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1、译林三年级期中复习知识点总结Unit 1 In class 词组: 班级: 姓名: 1. 打开你们的书open your books 2. 关窗close the window 3. 进来come in 4. 听老师讲解listen to the teacher 5. 对不起。Im sorry. 6. 关门 close the door 7. 开窗 open the window 8. 起立 stand up 9. 看这件夹克衫 look at the jacket 10. 坐下 sit down 11.看黑板 look at the blackboard 12. 在上课/在课上 in cla

2、ss 13.不要听鹦鹉。Dont listen to the parrot. 14. 说对不起 say sorry 15.不要谈论! Dont talk! 16. 关这些窗 close the/these windows 17. 两本大书 two big books 18.下午好 good afternoon 19. 上午好 good morning 20. 格林先生 Mr. Green 按要求写单词: 1. books book 4. open close 2. blackboardblackboards 5.Mrs Mr 3. you your 6.Im I am Unit2 In the

3、 library 一、词组 1. 在图书馆里 in the library 2. 吃一只红苹果 eat a red apple 3. 一本英语书 an English book 4. 不要喊。Dont shout. 5. 一些好吃的蛋糕 some nice cakes 6. 吃一个汉堡包eat a hamburger 7. 想要一顶鸭舌帽 would like a cap 8. 看那个男孩 look at the boy 9. 这块黑板 this blackboard 10.我的英语书 my English book 11.你的新鸭舌帽 your new cap 12.吃我的蛋糕 eat my

4、 cake 13. 在这里交谈 talk here 14. 喝我的牛奶drink my milk 15. 上上下下 up and down 16. 不要谈论。Dont talk. 17. 想要一些冰淇淋would like some ice creams 18.不要跑。 Dont run. 按要求写单词: 1. dont do not 2. likelove 3. I my 4.thisthat 5. know no 6. can cant 连词成句: 1. want, I, drink, to, milk, my 2. the, here, eat, hamburger, not, do (

5、 . ) 问答句: 1. Would you like a sweet? Yes, please. No, thank you. 2. Youre late,Mike. Im sorry. 3. Do you like apples? Yes, I do. No, I dont. 4. What colour is it? Its +颜色. 5. Whats this/that? Its a/an 6. Can you ? Yes, I can. No, I cant. Unit3 Is this your pencil? 一、词组 1. 你的铅笔 your pencil 2. 我的书包 my

6、 schoolbag 3. 在那里 over there 4. 一只大蛋糕a big cake 5. 这只午餐盒 this lunch box 6. 听listen to 7. 给你 for you 8. 在门旁边 beside the door 9. 在地板上on the floor 10.两支新铅笔 two new pencils 11.这只红色蜡笔 this red crayon 12.一些小橡皮 some small rubbers 13. 她的午餐盒 her lunch box 14. 谈论talk about 15. 我的蓝蜡笔 my blue crayon 16. 吃吃喝喝eat

7、 and drink 17. 在书里 in the book 18. 你的红橡皮 your red rubber 19. 我的新钢笔 my new pen 20. 你的牛奶 your milk 21. 想要 would like 22.怎么样? What about? 按要求写单词: 1. isnt is not 2.yesno 3. thatthis 4. Iyou 6.fourfor 7.it isits 8. thatsthat is 连词成句: 1. a, ruler, girl, has, red, the 2.for, the, ruler, is, Helen( ?) 按要求改写

8、句子: This is my new pencil case.(改为一般疑问句) 找到be动词并提前 问答句: 7. Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. 8. Is that your pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. 9. Wheres my schoolbag? Its here. 10. Whats that over there? Its arubber. 11. Whats this/that? Its a/an. Unit4 Wheres the bird? 词组 1. 在你的课桌上 on yo

9、ur desk 2. 在树上 in the tree 3. 听 listen to 4. 看 look at 5. 一只小鸟 a little bird 6. 在图书馆里 in the library 7. 一条漂亮的短裙 a beautiful skirt 8. 在我的铅笔盒里 in my pencil box 9. 一个漂亮的蛋糕 a nice cake 10. 吃那个热狗 eat the hot dog 11.想要睡觉 want to sleep 12.站在我的课桌上 stand on my desk 13. 我的阿姨 my aunt 14. 黑白相间 black and white 1

10、5. 新大衣 new coat 16.在那里 over there 17. 想要would like 18. 这只漂亮的鸟this beautiful bird 19. 在树下 under the tree 20.所有她的朋友们 all her friends 21. 一只蓝鸟 a blue bird 22.成为我的老师 be my teacher 23. 在门后 behind the door 24. 在你的书桌下面 under your desk 25. 飞走fly away 26.站在鹦鹉上面 stand on the parrot 27. 给你。 Here you are. 按要求写单

11、词: 1.wheres (完整形式) where is 2. my I 3. up down 4. do do not/dont 5. her his 6. is are 划线提问: 1.This is a pencil case. 答案:What is this? 划掉的是什么东西用what 2.The crayon is on the chair. 答案:Where is the crayon? 划掉的是什么地方用where 连词成句: 1. is, my, school, the, desk, in, not, bag (.) 答案:My school bag is not in the

12、 desk. 2. under, is, desk, the, ball, your (?) 答案: Is the ball under your desk?/ Is your ball under the desk? 问答句: 1. Is it in your schoolbag? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. 2. Wheres the bird? Its behind the door. 3. Look at my new coat. How beautiful! 4. Here you are. Thank you. 5. Dont eat too much. All right. 感叹句:1.What引导句 2. How 引导句 How beautiful!多么漂亮啊! How lovely it is! 它是多么可爱啊! What a lovely robot!多可爱的一个机器人啊! What a nice cake! 多好看的一个蛋糕啊! Welcome to our Toy Museum. 欢迎来到玩具博物馆! schoolbag 书包 =school bag 书包


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