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1、,新视野大学英语3(听说教程),Designed by Annybaby,Warming Up,Designed by Annybaby,5,Now you will hear an interview about preserving important life stories.Listen carefully and complete the answers to the following questions according to what you hear.,What is StoryCorps?,It is an oral-history project that _.,He

2、records people talking about _.,He likes stories that have a message of _.,What does David Isay record?,What stories does David Isay like best?,preserves stories that would be lost,the important things in their lives,love and hope,StoryCorps,W:We are going to die.This is a sad fact of life-one that

3、we all must accept.Usually,death involves losing the stories weve collected in our memories.David Isay is here to tell us how we can save all of this information.Thank you for joining us.M:Thank you for having me.Ive started an oral-history project called StoryCorps to preserve stories that would be

4、 lost.I visit homes and I record people as they talk about the important things theyve experienced in their lives.W:What are some of the best stories youve come across through this project?M:Ive heard all sorts of adventure stories,mountain climbing and this sort of thing,but what really gets me,wha

5、t really touches me,are stories with a special message of love and hope.,5,Audio Script 听力原文,StoryCorps,Listening,Short Conversations,Long Conversations,Passage,Speech,Story,Song,A.Because she had beaten herself up about it already.B.Because she had stayed with her mother so much already.C.Because h

6、er mother had forgiven her about it already.D.Because her mother had never been ashamed of her.,(),B,W:Ill never forgive myself for not being there at Moms side when she died.M:Dont beat yourself up about this.You were there with her during so much of her life,so you have nothing to be ashamed of.Q:

7、Why shouldnt the woman feel bad about not being there when her mother died?,Conversation1,5,Short Conversations:,Deaths Lessons for Life,Now you will hear ten short conversations.A question will follow each conversation.Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.,A.He

8、 was generous with others.B.He shared with everyone.C.He was not a generous person.D.He was a man of few words.,(),C,W:Before his death,Grandpa said we should always be generous(慷慨)with each other.M:Thats Grandpa,always telling others what to do.But Im not so sure he followed his own advice.I,for on

9、e,never saw him share with anyone.Q:According to the man,what kind of person was Grandpa?,Conversation2,5,Now you will hear ten short conversations.A question will follow each conversation.Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.,Short Conversations:,Deaths Lessons

10、 for Life,A.The rest of their loving family.B.Everything their father did in the world.C.When their father passed away.D.Some advice their father once gave them.,(),D,W:Now that Dad has passed away,we need to prepare some words to say about his life.M:We should tell others what he told usto make the

11、 world a better place by being loving people.Im sure the rest of the family would appreciate this.Q:What does the man think that they should talk about?,Conversation3,5,Now you will hear ten short conversations.A question will follow each conversation.Listen carefully and choose the best answer from

12、 the four possible choices.,Short Conversations:,Deaths Lessons for Life,A.He thinks the womans father has a right to die.B.He thinks the doctor wont agree with this decision.C.He thinks the woman doesnt respect her father.D.He thinks the womans father can still be cured.,(),A,W:My father keeps aski

13、ng me to take him to a suicide(自杀)doctor.He says hes ready to die.M:Since his illness is beyond cure(无法治愈),maybe you should respect his wishes.I know you dont agree,but its his life and his choice.Q:What does the man think?,Conversation4,5,Now you will hear ten short conversations.A question will fo

14、llow each conversation.Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.,Short Conversations:,Deaths Lessons for Life,A.Getting his mothers money.B.Respecting the memory of his mother.C.Doing what his mother said.D.Finding out what his mother said.,(),B,W:Though she didnt s

15、ay so,I think Mom would want me to have some of her money now that(既然)she has passed away.M:You can have all of it!I dont care about the money;I only care about honoring(尊敬)her memory.Q:What does the man care about?,Conversation5,5,Now you will hear ten short conversations.A question will follow eac

16、h conversation.Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.,Short Conversations:,Deaths Lessons for Life,A.Because she wanted to have a nurse beside her instead.B.Because she wanted to keep them from seeing something bad.C.Because she said the nurses would take care of

17、 her instead.D.Because she heard a nurse say that it was the best thing.,(),B,W:I dont know why Grandma didnt want us to be in the hospital with her when she passed away.M:Well,you know,she was a nurse.So she saw a lot of death.Its an ugly thing,and she didnt want us to see it.Q:Why did Grandma want

18、 the speakers to stay away from her when she passed away?,Conversation6,5,Now you will hear ten short conversations.A question will follow each conversation.Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.,Short Conversations:,Deaths Lessons for Life,A.The time when the wo

19、man will die.B.What happens after a person dies.C.How a person can overcome the fear of death.D.Why a person should wonder about heaven.,(),B,W:Its 10 oclock!Youre late again!I just dont know what to say anymore.M:Sweetheart,love,darling,you should know that my being late has nothing to do with my l

20、ove for you.Try to understand me.Q:What can we infer from the conversation?,Conversation7,5,Now you will hear ten short conversations.A question will follow each conversation.Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.,Short Conversations:,Deaths Lessons for Life,A.Th

21、e doctor will not help the woman die.B.The womans pain has ended.C.The woman feels very confused.D.The womans husband wont help her.,(),A,W:Sometimes Im glad our mother isnt alive.I think if she could see the person Ive become,shed really be disappointed.M:Mom had a lot of love for you.If she were h

22、ere now,she wouldnt judge you that way.She just wouldve been happy to see her kids and help them when she could.Q:According to the man,what would their mother NOT have done if she were alive?,Conversation8,5,Now you will hear ten short conversations.A question will follow each conversation.Listen ca

23、refully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.,Short Conversations:,Deaths Lessons for Life,A.Mother and son.B.Father and daughter.C.Doctor and patient.D.Brother and sister.,(),D,M:Pardon me.Um,why dont you teach us anything about love in class?W:Well,love is important,but its no

24、t a good topic for the classroom.You should learn about love from your parents or grandparents.Q:What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?,Conversation9,5,Now you will hear ten short conversations.A question will follow each conversation.Listen carefully and choose the best answer

25、from the four possible choices.,Short Conversations:,Deaths Lessons for Life,A.60.B.70.C.85.D.86.,(),B,W:Ive been thinking about how I could teach my children to be more loving.M:Sounds like a job for you and your husband.How about I give you some vacation time?You could take a family trip and talk

26、more with your kids.Q:What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?,Conversation10,5,Now you will hear ten short conversations.A question will follow each conversation.Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.,Short Conversations:,Deaths Lessons for Li

27、fe,What are the speakers talking about?_ According to the womans mother,how many things should a person do at least in order to be happy?_ What can one learn from having children?_ What can we infer from the conversation?_ Why did the daughter feel all right even though her mother failed to list all

28、 of the good things?_,Now you will hear a long conversation followed by five questions.Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.,B.A mothers final advice.,C.15.,D.To be loving and generous with others.,D.The mother would have said more if she hadnt died.,A.Because s

29、he felt she understood the essentials of what her mother meant to say.,Long Conversation:,Moms Final Advice,5,M:Hows your mother?W:She didnt pull through(恢复健康).M:What?W:Yeah,she passed away.It happened last night,at just after eleven oclock.But Id been expecting it for a long time.M:Oh,Im so sorry.W

30、:Thanks.Ill be OK.Mom left me with some wisdom(智慧)just before she passed away.M:What did she say?W:Minutes before she went,she said that there were 20 good things in life.And if a person did at least 15 of these things,that person would be happy.M:Would you mind telling me what these things are?,5,A

31、udio Script 听力原文,Long Conversation:,Moms Final Advice,W:Sure.One was that a person should have children.Having children canteach you about sharing(分享),love,and so much more.Mom said it was the best thing she had ever done.M:And the others?W:She said that a person should give money to charity(慈善机构),w

32、rite a book,travel around the world,and make peace with ones enemies.M:Thats five things altogether.What about the others?W:She closed her eyes then.And that was it.M:Thats so bad!W:Not really.I think I could guess the rest.Essentially(重要的),Mom was telling me to have an exciting and loving life,with

33、out hatred or anger.,5,Audio Script 听力原文,Long Conversation:,Moms Final Advice,What is the speaker talking about?_ What did researchers expect?_ What percentage of people fear death only a little?_ What is the biggest concern about death?_ According to the passage,which of the following statements is

34、 TRUE?_,Now you will hear a passage followed by five questions.Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.,A.A poll investigating the fear of death.,C.A large majority to fear death more than anything.,B.12%.,C.Having their children watch them die.,C.Most adults want

35、to be with their parents as they grow old.,Passage:,Are You Afraid to Die?,5,Are you afraid to die?We asked over 57,000 adults(成年人)this question and others in a poll(民意调查).Before we conducted(进行)the poll,we had an idea of what sort of answers we would receive.We expected around 90 percent of the peo

36、ple to admit a great fear of death,and most of them,up to 70 percent,to say they were afraid of what comes after death.But it wasnt the case,not at all.A surprising 80 percent of people responding to(对作出反应)the poll said they didnt fear death at all.Twelve percent said they feared death only a little

37、,and only eight percent reported great fear associated with(与有关)death.,5,Audio Script 听力原文,Passage:,Are You Afraid to Die?,However,people are not without worries.The people we polled answered the other questions,saying,though they didnt fear death,they feared the problem leading up to death.The bigg

38、est of these problems had to do with close family members.Adults with children overwhelmingly(不知所措地)said they worried about children who would have to watch them die.The process of watching someone die is incredibly difficult,and parents didnt want their children to see them go through it.Interestin

39、gly enough,however,most of the people who said this also said they wanted to care for their own parents as their parents became elderly.,5,Audio Script 听力原文,Passage:,Are You Afraid to Die?,5,Radio Program:,Words to Live By,1.You should do more than others expect you to do and _.2.A person should be

40、honest when he says _.3.People should not be judged by _.4.Why do you want to know?is a good answer to a question _.5.If you cant call your mother,you may _.,do it at pains,I love you,their appearance,you dont want to answer,think of her in your heart,Now you will hear a recording.Listen carefully a

41、nd complete the following sentences with the word groups provided.Each word group will be used no more than once.Note:There are two extra word groups.,Ill give you some advice about life.Eat more roughage.Do more than others expect you to do and do it at pains.Remember what life tells you.Dont take

42、to heart everything you hear.Dont spend all that you have.Dont sleep as long as you want.Whenever you say I love you,please say it honestly.Whenever you say Im sorry,please look into the other persons eyes.Fall in love at first sight.Love deeply and ardently,even if there is pain,but this is the way

43、 to make your life complete.Find a way to settle,not to dispute.Never judge people by their appearance.Speak slowly,but think quickly.When someone asks you a question you dont want to answer,5,Audio Script 听力原文,Radio Program:,Words to Live By,smile and say,Why do you want to know?Remember that the m

44、an who can shoulder the most risk will gain the deepest love and the supreme accomplishment.Call your mother on the phone.If you cant,you may think of her in your heart.When someone sneezes,say,God bless you.If you fail,dont forget to learn your lesson.,5,Audio Script 听力原文,Radio Program:,Words to Li

45、ve By,5,Now you will hear a passage.Take notes while listening and then use your notes to finish the tasks.,Story:,Quick Death and Slow Death,It allows one to say goodbye.,It is cheap.,It gives one time to arrange his or her financial affairs.,Death can be sudden or drawn out(持续很久).And I suppose the

46、re are advantages to each.A sudden is painless,so a person who dies quickly doesnt suffer as much.In addition,a quick death is cheap.Family members dont have to pay for large hospital bills for this kind of conclusion.These are good reasons to wish for a quick death.However,I believe there are also

47、good reasons to want a slower death.In my opinion,the benefits(好处)of a slow death are greater than the benefits of a faster one.,5,Audio Script 听力原文,Story:,Quick Death and Slow Death,Most important to me,and first among my list of reasons,is that a slow death gives a person time to think about his o

48、r her life.What is lifes meaning?What was the best part?We spend all our lives thinking about these questions.Its nice to have some time at the end to consider them and hopefully come to definitive(确定的)answers.Secondly,a slow death allows one to say goodbye to his or her family and friends.This may

49、be important to those left behind.It gives them a sense of closure(结束)and the opportunity(机会)to say things that may have been difficult at other times.And thirdly,a slow death gives one time to arrange his or her financial affairs(经济事务).A person can make out a will(遗嘱).This,of course,makes things ea

50、sier for the family.,5,Audio Script 听力原文,Story:,Quick Death and Slow Death,Now listen to the song Paint It Black,and think about the meaning of the song.,5,Song:,Fat,艾尔扬科维奇(Weird Al Yankovic)是继Allan Sherman之后美国最为著名的歌曲恶搞专家,是MTV时代的音乐幽默大师。自校园学习时候就不断的学习音乐并录制唱片,后签约公司不断的模仿恶搞他人的音乐。Weird Al作是他的绰号。,Lyrics:Fa


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