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1、高一英语重要词汇 用法1introduce vt 1)make persons known by name to one another:介绍,表示“把介绍给”常用下列结构:introduce sb. to sb. ,其中“to sb. ”也可省略。例如: He introduced a new teacher to us at the welcome meeting. 在欢迎会上,他给我们介绍了一位新老师。 At the beginning of the class, the teacher usually says, “Let me introduce myself to you firs

2、t. ” 在一开始上课时老师通常说:“让我先来做一下自我介绍。” When one friend was introduced to another, they often say“How do you do?”to each other. 当一个朋友被介绍给另一个朋友的时候,他们常常时互致“你好?”。 Id like to introduce my teacher Miss Zhang to you here 我想把我的老师张小姐给你们介绍一下。(注意:本句中 Miss Zhang 是my teacher的同位语。) 2)bring into use:引用 He introduced a n

3、ew method in teaching 他在教学上引用了一种新的方法。 3)bring in for the first time 第一次引进 Potatoes were introduced into Europe from South America. 土豆是从南美传入欧洲的。 Coffee was introduced to England from the Continent. 咖啡是从欧洲大陆引进到英格兰的。 introduce的名词形式是introduction,意为“介绍”。例如: This is a letter of introduction. 这是一封介绍信。 Im v

4、ery glad to have an introduction at the beginning of the class. 一开始上课,我很高兴做一下介绍。 2nicenais adj. good, pleasant, kind:美好的;令人愉快的;友好的 a nice day(book, taste, etc. )好炱?书,味道等) The weather is very nice here. 这儿的天气很好。 a nice trip to the Great Wall去长城的一次畅游 Its nice of you to invite us. 你邀请我们真是太好了。 They are

5、very nice to us. 他们对我们很友好。 nice的副词形式是 nicely;最高级形式为 nicest,意为“最令人愉快的”。例如: This job fits me nicely. 这项工作很适合我来做。 What is the nicest part of your holidays? 你假期中最愉快的是哪一段时间? 3everyday adj. happening or used daily: 每天的,日常的 Knowing some everyday English will be helpful. 会一些日常英语会有所帮助的。 The film is about the

6、 everyday life of the people in the U. S. A. 这是部关于美国人日常生活的电影。 everyday 仅仅用作定语;当其分开写成 every day时,是名词短语,意为“每天”,在句中用作时间状语。例如: Every day they went to the road nearby and stood there begging. 他们每天到附近的路上,站在那里要饭。 4employ vt. 雇用 He employs four men during the vacation. 假期期间他雇了四个人。 Li Ming is employed in a r

7、estaurant. 李明受雇于一家饭店。 Do you know the man who employed two children? 你认识那个雇佣了两个童工的人吗? 1)employer n. 雇主;雇用者。 2)employee n. 受雇者;雇员 3)employment n. 雇用;职业;工人(不可数)。如: He is looking for employment. 他在找职业。 4)unemployed adj. 失业的 5)unemployment n. 失业。又如: The employer is a person who employs others. 雇主是雇佣别人的人

8、。 In China the people who are unemployed are called laid-off workers. 在中国失业的人员被称为下岗职工。 5more 1)adj. greater in number,quantity,quality,degree,size,ect;additional:数目更多的;更大量的;更佳的;程度更高的;更大的;附加的。例如: More than one person has made the suggestion. 不止一个人提出这个建议。 Instead of fewer accidents there are more. 事故不

9、但没减少,反而增加了。 He has more money (chance,etc. )than ever. 他的钱(机会)比任何时候都多。 more为many或much的比较级形式。 many-more-most修饰可数名词。 much-more-most修饰不可数名词。 2)n. a great account or number 更大的量或数 -What more do you need?你还需要什么? -I dont need any more. 我不再要了。 3)adv. 放在多音节的形容词或副词前,构成形容词或副词比较级形式。 例如: more useful-wonderful-b

10、eautiful; more easily-slowly-foolishly 4)与more有关的一些短语: (1)and what is more 更重要者;再者;更有甚者(=more important;serious) He told his classmates the matter, and what is more, he even told the teacher about it. 他把这件事告诉了他的同学,尤为严重的是,他还 将此事告诉了老师。 (2)more or less大致;差不多(=about;or so)。例如: It is five dayswork more o

11、r less. 大概得做五天左右。 It is an hours ride more or less from here to the centre of the city. 从这儿开车去市中心大约需要一个小时。 (3)no more 再也不(=no longer) He broke away from our company last year,since then I have seen him no more. 他去年脱离了我们公司,此后,我再也没有见过他。 (4)no more than 仅仅(=only) His whole school education added up to

12、no more than one year. 他的整个学校教育加起来仅仅一年。 (5)not more than 不多于;不超过(=at most;just not asas)。例如: There are not more than twelve people in the meeting room. 会议室至多不超过十二个人。 (6)more and more 越来越多(=increasingly)。例如: Our country is becoming more and more beautiful. 我们国家正变的越来越美丽。 It seems that I spend more and

13、 more money on books. 我好像在买书上花的钱越来越多。 (7)once more 再一次(=again) Would you please tell the story once more? 请再讲一遍这个故事好吗? 6water 1)n. the liquid in rivers, lakes, seas, etc. 水 Fish cant live without water. 鱼儿没有水就不能生活。 sea-water海水 mineral water 矿泉水 当 water用作复数(waters)时,意为“水域或海域”(=the body of water)。例如:

14、The waters in Changjiang rivers broke some of the banks. 长江的洪水在有些地方冲破了大堤。 2)v. give water to sth. or produce water “浇水,灌溉;加水;泪水流出;流口水”。例如: Its very dry, and we must water the vegetable garden. 天很干,我们应该浇菜园了。 They were watering the streets. 他们正在街上洒水。 Our ship watered at every port we visited. 我们的船每到一港

15、口,就加水一次。 The smoke made my eyes water. 烟使我眼睛流泪。 The smell from the kitchen made my mouth water. 厨房的气味使我直流口水。 7along 1)prep. following the line of:沿着 along常跟road,street,river,line等表示狭长的名词连用。例如: I saw her running along the street. 我看见他沿着大街奔跑。 After supper we usually take a walk along the river. 晚饭后我们通

16、常沿河散步。 2)adv. forward:向前 along常跟walk,move,run等表示位移的动词连用。例如: He shouted aloud as he ran along. 他一边往前跑,一边高声的呼喊。 Come along, please. 请过来吧。 8情态动词have to表示客观需要做的事情,意思是“必须”,“不得不”。后跟动词原形;而情态动词must表示说话人的主观的看法。例如: Oh, I have to wash all my clothes, clean the floor, and keep everything clean and tidy. 噢,我只得洗我

17、所有的衣服,清理地板,而且使一切干净整洁。 I must be off/leaving now. 现在我必须走啦。 I must stop and get some sleep. 我必须停下来,睡上一会儿。 9partner n. 搭档,合作伙伴;舞伴。例如: Yang Mei is the partner of Zhou Lans oral practice. 杨梅是周兰口语练习的伙伴。 We have been partners for many years since we knew each other. 我们从相识以来,是好多年的合作者了。 10vacation 为美国英语,用作名词

18、,意为“休假,假期”(=a time of rest from work),在英国英语中用holiday。例如: They are on vacation in Auckland. 他们在奥克兰度假。 I took a vacation at Qingdao last summer. 我去年夏天在青岛度假。 请病假不用 vacation或 holiday,而使用 take a day off。例如: Tang Lin took a day off yesterday because of illness. 唐林昨天因病请了一天假。 11hope和wish的用法区别 1)hope用作动词时,后面

19、可接不定式或 that从句,但不能接“宾语+不定式”。 We hope to see you again. =We hope we can see you again. 我希望再次见到你。 I hope you can help me with my maths. 希望你能帮助我学数学。 (不能说:I hope you to help me with my maths. ) 2)wish后面接不定式或“宾语+不定式”都可以,其意义相当于“想要”,“希望”(=would like或 want)。wish接that从句时一般表示某种强烈而又难以实现的“愿望”,而hope表示的是可以实现或能达到的“

20、希望”。 例如: I wish to place an order right now. 我想马上订购。 I wish him to make progress. 我希望他取得进步。 I wish I could fly like a bird. 但愿我能象鸟一样飞。 (从句中的could表示其动作不可能实现,不能用can。) 试比较:I hope he can do that. 我希望他会干那件事。 (这句中can不能用could。) 3)wish可表示良好的“祝愿”,后面接“宾语+宾补(形容词或名词)”,而hope不能这样用。 I wish you happy. 祝你幸福。 I wish

21、you a pleasant journey. 祝你旅途愉快。 不能说 I hope you happy/a pleasant journey. 4)在简略句中,如要表示希望某事不会发生时,应说 I hope not,而不说Idont hope so。表示希望某事会发生时,说 I hope so。 12grow,plant,keep和raise的用法区别 1)grow和plant都可表示“种植”,如种植草、树、苗、花卉、粮食等植物。 plant着重指“种植”这一行为,grow着重指种植以后的栽培、管理过程。 某人plant之后树是死是活不一定管,但某人grow a tree 则包括培育管理,使

22、其生长的过程。试比较: The students are planting trees on the hill. 学生们正在山坡上栽树。(不用) How many trees have you planted this year? 你们今年植了多少棵树?(不用grow) The farmer grows wheat in this field. 那位农民在这块田里种植的是小麦。(不用plant) People grow bananas in Hainan. 海南种植香蕉。(不用plant) He grows many kinds of flowers in his back garden. 他

23、在他的后花园里种植了各种各样的花。 2)keep可表示“赡养”,后面可接表示人或动物的名词。不用来代替 plant 或grow。如: He has a wife and three children to keep. 他要养活妻子和三个孩子。 My grandma keeps pigs and hens. 我奶奶养猪养鸡。 My uncle has a large family to keep. 我叔叔有一大家子人要养活。 3)raise除表示“词养”(动物)以外,还可用来表示“养育”(子女);“培育”(植物)。 We raised a good crop of tomatoes this y

24、ear. 今年我们种的西红柿长得很好。 My grandmother raised a family of five. 我祖母养育了五口之家。 Where were you raised?你是在哪儿长大的? He raised some flowers in the back garden. 他在后花园里种了一些花。 That was how the Chinese first raised silkworms. 中国人就是这样开始养蚕的。 raise强调从小精心培养到大,通常指培养花卉以及较难管理的植物。 Lets grow/raise some flowers in the garden.

25、 咱们在花园里种些花吧。 We grow rice,wheat and cotton in my hometown. 在家乡,我们种植水稻、小麦和棉花。(不宜用raise) 13drive 词的用法 1)=travel or go in a car意思是“驾车旅行”。如: I didnt drink,because I had to drive home after the party. 我没喝酒,因为晚会以后我得开车回家。 He drove me to the station. 他开车送我到车站。 I drove eight hours/400 kilometres yesterday. 昨

26、天我驾车行驶了八个小时/400公里。 The policeman drove my car to the police station. 警察把我的车开到派出所。 2)=make people or animal go 意思是“赶”、“驱”。如: The farmer is driving many sheep to market. 那位农民正把许多羊赶到市场去。 The Chinese people drove their enemies from/out of their country. 中国人民把敌人从他们的国土上赶了出去。 3)=cause sb. to be in a state意

27、思是“迫使”,“逼迫”。如: The loud noise of the people in the street almost drove me mad. 街上人们的喧闹声几乎使我发狂。 He was driven by hunger to steal. =Hunger drove him to steal. 他因饥饿而被迫行窃。 4)drive用作名词主要表示“开车”或“乘车”。如: The town is about half an hours/forty minutes/a two-hour/a 9-mile drive from here. 那镇离这儿开车(或坐车)大约半小时/四十分

28、钟/两小时/九英里的路途。 Lets go out for a drive,shall we?我们出去开车兜兜风吧,好吗? 14behind 词的用法 1)作为介词behind主要有下面三种用法。 (1)=at the back of意思是“在后面”,指地点。如: A dog ran from behind the tree. 一条狗从树后面跑了出来。 Walk close behind me. 紧跟在我后面走。 Theres a vegetable garden behind the house. 屋后有个菜园。 (2)=later than意思是“迟于”,指时间。如: The postma

29、n is behind his usual time today. 邮递员今天比往常来得迟。 In my state we are fourteen hours behind Beijing time. 我们国家的时间比北京时间迟十四小时。 (3)=not so advanced as意思“不如先进”,“落后于”,如: Thats a small country in Africa far behind its neighbours. 那是一个远远落后于邻国的非洲小国家。 They are behind us in education and science. 他们在教育与科学方面落后于我们。

30、 2)作为副词,behind 大致也能表示介同behind的意思。如: The others are a long way behind. 其他人落在后面很远。(=at the back) The teacher asked Tom to stay behind after school. 老师让Tom放学后留下来。(=stay after others have left) If you dont work hard,youll fall behind. 如果你不努力,你会落后的(=fail to keep up). 15prefer的用法 prefer是及物动词,后面应接宾语,意为“更喜欢

31、”(like better)。其过去式、过去分词和现在分词要双写字母r,然后加ed或ing。下面就其用法作一归纳。 1)接名词、代词作宾语。如: -Which would you prefer,tea or coffee? -I prefer tea. 咖啡和茶,你更喜欢哪一种? 我较喜欢茶。 People in the south prefer rice while those in the north prefer food made from flour. 南方人爱吃米饭,而北方人较喜欢吃面食。 2)接不定式、动名词作宾语。在没有明确指出比较对象时,用不定式、动名词意义大致相同。如: I

32、 prefer to walk there. (I prefer walking there. )我宁愿步行去那儿。 He chose Spain,but personally Id prefer to go to Greece. 他选了西班牙,但就我个人而言,我倒想去希腊。 3)在词组 preferto中,to是介词,其作用是引出两个比较对象,因此,动词prefer的宾语和介词to的宾语在形式上应一致,可以是名词、代词或动名词,不可用不定式。如: He said he preferred the country to the city. 他说城市和乡村相比,他更喜欢农村。 She prefe

33、rs dancing to singing. 跳舞和唱歌相比,她更喜欢跳舞。 4)preferrather than的结构中,要用“prefer to do rather than do”意为“宁愿做而不做”。如: The soldier preferred to die rather than give in before the enemy. 这位战士宁愿死,也不在敌人面前屈服。 另外,prefer还可接that引导的宾语从句,相当于hope的用法;也可接复合宾语,即“prefer sb. to do”“更希望某人干”。如: Id prefer you not to go there al

34、one. 我倒希望你不要单独去那儿。 We prefer that they(should)do it in a different way. 我倒希望他们用另一种方法去做。 1介词between和among的用法及区别 1)between(prep)“在(两者)之间”;一般只指在两者或两部分之间。例如: There is a profound and lasting friendship between China and Korea. 中朝两国之间有深厚和永恒的友谊。 The Yalu River flows between China and Korea. 鸭绿江介于中朝两国之间。 偶尔

35、between也可用来指三个或三个以上之间,这种情况实际上 仍是指其中一个和其他中间的一个之间的关系。如: Laos lies between China, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. 老挝位于中国、缅甸、泰国、柬埔寨和越南之间。 The friendly relations between the peoples are profound and lasting. 各族人民之间的友好关系是深厚的和永恒的。 2)among(prep)“在中间”;表示在三个或三个以上的人或物中间,后面通常接集体名词或可数名词复数形式。例如: I saw him

36、among the crowd. 我看见他在人群中。 He came from a village among the hills. 他来自群山中的一个村庄。 2whilewail的用法 1)while可以用作并列连词,表示对比意义,译为“而”,“却”。例如: Instead, he asked his father why he was not able to hatch chickens, while hens could. 他反而问他父亲为什么他不能孵小鸡,而母鸡却能。 Jane was dressed in blue, while Mary dressed in red. 珍妮穿蓝色衣

37、服,而玛丽却穿红色衣服。 2)while还可以用作从属连词,作“在期间”,“当时候”讲,使用时应注意它与用作从属连词的when的区别: when引导的时间状语从句,即可表示“一段时间”,又可表示“一点时间”,因此从句的谓语动词既可以是延续性的,也可以是非延续性的。如: I hope to see you when(while)I stay in Beijing on business. (一段时间)当我出差北京时,希望见到你。 When the clock struck twelve, all the lights went out. (一点时间)当钟敲响十二下时,灯全部熄灭了。 while引

38、导的时间状语从句只能表示“一段时间”所以 while从句的谓语动词应是延续性动词(或状态动词)。例如: While I stayed(or was) in Shanghai, I saw her three times. 我在上海期间见到她三次。 如果从句的谓语动词是延续性的,可以用while也可以用when。例 如: While(When) we were having a meeting, a stranger came in. 我们在开会时,一个陌生人走了进来。 3still, yet和already的用法比较 1)still表示某事仍在进行中,意为“仍然”,“还”。例如: I am s

39、till busy, I have not finished my work yet. 我仍然很忙,我没有干完这个活儿。 How to take some useful things out of the waste materials and use them again is still a big problem. 怎样从废料中提取有用的东西并加以重新利用 仍然是个大问题。 2)yet作“已经”解时,通常用于疑问句或否定句;作“还,仍然”解时,与not 连用,表示还没有。 3)already的意思是“已经”,通常用于肯定句。例如: They have already made full

40、use of the waste water. 他们已经充分利用了废水。 4助动词do的用法 在肯定句中,为了避免重复出现前面已经用过的某个动词时,通常用 助动词do。例如: Its important to listen to people carefully, and I usually do. 仔细倾听别人的意见是重要的,我通常也是这样做的。 5over和across和区别 1)over和across都可用来表示“向(或在)某一长形物体如街道、马路、河流的另一边。” We walked over/across the road. 我们走过马路。 He lives just over/ac

41、ross the river? 他就住在河对面。 over可用于水面上动作,不能用于水中动作。 How long will it take to swim across the river? 游过这条河需要多久。(不能用over)。 2)over和across都可用来表示“在某一高形物体的另一边”,表示状态。 If we can be over/across the mountain before sunrise, there will be hope to win. 如果日出前我们能翻过那座山,就有希望获胜。 表示“越过”某一高形物体,用over与动词搭配,不用across。 When I

42、saw him, he was climbing over the fence. 我看到他时,他正翻过围墙。(不用across) 3)across可用来表示从某一范围的一边到另一边,如田野、沙漠、房间等。 It took him six weeks to walk across the desert. 他花了六个星期走过沙漠。(不用over) He walked across the room, smiling strangely. 他走到房间的另一边,脸上挂着令人捉摸不透的微笑。(不用over) 6however的用法 作副词时可放在句首,句中或句尾,但是要用逗号隔开。在句首时逗号与在它后面

43、,在句尾时逗号在其前面,在句中时,其前后均用逗号隔开。 与but的区别是:but语气不如however强,且不需要加逗号隔开。例如: Its raining hard. However, I think we should go to school on time. 雨下得很大,但我认为我们仍然要按时去上学。 She waited, however, for no answer. 她仍在等,尽管没有回音。 The students thought they had done everything as the teacher did. They were mistaken, however.

44、学生们认为他们已经按老师的要求做到了,然而他们错了。 重要词组短语 1in English意为“使用英语”,in表示“用某种语言”。例如: Can you speak in Japanese? 你可以用日语讲话吗? This article was written in American English. 这篇文章是用美国英语写成的。 2written English意为“书面英语”;spoken English意为“口语英语”;Englishspeaking country意为“讲英语的国家”;spelling differences意为“拼写差异”。例如: He is good at wr

45、itten English. 他的书面英语很好。 They practise speaking in English in order to improve their spoken English. 他们练习用英语讲话,以提高英语口语水平。 The USA, Canada, Australia, England and New Zealand are all English-speaking countries. 美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、英国、新西兰都是讲英语的国家。 3more or less 意为“或多或少”,“在一定程度上”,表示自己的意见不那么肯定。例如: We hope our e

46、xplanation will prove more or less helpful. 希望我们的说明多少能有些帮助。 I must have given him a hundred pounds more or less. 我给他的钱大约有一百英镑了。 His teaching method has more or less improved. 他的教学方法多少有些改进了。 The repairs to the house will cost¥5,000 more or less. 修理这座房子将花费大约5,000元。 4for example与such as的用法及区别 1)for example和such as都可当作“例如”解。但such as用来列举事物,插在被列举事物与前面的名词之间。例如: The farm grows various kinds of crops, such as wheat, corn, cotton and rice. 这个农场种植各种各样的庄稼,例如麦子,玉米,棉花和稻米。 (1)such as一般不宜与and so on连用。 (2)对前面的复数名词部分起列举作用,一般不全部列出。故不


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