。 本课时的讲学稿设计如下: 年级:九年级 学科组: 英 语 课题:Unit12 Section A(1a-_2c) 学习 目标 1.知识目标:认知并掌握有关礼仪的词汇和句型,能熟练应用Youre supposed to 进行交际和

5、表达。 2.能力目标:从听、说、读、写四方面提高学生语言技能。. 3.情感策略目标:让学生感受世界不同国家的礼仪风俗,了解中西方在饮食和日常交往中的文化差异,学会在人际交往中尊重他人、礼貌待人。 学 一、预习导学 :翻译下列单词短语 1.风俗,习俗 2. 吻,亲吻_ 2 3.摇晃 4.鞠躬_ 5.be supposed to do 6.for the first time_ 7.arrive at 8.握手_ 9.be invited 10.western countries_ 二、教学过程 Step1 Warm-up:Ask the students something about thei

6、r school rules. Step2 Learn what they are supposed to do when they meet for the first time. They are supposed to.(use the pictures) Step4 Pairwork: Ask and answer in pairs like this: A: What are people supposed to do when they meet for the first time? B: They are supposed to Step5 True or False “col

7、orful life colorful culture” England. 2.Some East Africans spit (吐)four times as a kind of blessing(祝福) they do it to show that they want a sick person to get well. 3.In India, if you agree with someone, you shake your head. 4.In China, we cant give a knife as a present. 5.In England, if you go to a

8、 party, you must come earlier. 6.The traffic keeps to the right side of the road in England. Step6 Reading “Do in Rome as the Romans do” Different countries have different customs(习俗) in giving presents. 习 11.问候Paul的妈妈 12.犯一些错误 导 Step3 Listening Practice 1b 航 1.When friends eat together ,they usuall

9、y share the cost in 3 IN CHINA you must never give a clock to a Chinese person, because the sound of the word for“death”in Chinese. Also, dont wrap(包裹) a present in white, black, or blue paper, because there are the colors for funerals. Dont give a knife, because something sharp can cut a friendship

10、. IN RUSSIA if we give flowers as a present, we have to give all odd numbers of them (one, three, five, etc.) because even numbers of flowers (two, four, six, etc.) are for funerals. IN GERMANY flowers are a good present to take to your dinner hostess, but dont take her red roses because it means yo

11、u are in love with her. Dont take thirteen of anything because its an unlucky number. Dont take an even number of anything, either. Dont wrap your present in white, brown, or black paper. We are always using body language in our daily life. When we have a conversation with someone, we may use more b

12、ody language than words. However. the same body language may mean different things in different countries. Thats why people sometimes do not understand each other correctly. Pointing to one part of the body can mean differently in different cultures. For example, in the USA people point to their hea

13、ds when they think someone is clever. However. In Europe it means He or she is stupid or something is wrong with his or her heads. In our Chinese culture, nodding(点 头) our heads up and down means yes and shaking our heads from side to side means no. However, in parts of India, Greece and Turkey, it

14、means just the opposite. Though the meaning of body language is different, there are some expressions having the same meaning throughout the 4 world, such as smiling and crying. 1.In England, if people point to their heads, It means they think someone is_ 检 A. clever B .stupid C. having a headache D

15、. angry 2.In Turkey, if one nods his head up and down, it means he_. A. doesnt agree B. agrees C. is happy D. is sad If youre invited to have dinner at your friends house, Step 7 Free talk: what are you supposed to do? what arent you supposed to do? (time, 测 food, greet, clothes, gifts) Step 8 Liste

16、ning (2a2b) Step 9 Tangshan won the “national civilized city” title last year. What are you supposed to do in the following situations? 三、当堂检测 A、单词 1. People in Japan are supposed _ (bow) when they meet _ the first time. 反 2. She _ (greet) Pauls mother the wrong way last night. 3. He _(be) supposed

17、to arrive at 8:00 yesterday. 4. I _(wear) the wrong hat when I left my friends house last night. 5. Did you go to the party? -No, I _(not invite). B、单选 1. She _ some mistakes in her exercises the day before yesterday. 馈 A. made B. had made C. has made D. was making 2. You should _ what you are suppo

18、sed to do. 5 A. asks B. asked C. have asked D. had asked 3. What are people in the USA supposed to do when they meet for the first time? They are supposed to _. A bow B shake hands C kiss D wave 4. Youre _ shake hands. A. supposed not to B. supposed to not C. not supposed to D. not supposing to 5. P

19、lease try to _ here on time. Dont keep us waiting. A. get to B. arrive in C. arrive at D. get Writing:我们的学校正在创建文明校园,作为一名学生,你应该做什么?不应该做什么?根据提示写篇文章。 come to school on time, listen to teacher carefully, eat in the classroom ,do homework everyday, copy others homework, run in the hallway, listen to music in the classroom, get ears pierced, sleep in the class _ 课后反思: 6


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