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1、第一组,1.他今天早晨早起,为了赶头班车。He got up early this morning in order to catch the first bus.2.我们正在吃晚饭,突然有人敲门。We were having supper when someone knocked at the door.3.学习英语和计算机是非常重要的。It is very important to study English and computer.4.Tom 说他将要来中国学汉语。Tom said that he would come to China to learn Chinese.5.众所周知,

2、机会总是属于那些时刻准备的人。It is well known that chances belong to those who are always ready.,6.我盼望能在北京再一次见到您。Im looking forward to seeing you again in Beijing.7.这些外国朋友已经习惯北京的生活了。These foreign friends have been used to living in Beijing.8.我花了很多钱买书 I spend a lot of money on books.9.从我家到学校要花半个小时。It takes me half

3、 an hour to get to school from home.10.这件大衣花了我20美元。The coat cost me 200 dollars.,第二组,1.我们应当充分利用早晨宝贵时间朗读英语。We should make good use of the valuable time in the morning to read English aloud.2.我对流行歌曲一点儿也不感兴趣。Im not interested in pop songs at all.3.我们正在开班会,突然他闯进来了。We were having a class meeting when he

4、broke in.4.第29届奥运会将于2008年在北京举办。The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008.,5.同学们说着笑着去了实验室。The students went to the lab,talking and laughing.6.虽然他病了,但还是到校上课。He went to school although he was ill.7.到目前为止,我们已经学习了3000个单词了。Up to now,we have learned three thousand words.8.昨天这个时候,我们正在上听力课。We we

5、re having a listening class this time yesterday.,9.他激动得话也说不出来了。(太而不能)He was too excited to speak.10.除了英语,他还学习日语和法语。He studies Japanese and French besides English.,第三组,1.我永远不会忘记上大学的那一天。I will never forget the day when I entered the college.2.小李一来我就把字典给他。I will give the dictionary to Xiao Li as soon a

6、s he comes.3.Peter一点也不喜欢做家务。Peter doesnt like doing housework at all.4.我们认为青年学生多学点历史知识是很必要的。We think it necessary that young students(should)learn more about history.5.这本书很值得一读。The book is well worth reading.,6.一个5岁的女孩迷了路。A five-year-old girl lost his way.7.由于天黑,我什么也看不见。I could see nothing because o

7、f the darkness.8.她祖父去世5年了。Her grandfather has been dead for five years.9.这些志愿者在暑假里参加了一些社会活动。The volunteers took part in some social activities in the summer vacation.10.孩子们都在盼望暑假。那时,他们便可以到海边去游泳。Children are looking forward to the summer holiday.Then they can go swimming at the seaside.,第四组,1.我们应当相信自

8、己。We should believe in ourselves.2.听了他的话,我们忍不住大笑起来。Having heard his words,we couldnt help laughing.3.我们认为学好英语是非常有必要的。We think it necessary to learn English well.4.众所周知,吸烟会引起多种疾病。It is well-known that smoking will lead to many kinds of diseases.5.多亏了医生,我母亲痊愈了。Thanks to the doctor,my mother has got we

9、ll.,6.他过去经常晚饭后去散步。He used to have a walk after supper.7.据说小王已经出国了。It is said that Xiao Wang has gone abroad.8.我的自行车坏了。There is something wrong with my bike.9.这就是我要告诉你的。This is what I want to tell you.10.在同学的帮助下,我及时完成了任务。With the help of my classmates,I finished the task in time.,第五组,会议明天下午3:00举行。The

10、 meeting will be held at three tomorrow afternoon.她不但歌唱得好,舞也跳得好。She not only sings well but also dances beautifully.我经常看见他们在操场上踢足球。I often see them play football on the playground.这所房子花了一大笔钱。The house cost me a great deal of money.我决定从现在开始努力学习。I made up my mind to study hard from now on.,6.这个消息令人激动。

11、The news made us excited./The news is exciting.7.跑步有助于健康。Running is good for our health.8.有些年轻人每天花费大量的时间在网上聊天。Some young people spend much time chatting on net every day.9.我们付了5万美金买房。We paid 50,000 dollars for our house.与汽车相比,自行车有许多优点。Compared with cars,bicycles have many advantages.,第六组,我们不能去,天太冷;此

12、外,我们没有钱。We cant go because its cold.Besides,we have no money.你还记得你入团的日子吗?Do you still remember the day/date when/on which you joined the League?天气如此寒冷,以至于街上没有任何人。It was such a cold day that there was nobody on the street.4.我想成为一名教师。I want to become a teacher.,5.老师告诉学生不要墙上乱画。The teacher told the stud

13、ents not to draw on the wall.6.她遇到的那个人是医生。The man who she met is a doctor.在老师和同学们的帮助下,我在英语方面已经取得了很大的进步。With the help of my teacher and my classmates,I have made great progress in my English.,8.近几年来,北京发生了巨大的变化。Great changes have taken place in the past few years in Beijing.9.你每天花多少时间上网?How much time

14、do you spend on line every week?市政府正在采取措施来解决水的污染问题。The city government is taking measures to solve the problem of water pollution.,第七组,医生让Jim戒烟。The doctor told Jim to give up smoking.2.他们把全部的时间和知识都贡献给了教育事业。They devoted all their time and knowledge to(the cause of)education.3.尽管他多次失败,但最终他的发明成功了。Thoug

15、h he failed again and again,he finally succeeded in his invention.4.上星期当他来看我时,我碰巧出去了。I happened to be out when he came to see me last week.我发现和他一起工作很困难。I find it difficult to work with him.,6、据说他在学校表现很好。Its said that hes doing well at school.7、他到办公室才发现钥匙落在家里了。Only when he got to the office did he fi

16、nd that he had left his key at home.8、他气得说不出话来。He was too angry to speak.9、他坚决要求留在伦敦 He insisted on(his)staying in London.10、他是如此小的一个孩子,以至于不能上学。He is such a young boy that he cant go to school.,第八组,1、你跟同学们合得来吗?Do you get on well with your students?2、讲师提议学生在他讲课时记笔记。The lecturer advised the students t

17、o take notes while he was teaching.3、我想申请这项工作。I want to apply for the job.4、我感到很累,但是很高兴,因为我帮助了别人。I felt tired but happy,for I have helped others.5、我们决定在我们学校举办一场英语写作比赛。It has been decided that an English writing competition will be held in our school.,6、这是令人如此兴奋的一天,我永远也不会忘记它。It was such an exciting d

18、ay that I will never forget it.7、今天,污染已成为地球面临的一个很严重的问题。Today,pollution has become a serious problem to our earth.8、污染不仅对人类有害,对动物也有害。Pollution does harm not only to human beings but also to animals.9、他们给我留下了深刻的印象。They have left a deep impression on me.10、一大清早,我们骑自行车出发。Early in the morning,we started

19、out by bike.,第九组,1.有许多学生正在操场上锻炼。There are many students doing sports/taking exercise on the playground.2.课后,学生们积极地参加课外活动。After class/school,students take an active part in out-of class activities.3.课上,所有的学生都认真听讲并且做笔记。All of the students listen to the teacher carefully and take notes in class.All of

20、the students were absorbed in what the teacher said and took notes carefully during the class.4.我认为学习一门外语很重要。I think it is important for us to learn a foreign language.,5.在老师的帮助下,我英语成绩提高很快。With our teachers help,my English has been improved quickly.With the help of our teacher,Ive made rapid progres

21、s in my English learning.6.李东努力的学习,为了赶上别的同学。Li Dong studies hard in order to catch up with the other students.Li Dong spares no effort to study so that he can catch up with his classmates.,7.被老师的话所感动,我们决定努力学习。Touched by the teachers words,we decided to work hard.8.在我们学校,有一个大图书馆,在那儿我们能够读到我们感兴趣的东西。In

22、our school,there is a big library,where we can read what we are interested in.9.图书馆的寂静有时被翻书的声音打破了。The silence of the library is sometimes broken by the sound of pages being turned.10.据我们所知,我们班长是一个对工作负责并且关心同学的女孩。As we know,our monitor is a girl,who is responsible for her work and takes good care of h

23、er classmates.,第十组,1.他一直努力学习各个科目,为我们树立了榜样。He has been working hard at every subject,which sets a good example to us.2.他参加了我们学校举办的英语演讲比赛并且获得了第一名。He took part in the English Speech Contest held in our school and won the first prize/place.3.上周二,我们做了大扫除。有的学生扫地,有的学生擦玻璃,还有一些人在擦墙。Last Tuesday,we did a gene

24、ral/thorough cleaning.Some were sweeping the floor,some were cleaning the windows while others were cleaning the wall.4.老师对我们所做的很满意。The teacher was satisfied with what we had done.,5.上周三,我们班进行了如何保护环境的讨论。Last Wednesday,our class held a discussion on how to protect our environment.6.就我而言,只有通过努力工作才能实现我

25、们的愿望。As far as Im concerned,only by working hard will our dream come true.7.作为一名高三学生,我一直在努力学习并且得到一个好成绩。As a Senior 3 student,I have been working hard at my lessons and have managed to get fairly high grades.,8.这个演讲将会非常有趣并且很有帮助,通过它我们能够学到很多。The lecture/speech will be very interesting and helpful,from

26、which we can learn a lot.9.作为一名高三学生,我们需要锻炼为了保持健康。As a Senior 3 student,we need to do sports so that we can keep fit.10.这个校园非常漂亮,是一个学习的好地方。The campus is beautiful,which is a good place to study.,第十一组,1.我很开朗,善于与人交流。Im sociable,easygoing and good at communicating with others.2.考试中作弊是错误的。It is wrong to

27、cheat in the exam.3.你要半年以后才能从这所学校毕业。It will be half a year before you graduate from this school.4.即使面对困难,你也不应该灰心。You shouldnt lose heart even if you are in the face of difficulty.5.无论发生什么,我们也不能失去希望。Whatever may happen,we shall not lose hope.,6.只要你坚持你的学习计划,你肯定能取得进步。As long as you stick to your plans

28、for your study,you are sure to make great progress.7.活到老,学到老。Its never too old to learn.8.对于我们来说学好英语是很重要的。Its important for us to have a good knowledge of English.9.好的学习氛围使得我们学习好成为可能。The good atmosphere of study has made it possible for us to study well.10.他已经被北京大学录取了。He has been admitted to Beijing

29、 University.,1.我很开朗,善于与人交流。2.考试中作弊是错误的。3.你要半年以后才能从这所学校毕业。4.即使面对困难,你也不应该灰心。5.无论发生什么,我们也不能失去希望。6.只要你坚持你的学习计划,你肯定能取得进步。7.活到老,学到老。8.对于我们来说学好英语是很重要的。9.好的学习氛围使得我们学习好成为可能。10.他已经被北京大学录取了。,第十二组,我们早上八点在校门口集合.we met at the schol gate at 8:00 in the morning.随着时间的发展,越来越多的人开始意识到植树的重要性 With time going by/As time g

30、oes by,more and more people begin to realize the importance of planting trees我们都认为多植树很有意义.We all think it meaningful to plant more trees.尽管很累,但我们很高兴的一起回家了.Tired but happy,we went home together.唱着笑着我们爬到了山顶。Laughing and singing,we climbed to the top of the mountain happily.,说实话,我从没见过这么好的地方To tell the

31、truth,never have I seen such a nice place.我们渡过了多么快乐而有意义的一天啊!What a happy and meaningful day we had!8.我们骑车去的那 We rode there./We went there by bike.我们一到那就开始植树.As soon as we got to the place,we began to plant trees大约半个小时后,我们到达了目的地.About half an hour later,we arrived at/got to/reached our destination.,第

32、十三组,1.下周我们计划去看望海淀敬老院的老年人。Next week,we are planning to visit the elderly in HaiDian nursery home.2.我们会为他们打扫,洗衣服。We will do some cleaning and washing for them.3.我们将送给他们花和自制卡片以表达我们的尊重。We will present them with flowers and selfmade cards to show our respect.4.我们唱歌跳舞给他们看。We will give them some performanc

33、es,including singing and dancing.,5.我们可以和老人们聊聊他们的过去,城市的变化和他们感兴趣的事。We may chat with them about their old days,changes of our city,or anything(that)they are interested in.6.上周末我陪我校的外籍教师Mr.Brown游览了长城。(1).Last weekend,I paid a visit to the Great Wall with my foreign teacher Mr.Brown.(2).Last weekend,I t

34、ook/companied my foreign teacher Mr.Brown to visit the Great Wall.7.上周我们班参观了首都博物馆 Last week,our class paid a visit to the Capital Museum.8.我们认为保护环境是我们的责任。We think it is our duty/responsibility to protect the environment.,9.上周我们学校举行了运动会。我们班两位同学参加了比赛。Last week,a sports meeting was held in our school.T

35、wo of my classmates took part in the race.10.结果是28比15王红获胜。我们全班为她欢呼喝彩。The result was 28 to 15 in Wang Hongs favor.The whole class cheered for her.,第十四组,1.上周我们班举行了一次才艺展示。我们班同学在各种不同的活动中展示了自己的才艺。Last week,we had a talent show in our class.My classmates presented their talents in various activities.2.展示活

36、动结束的时候,在我们热烈的掌声中,老师给参加才艺展示的同学颁了奖。At the end of the show,the teacher awarded the talent showers in our warm applause.3.这次竞赛的目的是为了提高我们英语学习的能力,其中包括听和说的能力。The purpose of the competition was to improve the ability of learning English,including listening and speaking.4.令我高兴的是我在英语演讲比赛中获得了一等奖。To my great jo

37、y,I won the first prize in the English speech competition.,5 四月十二日是值得纪念的因为我们班在那一天有一次有意义的经历。April 12 is memorable because our class had a meaningful experience on that day.6 使我们高兴的是,老师宣布我们下周五将春游。To our delight,our teacher announced that we would have a spring outing the next Friday.7 看到我们所做的,我们有种成就感和

38、自豪感。Seeing what we had done,we all had a sense of achievement and pride.,8.我们堵车了。We were caught in a traffic jam.There was a busy/heavy traffic.9.我们希望我们所做的能对环境有好处。We hope what we did will be of some help to the environment.10.我们所有的人都参加了捐赠活动。All of us took part in the donation.,第十五组,1.开学的第一天,我们讨论如何帮助

39、灾区的人们。On the first school day we had a discussion about how to help the people in the disaster-stricken areas.2.我给我的父母买了些礼物,对他们的支持表示感谢。I bought some presents for my parents,expressing thanks for their support.3.我认为做兼职对中学生很有好处,因为我们能获得一些社会经验。I think taking a part-time job is good for us middle school

40、students because we can get some social experience.4 周一早晨下着大雨。It was raining heavily on Monday morning.,5.我们在车站等1路汽车。We were at the bus stop,waiting for Bus No.1 to go to our destination(school).6.我们照了很多照片来纪念这次活动。We took a lot of photos to record this activity.7.春游不仅能使我们放松,还能扩大视野,增进友谊。Spring outing not only helps us get relaxed,but also broadens our horizons.Besides,we can also bulid up stronger friendship.,


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